Some native plant species are favorite food sources for white tailed deer. Deer-Resistant Native Plant Species Whether you love deer or not, no one wants them to damage their gardens or landscaping. When food and water are scarce, however, desperate deer may eat anything they can find, even if they don’t particularly like it. 20 of the best deer-resistant plants, flowers, shrubs and groundcovers to keep deer from eating your garden; along with deer favorites to avoid and other deer-proofing tips and design ideas. Deer Proof Resistant Plants Deer are browsers – they eat most shrubs and any tree branch they can reach. This dwarf olive tree is actually a shrub that bears little if any fruit and is valued for its low water needs, tolerance of pruning, and attractive dark green foliage. Newly planted trees and shrubs may be protected by cages made out of wire fence cloth. by Forrest W. Appleton PLANTanswers Assistant Answer Man Retired certifed nursery professional, Bexar County Master Gardener. Pearl Glam callicarpa's dark violet foliage appearing in spring is stunning alone, but when white flowers and bountiful violet-purple berries appear in late summer, it's truly breathtaking. REC, Lower Eastern Shore
4) plant the most deer-resistant species you can. When food and water are scarce, however, desperate deer may eat anything they can find, even if they don’t particularly like it. No plant is ever 100% deer proof, but here's flowering shrubs that will give you a better fighting chance. Care: Full sun in well-drained to moist well-drained soil, drought tolerant & deer resistant. But, if you want to benefit and hold deer on your property all year, native shrubs are perhaps the most important food group on your farm. REC, Western Maryland
There are several species native to the eastern U.S., including American holly (I. opaca) and yaupon holly (I. vomitoria). The flowers bloom repeatedly throughout the summer. Ageratum : Ageratum houstonianum. Overall, deer tend to avoid plants that have hairy leaves, thorns, or strong smells. Unfortunately, deer also have a taste for it, therefore it is useless to plant it where deer populations have fallen out of balance and turned into pests. Overall, deer tend to avoid plants that have hairy leaves, thorns, or strong smells. And don’t forget that deer get hungry and thirsty in the late summer and will eat almost anything with any moisture in the leaves making your beautifully irrigated and fertilized plants absolutely irresistible! Conflicts between deer and landscaped spaces are due to the urbanization of rural areas and increase when deer are under stress. ... Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia) is one of the few native evergreen shrubs that deer largely ignore. Generally California native plants tolerant California deer and fire much better than plants from anywhere else. Deer Resistant Native Plants*** ***It is important to note that the species listed are deer resistant not deer-proof. An 8 to 10 foot barrier may be needed to keep the high-jumping deer out, but this is something of a last resort. Native Deer “Resistant” Plants Herbaceous Plants Achilliea spp.Yarrow Aconitum uncinatum Monkshood Actaea pachypoda White Baneberry Agastache scrophulariifolia Purple Giant Hyssop Ageratina altissima White Snakeroot Allium cernuum Nodding Onion Amsonia spp. But if deer are a problem in your garden, you may be able to discourage them–most of the time–with your plant choices. #shrubs #deer #resistant #deerproof biflorum 7. pinxter azalea, Rhododendron periclymenoides … Central Maryland
Don’t feed the deer! The list was compiled with input from nursery and landscape professionals, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension personnel, and Rutgers Master Gardeners in northern New Jersey. Normally deer-resistant plants. Deer-Resistant Plants. If you have a passion for gardening and you live in Zone 6, you know the These trees, shrubs, herbs, and bulbs will actively keep various Cervidae out of your space. Jun 8, 2018 - Stop pulling your hair out, there are tons of choices of what you can grow without the deer nibbling on it. About Zone 8 Deer Resistant Plants. There are no deer "Proof" plants, but there are ones that they are much less likely to eat. Arkansas gardeners love to plant a variety of flowers and trees but often deer love these plants just as much as we do. I've put together a list of what I think are the best deer resistant plants for our area of South Carolina. At BNP we use fencing in areas where we want to keep deer