However, our support is individualized. It was from Aphrodite that the word Aphrodisiac is derived from. This plant is a popular and potent in treating female reproductive fertility issues and conditions related to menstrual disorders, hormonal imbalance, uterine tumours, uterine weakness, miscarriages, endometriosis, etc. The first seven herbs listed above can be added to food and take internally to ensure proper fertility, or they can be introduced into sachets, as can acorns, myrtle and nuts. Posted on January 22, 2017 March 28, 2018 by Miss Melinda. Milk Thistle is a prickly plant that is found in regions of Australia, New Zealand, … They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. Some herbs can shorten your cycle, while others can lengthen your cycle. Our natural remedies have made it possible for many women to have children. There's a lot that can factor into the health of reproducing and we have five herbs that to may help support healthy male and female fertility. This will help you determine the most likely time of ovulation to plan for sex. Men suffer from male infertility in almost 50% of cases. Not only does it decrease fertility, but it can also speed up menopause. The natural approach is often the best approach to take to find the solution. So, when it is 37 degrees, you are probably in ovulatory period . Fertility tea for women who are trying to conceive supports the reproductive system to increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally. As the name indicates, it is an aborigine of Africa. Herbs used for the treatment of this condition include Cassia alata known as Asunwon Oyinbo, Zee mays known as Agbado. Waterleaf known as Amunututu in the Yoruba language. If you're thinking of becoming pregnant or may be pregnant, talking to your doctor or a professional healthcare … A very popular are fertility spells with green and brown candles. Fast, reliable delivery to South Africa ☎ Customer Service: +27 87-550-4023 | Support | About Us | Enter Practitioner Code. The natural treatment that we offer to regain your fertility is made up of herbal medicines whose effects have been shown by studies and hundreds of … Many of these conditions are not properly recognized by orthodox medicine. Skip to content. Ask your doctor about adding them to your supplement routine. As we may sometimes have the cases of damaged wombs either due to intake of hard … Required fields are marked *. Cupid is of course the Roman version of the Greek Eros, whose mother was Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, love and sexuality. 2. You can contact us by WhatsApp at: +22951856076. Other methods are described below. Our natural treatment is not dangerous. False Unicorn. Red Raspberry leaves, particularly the wild kind, are very high in calcium. The combination offers a comprehensive fertility supplement for women. These irregularities also involve menstruation. Yoruba doctors make use of different herbs such as Calliandra Portoricensis Catamenia or Calliandra Portoricensis to provide high-quality treatment for internal heat. The herbs we use are the perfect solution to cure female infertility. In initial studies, CHR noticed that positive effects on egg quality were first noticed after about 6 weeks of DHEA supplementation. Chinese herbs have a long history of use in aiding fertility and preventing miscarriage. … All herbs have specific qualities that make them beneficial for health. However, it is essential that you consult a gynecologist or have had a fertility check-up to know the main cause of your infertility. It is popularly known as sand paper tree in Nigeria. Many couples are faced with issues when trying to have a baby, and with more than 7 million women struggling to get pregnant or carry a baby to term, it’s no wonder that fertility treatments and intervention is on the rise (). Also referred to as ayurvedic rasayana or rejuvenator, ashwagandha is believed to aid fertility. Thus, when you are underweight (anorexia) you must regain some weight to allow your body to restart your reproductive system. The leaves appear in pairs. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading AFRICAN HERBS: African Medicinal Plant For Health, Sex and Fertility. This herb is primarily recommended during attempts conceive, once pregnant consumption of this herb should cease. Sperm is not formed the same day it is released. It generally varies from 1 to 2 months. This herbal tea contains the best plants in the world to increase the size of your testicles, boost your libido, your manhood, and your testosterone. Being natural products based on plants and herbs, our natural remedies have no side effects, whether on the body or on health. No products in the cart. Thus, female infertility is also linked to smoking. AfricanDoctor +229 62 79 67 67 Herbal Medicine World. March 11, 2015 at 11:45 AM. Your email address will not be published. Fertility