Provided that your vehicle was parked legally, the third party may be at fault. There are a number of things you should do after you hit a parked car but the most important one is to not flee the scene. If someone hits your parked car and you didn’t see the accident, the steps you should take vary somewhat. In fact, these type of car crashes are more common than you think. Odds are good that someone saw the driver that hit your car. References to average or typical premiums, amounts of losses, deductibles, costs of coverages/repair, etc., are illustrative and may not apply to your situation. They also may know of security cameras near the scene that you could then use to make your case against the person who hit your car. What do you do now? Remember not to stress out through the process, instead take things positively. You return to your car after it’s been parked for a while and find a scrape down the side — or a dent in the door that wasn’t there before. If they don't have insurance, and you can't get them to pay out of pocket, you can instead file a claim with your insurance company. This report is very … Ask them if they know anything about it. If you are reversing out and someone hits you, who has the right … Shopping centres and supermarket car parks are the most likely places where your car can pick up scratches or damage. On the other hand, if you are struggling with “someone hit my parked car and left,” there are different ways to collect information. If someone hit your parked car, you might have varying damages to your vehicle. If someone hit your parked car, take a deep breath, stay calm and follow these steps to handle the situation. It's a crime to leave and you could be charged with a hit-and-run. He presents driving tips and tricks for everyone through easy-following steps and mechanically but friendly writing. Someone Hits Your Parked Car and Leaves a Note. How does it feel? If that is not the case, you need to file under your collision policy for which you need to pay a deductible. Take our short quiz to see if you're covered or not. Leave a note with your name, contact information, insurance company, and an explanation of the accident. If the person who hit you has insurance, their insurance company will more than likely cover the costs to repair your vehicle. Don’t put anyone else through this. The other thing you could do is make a video of the damage for better documentation and proof. Please note: The above is meant as general information to help you understand the different aspects of insurance. When questions like “what to do when someone hits your parked car” troubles you, remember to maintain your calm. We'll help you determine your options and the next steps to take in this kind of situation. Insurance doesn’t have to be complicated. Some insurance companies will increase your rate any time a claim is filed, regardless of fault, depending on your state . Taking the pictures of the car parking, and the damage can help you get your insurance claims. Negotiating in such a case can help both you and the hitter. However, the car will be repaired properly, and they will bring an action against the other driver to recover what they have paid. If someone hits your parked car, the police may come and investigate. You would file a police report, exchange information with the individual who hit your car, and file a third party claim with their insurance company. Contact the Authorities. Even if the damage is only a scratch, the driver who caused it should leave a note. Quick Solution! A deductible is the amount you pay if you have an accident or claim.For example: If you have a $500 deductible and $1,000 in damage—you pay $500, and your insurer will pay the rest. Or maybe there are security cameras or … If the police do find the hit-and-run driver, then you’ll have someone on hand to start a claim with right away. […] you,”are SUVs safer than sedans,” you would know the answer. We offer insurance by phone, online and through independent agents. Contact your insurance company in the soonest way possible to expect for corresponding settlements. Someone Hit Your Parked Car: A Step-by-step Guide. Getting the police involved after someone hits your parked car is a good idea for a few reasons: They can question the other driver — if they stuck around — and any witnesses to the accident.