out AND we plant deer-resistant plants. I’m focusing on three factors: deer-resistant, drought tolerance and low-maintenance. How to Conceal an AC Unit, Road or Fence with Native Evergreens, Save Home Energy Costs Using Native Plant Landscaping. There are plants that are much less palatable to deer, though even these "resistant" varieties are vulnerable in the first few weeks after planting when their leaf tissue is especially nitrogen-rich. Deer-Resistant Trees and Shrubs for Iowa. That being said, there are plants that deer prefer to eat, and there are plants that deer rarely eat. As we lose these plant species, we also lose the pollinators, insects, and songbirds that depend upon them. The only true solution to deer resistant gardening, or to the conservation of native vegetation in natural areas, is to bring the deer population back down to sustainable levels. By Dr. Sara Tangren, Sr. $0.00. My words of advice have always been to use all plants that are the “stinky, sticky, fuzzy or thorny.” Here is my list, which is based on numerous articles, research, observation and experience. Look for this Plant at Your Local Garden Center. Arkansas Deer Resistant Plants . Many common shrubs are both deer-resistant … And, because deer are overpopulated almost everywhere, they have contributed to the disappearance for a considerable number of native plants! Annuals I've put together a list of what I think are the best deer resistant plants for our area of South Carolina. I’m focusing on three factors: deer-resistant, drought tolerance and low-maintenance. There are lots of good options for fencing materials that are unobtrusive and do the job. See also leaf burn times. Deer are maddening, complicated critters: The deer in your yard may avoid a specific plant, but the deer down the street may find that a favorite. Our fencing includes netting, electric fence around the vegetable gardens, and game fence. Threadleaf Bluestar Antennaria plantaginifolia Pussy Toes Apocynum cannabinum Indian Hemp, Dogbane 1. Deer Resistant, Deer tolerant, Native Plants Deer resistant, Deer tolerant, Deer tolerance Note: Woody plants that are not browsed can still be killed by buck rubs. Common boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) has long been a favorite shrub for hedges, and it is one of the most deer-tolerant plants for gardens. Deer in the Urban Landscape Coping with the deer by the use of deer-resistant plants. ‘American’ Hydrangea Dramatic improvements Native: Caucasus Introduced to gardens in 1804 when it was sent from the Caucasus Mountains to Europe. While they may be cute and fun to watch, they can wreak havoc on a landscape. During the … Native has orange flowers. 2= Somewhat resistant to deer browse . Deer-resistant Plants. This is because deer food preferences vary depending on what else is available to eat at any particular time and location. Many people have had unfortunate experiences as a result of white-tailed deer overpopulation. Olea spp. Virescens Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata ‘Virescens’) is native to the western coast & widely used deer resistant shrubs in the United States. By Melanie Hopper. The list was compiled with input from nursery and landscape professionals, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension personnel, and Rutgers Master Gardeners in northern New Jersey. Deer can also cause significant landscape damage. Threadleaf Bluestar Antennaria plantaginifolia Pussy Toes Apocynum cannabinum Indian Hemp, Dogbane As humans move into wilderness areas, displaced wild deer scavenge wherever they can find food, often in vegetable gardens and landscaping. If you can't tolerate indiscriminate munching of your foliage, fencing around the prized plant is the most effective method to eliminate damage. If you have a deer problem in your neighborhood, it's a good idea to draw heavily from the group of plants you see below, all of which are rarely browsed. However, careful plant selection, along with repellents and fencing, can reduce deer damage. Lisa's Landscape & Design ♦ 02/16/2016 ♦ 18 Comments. Home / Deer Resistant Native Plants. Deer resistant trees, shrubs, and groundcovers are plants deer have shunned in many gardens. Deer Resistant Plants This list provides a guide and was developed from a variety of sources which may not all be equally reliable. Ferns, Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes: Adiantum pedatum (maidenhair fern) Virtually all salvias (sages) are deer-resistant, but this is one of the standout native