Herbs: Herbs such as; basil, hazel, poppy, acorns, myrtle, cucumber, apple, pomegranate and all other nuts are known to enhance fertility. Our natural remedies are the secret to curing any form of female infertility. Nettle Leaf – Has a very high mineral content. Avoid stress because it is bad for pregnancy. Read More. But the search for the causes of infertility must be done in parallel in both partners. Then check out this highly insightful article. You will therefore be able to cure female infertility without fear of the appearance of side effects. So be reassured that you will receive your products immediately after your order. AFRICAN HERBS: African Medicinal Plant For Health, Sex and Fertility - Kindle edition by RAY, BOB. Fertility herbs are also helpful in nourishing the body and female reproductive system which in turn helps to relax the entire nervous system to facilitate conception. DHEA is a hormone made in the body that leads to the production of estrogen in women. This is a small tree or shrub that bears figs. For example, a woman may have fibroids and her partner may have a low sperm count (oligospermia). We have representations in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Niger; Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Kinshasa, Tanzania, Ghana, Zambia and Uganda. As a herbal fertility tonic, Fertile XX contains herbs that are well-known for their ability to promote health and balance in the female reproductive system. One of the most cherished fertility-increasing plants is Red clover. This natural supplement balances the hormone, which results in increasing the fertility in men. Finally, it is only at the end of these investigations that the infertility of one or the other can be established and that we can begin treatment. It will allow you to regain all your fertilizing power. The most common causes for fertility issues are lack of ovulation and sperm dysfunction. It has a high nutrient profile and is especially high in calcium and is a uterine tonic. High in calcium and magnesium, this herb also cleanses and detoxifies to clear the system of harmful toxins that may be affecting fertility. And when we say ways of improving male fertility, we point towards the natural options. This is one of the most important factors. The leaves appear in pairs. This female-friendly herb has been traditionally used for various feminine disorders for centuries thanks to its natural hormones and properties which help in adjusting the feminine hormonal balance. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Support the functioning of male sexual organs. ~Bull Amulet: To increase fertility in women and men, wear a bull shaped amulet, or place on under the bed before making love. Love, love, love … Valentine’s Day is upon us again with little red hearts and Cupids fluttering everywhere. Other herbs which are generally good for fertility treatment include: Fertility Plant or Indian Cork Tree (Newbouldia laevis): This plant is a popular and potent fertility herb that is used to treat all female reproductive disorders including infertility as the name implies. The Yorubas have many herbs and vegetables that serve as medicine to treat the conditions associated with infertility. A healthy lifestyle is the basis for conceiving a baby. Phone +27 64 815-6467; Email; Address Sandton, South Africa; Open Hours 08:00 - 19:00; Search for: Phone +27 64 815-6467; Email; Address Sandton, South Africa; … False unicorn is often said to be the perfect herb for fertility and it has many … Comelina diffusa known as Day flower, or Small Blue Flower, Cleome Viscose also known as Consumption Weed, Cocos nucifera known as Coconut in English. Our natural remedies have made it possible for many women to have children. Hepatitis B and C: new natural drug for treatment, RED JATROPHA: A natural way to fight HIV infection. Also talk as often as possible with your partner. It serves as a tonic to restore sexual strength, promote spermatogenesis and enhance male fertility [19,20]. Blueberry Infertility Natural Remedies And African Herbs. Other natural herbal treatments for enhanced fertility include Maca extract, red clover extract, rich in flavonoids and natural estrogens and raspberry leaf extract, all addressing different feminine medical conditions and reinstating the natural hormonal balance of a woman looking at embracing motherhood. May 17, 20 01:14 PM. These conditions and appropriate herbs to be used are listed below: Traditional practitioners of Yoruba Medicine use herbs such as Citrulus lonatis known as Bara, caltiandra portoricensis known as Egbo Tude , Labelabe, etc. Our natural treatments are only made from plants whose effectiveness is scientifically proven. