at 9 weeks they found no I had an u/s at almost 6 weeks and there was no heartbeat, everything else looked good she said . A normal heartbeat at 6-7 weeks would be 90-110 beats per minute. They automatically wanted me to schedule a D&C I said no and now I have an appointment with a different doctor. Hey Ladies, I went to the doctor on Wednesday and they couldn't find a heartbeat. next ultrasound on the 11th at 11. hoping for the best for youuu If, during an ultrasound, you don’t hear or see a heartbeat at 6 weeks, it is quite natural to get worried. Concern: I went in for an ultrasound today and the doc said my gestational sac was measuring 8 weeks, but the baby was only measuring 6 weeks/2 days. The gestational age of your pregnancy may also be inaccurate. dr was quick to say he does d&c's on tuesday. The presence of an embryonic heartbeat is an assuring sign of the health of the pregnancy. Since we got not heartbeat gynea ordered two HCG beta blood tests. I know it might be too early to get anything but I'm gong away next week so I wanted to make sure everything is fine. No Heartbeat At 6 Weeks – Is it Normal? 1st day of last menstrual December 6. so hard to wait not knowing. I was given option of coming back at 7 weeks for another ultrasound. It is very common to not hear a heartbeat at a 6-week ultrasound scan. Preparing for the worst but wanted to know if anyone else has had this sort of information. From measurements saying 6 weeks but my dates put me at 6+6. However I believe I'm around 6 weeks 2 days pregnant today. no spotting or bleeding. K. Keisha770. same. No Heartbeat at 6 weeks 3 days!!! They told me according to my gestational sac I should be around 7 weeks pregnant. They found twins and measured only 6 weeks with no heartbeat. i had a miscarrige 4 months ago. They could see sac (11mm) and yolk but no heartbeat. no heartbeat at scan 1 week ago. I'm 100% positive of my lmp, so I know I can't be 8 weeks. Just back from scan. So I just left my first doctor's appt and I insisted that they do a vaginal ultrasound because I wanted to make sure that there was a baby in my sac. During this week of pregnancy, your child's eyelids and outer ears begin to form and the intestines rotate. I have been tracking my periods and also every time my husband and I have sex so to figure out potential pregnancies. Normally, a baby’s heart begins to beat after the 6 th week of pregnancy. Gestational Age Week 7 (Fetal Age: 5 weeks) Generally, from 6 ½ -7 weeks is the time when a heartbeat can be detected and viability can be assessed. levels rising but not doubling. Weeks 10–14 . Doc said to come back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound. No heart beat on my 6th weeks of pregancy a sac is shown, but no fetal pole I'm 6 wks pregnant and cramping and bleeding I'm having twins one no heartbeat is there hope Bleeding at 6 weeks pregnancy emergency scan @ 8 weeks : baby measuring 6 weeks, fetal pole but no heartbeat. Foetal heartbeat is one of the indicators of a baby’s growth, health and development. Today, I'm 7 weeks exactly. I took a home test a couple of weeks before going to the doc which was negative and doctor's test didn't show positive right away, in fact doc called me after I left and said it had turned positive. In some cases, moms-to-be don’t hear their baby’s heartbeat until they’re 7 weeks pregnant.. Not hearing a foetal heartbeat at 6 weeks is normal and there’s no reason for worry. When I looked back there is a potential day of conception 6 weeks … Also, there was no heartbeat . We detected heartbeat at 6+2 with my eldest so this doesn't feel good. I had a miscarriage once when I was 20 years old and now that I am 28, me and my fiancé are ready for a baby. At end of the tenth week of pregnancy, your baby is no longer an embryo and is instead called a fetus.In other words, your baby has exited the embryonic stage. My levels last Tuesday (01/10) were 22119 which falls just under being 5 weeks pregnant or it's too low. No heartbeat at 6 weeks: I was expected to be 8 weeks judging by last period but internal US only showed 6 weeks and no heartbeat.