representatives. Some tree and shrub species may not be harmed, in fact may benefit from periodic trimming done by deer. Plants That Repel Deer. See also leaf burn times. See more ideas about shrubs, plants, deer resistant shrubs. A tough perennial native to areas of North America, it bursts forth with clusters of orange flowers in summer. Deer are primarily browsers; this means they prefer to munch on the new, growing tips of your plants. Deer resistant vegetation is a key to successful gardening in modern Maryland, but lists of what plants are deer resistant vary so much they are sometimes in direct contradiction with one another. Not everyone lives in a spot where deer are an issue, but if you do, you definitely want to keep reading this Deer Resistant Plant List. Make your front yards pest free! Cultivars available with pink, white, cream, salmon flowers. Shrubs That Are Deer-Resistant. Many humans feel that they are being nice by feeding deer, but that motivates the deer to wander into suburban areas and yards, and they are inclined to keep coming back. It An explanation of these numbers is given at the bottom of this table. My words of advice have always been to use all plants that are the “stinky, sticky, fuzzy or thorny.” Here is my list, which is based on numerous articles, research, observation and experience. Consider a fence. 1800’s in America. Deer and Fire List. You need to know what plants to use to prevent them from turning your yard into a salad bar. . But, if you want to benefit and hold deer on your property all year, native shrubs are perhaps the most important food group on your farm. Please use the comments box below. Adiantum aleuticum. Solomon's plume, Maianthemum racemosum 4. all orchids, for example the lady slippers, as shown at left 5. ninebark, Physocarpus opulifolius 6. smooth Solomon's seal, Polygonatum biflorum var. Bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica) is native to eastern North America, and it's a deer-resistant shrub you are more likely to see in the wild there than in people's yards. Many of us who live in the suburbs must share our environment with the native wildlife. Deer “Resistant” Shrubs and Trees (both native and non native species to Virginia) Compiled by Carrie Whitacre for The State Arboretum of Virginia White-tailed deer are responsible for a great deal of landscape destruction. Fortunately, you can plant certain trees, shrubs and grasses that are less likely to be eaten. Using landscape plants NOT preferred by deer … The plants you'll find in this slide show have proven deer resistant for many gardeners -- we hope they'll do the same for you. These aren’t just deer-resistant plants: they won’t merely survive a nibble or two. Hungry deer will eat any plant they can reach, and they especially like fir … The following plants are all hardy to our area. It is … It’s a large group of shrubby plants with sizes to fit any garden. For many, that means deer. Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance The following is a list of landscape plants rated according to their resistance to deer damage. Western Maidenhair Fern. Vinca : Catharanthus rosea. Arkansas Deer Resistant Plants Arkansas gardeners love to plant a variety of flowers and trees but often deer love these plants just as much as we do. Conflicts between deer and landscaped spaces are due to the urbanization of rural areas and increase when deer are under stress. Here we feature shrub varieties that we've found to be resistant to deer and other pests. Find deer-resistant shrubs and much more at White Flower Farm. If you are looking for annuals to put into your landscape or containers that are deer resistant, you can keep reading our Deer Resistant Plant List below or check out our blog “20 of the Best Deer Resistant Annuals for Chester County Gardens”. Plant NoVA Natives makes using native plants in the Northern Virginia landscape easy and fun, ... 1= Resistant to deer browse . WOODY Ornamental Plants RARELY Damaged by Deer. Mention food and bedding sources to most deer hunters and they automatically think of ag crops, food plots, or mast trees. We are always interested to know which plants are resistant in gardens visited by deer. REC, Native Plants for Meadows in MD's Coastal Plain,,, all orchids, for example the lady slippers, as shown at left. Deer-Resistant Evergreen Shrubs. It should always be noted that especially in winter, when pickings are scarce, a hungry deer will eat even the most unlikely plants. They love plants with big, green, moist leaves. Deer Resistant Native Plants These plants were found to resist deer brows during a three year study in Wildwood Missouri. Acanthus mollis. Deer can be a joy in the landscape, but a pest in the garden. Shrubs and Trees Deer Won’t Eat Highbush Cranberry. Some plants, both native and ornamental, used for landscaping are preferred as forage by deer. If deer are hungry enough, they will eat practically any kind of plant. There are no plants that are completely deer proof. Ferns, Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes: Adiantum pedatum (maidenhair fern) Euphorbia spp. Deer are likely to sample anything as they move through your yard. As humans move into wilderness areas, displaced wild deer scavenge wherever they can find food, often in vegetable … Although red cedar (above) is deer resistant, when deer are overpopulated they will eat the lower twigs, leaving this rather characteristic tree silhouette. If there is one thing gardeners have in common, it is the need to ward off unwelcome wildlife. This deer resistant shrub is a real beauty, glamming up your garden from spring through fall. What kind of emotions do you feel when sighting a deer? They will also graze on perennials, clover and other plants. In general, watering makes the plant more fire resistant and less deer resistant. Note that no plant is completely "deer-proof" , particularly when deer densities are high. Nov 19, 2020 - Are the shrubs you have chosen turning into a dinner buffet for the majestic creatures who roam your yard? Red Baneberry. Native Deer “Resistant” Plants Herbaceous Plants Achilliea spp.Yarrow Aconitum uncinatum Monkshood Actaea pachypoda White Baneberry Agastache scrophulariifolia Purple Giant Hyssop Ageratina altissima White Snakeroot Allium cernuum Nodding Onion Amsonia spp. Deer Resistant Plants for Austin and Central Texas! Generally California native plants tolerant California deer and fire much better than plants from anywhere else. Deer are maddening, complicated critters: The deer in your yard may avoid a specific plant, but the deer down the street may find that a favorite. Common Name ... Unsheared shrubs reach 12 feet high and wide. Although in some plant catalogs these shrubs are promoted as deer-resistant, they are in fact readily consumed by various mammals and not recommended for locations frequented by white-tailed deer, cattle, or sheep. 5 Purple-Leaf Majesties of Shrubs Top Cold-Hardy Evergreens for Container Gardens Key Pruning Terms to Help You Shape Up Your Garden 8 Deer-Resistant Elegant Evergreen Shrubs to … Deer Resistant Shade Plants (15 Beautiful Perennials and Shrubs That Deer Hate) Updated: August 15, 2020 by Wanda Simone As many of you know, both my mother and I … This list provides a guide and was developed from a variety of sources which may not all be equally reliable. Agent Associate, University of Maryland Extension, Home & Garden Information Center,  May 2019. The plants you'll find in this slide show have proven deer resistant for many gardeners -- we hope they'll do the same for you. I have spent two decades sorting it out. Many thanks to Will Parson of the Chesapeake Bay Program for our lead photo of deer grazing in Colmar Manor Park, Prince George's County Maryland. Deer-Resistant Evergreen Shrubs. Look for this Plant at Your Local Garden Center. Here are 18 totally beautiful shrubs on which deer are more unlikely to dine; your experience, of course, may differ. And there are some shrubs that deer find distasteful. Actaea rubra. As a result,they are disappearing from natural areas. Annuals. Home gardeners should realize that no plant species is completely deer-resistant. That being said, there are plants that deer prefer to eat, and there are plants that deer rarely eat. Here are some good deer resistant, native plants you can use: Trees: Redbud , River Birch and Sweetbay Magnolia Shrubs: Red Twig Dogwood , Serviceberry , Spicebush , Winterberry (both male and female ) and Witchhazel Deer have preferences for feeding on certain plant species. There is no such thing as a 100% deer-resistant plant, since their dietary habits change frequently mostly impacted by the change in weather. Here are some good deer resistant, native plants you can use: Trees: Redbud, River Birch and Sweetbay Magnolia; Shrubs: Red Twig Dogwood, Serviceberry, Spicebush, Winterberry (both male and female) and Witchhazel Angel Trumpet : Datura quercifolia. Using landscape plants NOT preferred by deer … In general, watering makes the plant more fire resistant and less deer resistant. Deer may munch on the fruits of this native Wisconsin plant. There are no plants that are completely deer proof. Mention food and bedding sources to most deer hunters and they automatically think of ag crops, food plots, or mast trees. If the best defense is a good offense, then it makes sense to start by choosing deer-resistant plants. Check out some of the best deer resistant plants prone to thriving in Wisconsin. Deer are a big problem for those who live among them. If you have ever had your garden ravaged and chewed to a stub, you may know what true frustration is, and you will also understand where our much used phrase “oh dear” comes from! They are known for their prickly leaves and red berries, which persist well into winter. Additionally, landscaped plants are often more attractive to deer because they are fertilized and irrigated. Deer avoid plants with fuzzy leaves and those that are strongly aromatic. Our guide to deer resistant shrubs will show you how to fill your landscapes with privacy screens, purple flowers, trees in the shade and sun, and drought tolerant, evergreen hedges that act as a fence and keep deer away! Here are 18 totally beautiful shrubs on which deer are more unlikely to dine; your experience, of course, may differ. Unlike trees, shrubs are versatile, come in many varieties, and can be planted in many different areas. Summersweet (Clethra alnifolia, Zones 3-9, shrub, full sun to partial shade) Sweetfern (Comptonia peregrina, Zones 2-6, shrub, full sun to partial shade) Red Twig Dogwood (Cornus sericea, Zones 2-8, shrub, full sun to partial shade) Hay-scented Fern (Dennstaedtia … Both comments and pings are currently closed. When their favorite foods are gone, they will eat whatever remains, even toxic plants such as milkweed. Whether these shrubs taste acidic or have an off-putting odor, deer tend to avoid them. There are other things you can do to keep deer out of your garden, as well: Here are some good deer resistant, native plants you can use: Categories: Native Plants This entry was posted on Monday, January 21st, 2019 at 12:44 pm. If a native plant is too vulnerable to survive deer in your garden, it's also too vulnerable to survive deer in your local parks. Some native plant species are favorite food sources for white tailed deer. Common Name PREFERRED PLANT HABITAT TYPES: W = Wetland S = Full Sun The vast majority of holly species are evergreen and deer-resistant. Although Maryland has hundreds of thousands of acres of natural areas in which native plants could thrive, species susceptible to deer are literally being eaten into oblivion. February 14, 2016 April 4, 2018. Keeping in mind that under current population pressure no plant species is truly deer proof, these are our recommendations for deer resistant native plants: blue sedge, Carex glaucodeaPennsylvania sedge, Carex pensylvanicatussock sedge, Carex strictaIndian woodoats, Chasmanthium latifoliumslender woodoats, Chasmanthium laxumwavy hairgrass, Deschampsia flexuosa bottlebrush, Elymus hystrixVirginia wildrye, Elymus virginicussoft rush, Juncus effususcoastal panicgrass, Panicum amarum (Coastal Plain ecoregions only)switchgrass, Panicum virgatumlittle bluestem, Schizachyrium scopariumIndiangrass, Sorghastrum nutans, yarrow, Achillea millefoliummaindenhair fern, Adiantum pedatumwhite snakeroot, Ageratina altissimanodding onion, Allium cernuum (Piedmont and Mountain ecoregions only)bushy beardgrass, Andropogon glomeratussplitbeard bluestem, Andropogon ternariusbroomsedge, Andropogon virginicusplantain-leaved, pussytoes, Antennaria plantaginifoliawild columbine, Aquilegia canadensisJack-in-the-pulpit, Arisaema triphyllumwild ginger, Asarum canadensemilkweeds (common, butterfly, swamp), Asclepias specieslady fern, Athyrium felix-feminagreen and gold, Chrysogonum virginianumwhorled coreopsis, Coreopsis verticillataeastern hayscented fern, Dennstaedtia punctilobulawood fern, Dryopteris marginalissquirrel corn, Dicentra canadensispurple lovegrass, Eragrostis spectabilisflowering spurge, Euphorbia corollatewhite wood aster, Eurybia divaricataAmerican alumroot, Heuchera americanaharlequin blueflag, Iris versicolorgreat blue lobelia, Lobelia siphiliticaostrich fern, Matteuccia struthiopteris (Western Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and Mountain ecoregions only)Virginia bluebells, Mertensia virginicascarlet bergamot, Monarda didyma (Mountain ecoregions only)wild bergamot, Monarda fistulosaspotted mint, Monarda punctatasensitive fern, Onoclea sensibilisprickly pear, Opuntia humifusacinnamon fern, Osmundastrum cinnamomeumgolden groundsel, Packera aureaMay apple, Podophyllum peltatumGreek valerian, Polemonium reptansChristmas fern, Polystichum acrostichoidescommon cinquefoil, Potentilla simplexwestern brackenfern, Pteridium aquilinumclustered mountainmint, Pycnanthemum muticumnarrow-leaf mountainmint, Pycnanthemum tenuifoliumeastern coneflower, Rudbeckia fulgidablack-eyed susan, Rudbeckia hirtacut-leaved conefolower, Rudbeckia laciniatabrown-eyed susan, Rudbeckia trilobalyre-leaved sage, Salvia lyratabloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensisnarrowleaf blue-eyed grass, Sisyrhinchium angustifoliumearly goldenrod, Solidago junceagray goldenrod, Solidago nemoraliswrinkleleaf goldenrod, Solidago rugosawhite panicle aster, Symphyotrichum lanceolatum (does well despite grazing)American germander, Teucrium canadenserue anemone, Thalictrum thalictroidesNew York fern, Thelypteris noveboracensisheart-leaved foamflower, Tiarella cordifoliared trillium, Trillium erectum (Piedmont and Mountain ecoregions only)sessile trillium, Trillium sessile (Western Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and Mountain ecoregions only)New York ironweed, Vernonia noveboracensisyucca, Yucca filamentosa, devil's walkingstick, Aralia spinosapaw paw, Asimina trilobasweet pepperbush, Clethra alnifolia (Coastal Plain ecoregions only)sweet fern, Comptonia peregrinared cedar, Juniperus virginianaAmerican holly, Ilex opacaspicebush, Lindera benzoinsweet gum, Liquidambar styraciflua (Coastal Plain ecoregions only)sweet bay magnolia, Magnolia virginianawax myrtle, Morella ceriferared chokeberry, Photinia arbutifoliapitch pine, Pinus rigidawinged sumac, Rhus copalinumblack elderberry, Sambucus canadensisblack haw, Viburnum prunifolium. Deer Resistant Plants. You can use them to create a natural barrier to protect your more vulnerable plants. Native to Southern California and northern Baja California, Mexico Virtually all salvias (sages) are deer-resistant, but this is one of the standout native representatives. $0.00. Most people love the sight of a deer at the side of the road, docilely chewing on some grass, but if you’ve ever had your garden eaten down to the roots, you might be more frustrated with our ruminant friends. The following is a list of landscape plants rated according to their resistance to deer damage. Lyme disease, vehicle collision, and crop loss are examples. Deer Resistant Plant List. Plants to try where deer are problematic include: Shrubs, climbers and trees. 1 | Native Shrubs for Wildlife. No one really knows why, but deer completely leave it alone. What we are left with are native and adapted non-native species. It also depends on time of year, what else is available for the deer to eat and more. Keep nature in nature! Note that no plant is completely "deer-proof", particularly when deer densities are high. This fact sheet describes ways to protect your plants from deer and lists native plants that do not attract deer. Examples include: Buying Native Plants, Deterring Deer and Other Critters, Recommended Native Plants So, even after investing in some deer proof plants, consider protecting any saplings. About Zone 8 Deer Resistant Plants. As a result, they are disappearing from natural areas. Deer “Resistant” Shrubs and Trees (both native and non native species to Virginia) Compiled by Carrie Whitacre for The State Arboretum of Virginia White-tailed deer are responsible for a great deal of landscape destruction. Deer will browse even on the most resistant plants when faced with starvation. Unsheared shrubs reach 12 feet high and wide. Whorls of purple-blue flowers wave on wiry stalks above a mound of gray-green foliage. Deer Resistant Native Plants. There are no deer "Proof" plants, but there are ones that they are much less likely to eat. Deer Resistant Native Plants These plants were found to resist deer brows during a three year study in Wildwood Missouri. Plant selection, along with repellents and fencing, can reduce deer damage '' plants but! Landscaped plants are all hardy to our area foods are gone, they will whatever. From natural areas plant species is completely deer-resistant white, cream, salmon flowers lots of options! An AC Unit, Road or fence with native Evergreens, Save Home Costs... Species are deer resistant native shrubs food sources for white tailed deer are deer resistant, shrubs, plants, there! Out of your space fun to watch, they will eat anything when they get hungry enough is one gardeners. 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