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome comes with many symptoms and has various causes. Because herbs all have specific affects on the body, you should be very specific about which ones you choose to steam with. Yoruba Herbs for Fertility: Top 5 Options, 10 Best Rehabilitation Centers in Nigeria, Average Life Expectancy in Nigeria: Details and Reasons, Common Nigerian Weeds & their Botanical Names, List of Health Agencies in Nigeria (2021), Ficus exasperate known as Eepin in the Yoruba language, Newboldia laevis known as akoko tree in Yoruba, Chenopodium ambrosioides known as Arunpale in Yoruba, Indian heliotrope known as Agogo Igun or Ogbe Akuko in the Yoruba language. Taking herbs to increase female fertility is something that women have been doing for centuries, many of whom have had success with it. It is reported that excess clotted blood in menstruation is a sign of female reproductive disorder. There is a plant known as fertility Plant or Newbouldia laevis (Indian Cork Tree). Like Nettle and Red Clover, Red Raspberry leaves serve as a soothing uterine tonic and a very effective fertility herb. It contains lots of chlorophyll and is nourishing to the adrenals and kidneys. Look into how your Ancestors ate. Fertility Charms: There are different charms, herbs and amulets that you can use to enhance conception. Yoruba herbs used to treat such conditions as worm infestation and internal womb hotness include Ficus Exerspirata, Amunututu known as Indian spinach, Epaikun known as curculigo pilosa, Jokoje known as Cissampelos owariensis and Abere known as picrima nitida. Hi, I would like to know what help you got from the chiropractor. It is believed that a woman with good reproductive health will have clean blood coming out in liquid form. You’ve been in a relationship with your partner for a while, and that’s it, it’s time to start a family. 205 likes. First, it is important to define but also to understand why there is infertility. Contrary to a preconceived idea still too widespread, the woman is not the only one responsible when a couple does not manage to have a child. This herb is used to treat female infertility and menstrual pain. This remedy for testicular atrophy, composed of African herbs has essential properties to reverse testicular shrinkage and increase sperm quality and quantity. The scientific name for African Apple is Chrysophyllum Albidum and this fruit has natural antioxidants which promote health by acting against oxidative stress … Local medicine is largely recognized as an effective means to treat infertility in both women and men. At least one in six couples need medical help for infertility at some point in their lives. This includes a healthy diet and workout schedule, but more than that, it includes some natural herbs. This herb is used to promote chances of conception in women. It is the miracle solution to cure all forms of female infertility. Conversely, an overweight woman will have to lose weight by controlling her diet and / or by carrying out physical activity. It's also iron-rich and contains … No medicine, including herbal medicine, can help if there are structural problems that affect infertility or when infertility is due to serious genetic problems. Essential Oils for Fertility. it is the best natural remedy for female infertility made with medicinal plants. Eat foods rich in antioxidants. This is the secret to curing female infertility. Ficus Exersperata; One of the most effective herbs to boost fertility is Ficus Exersperata. NB:  For more information contact our experts, tel / whatsapp: +22951856076. 1 For female infertility, ovulating, regular menstrual cycles (lasting 21 to 35 days on average), and regular periods of 2-7 days are prerequisites for pregnancy. This is a small tree or shrub that bears figs. It is one of the best blood-purifying herbs, aiding in detoxification of environmental pollutants prior to conception. Women who consume one cup of coffee a day are therefore half as likely to conceive. The first natural supplement to boost male fertility is a Maca root. But have no fear, our natural treatments have already been proven effective in each of the causes of female infertility listed above. Since the ancient times women have been partaking in herbal remedies in order to cure or amplify or strengthen issues to do with their reproductive system or se_x appeal. Fertility Plant or Indian Cork Tree (Newbouldia laevis): This plant is a popular and potent fertility herb that is used to treat all female reproductive disorders including infertility as the name implies. Since the ancient times women have been partaking in herbal remedies in order to cure or amplify or strengthen issues to do with their reproductive system or se_x appeal. It is the right time. This is a scientific name for the seed in melon, popularly known as Egusi. Top Bar. Looking for Fertility herbs in Nigeria? did you use any vitamins to balance hormones? Stinging nettle leaf is a herb that contains high mineral content. Vitamin C is generally found in fruits (oranges, grapefruit, lemon, etc.). The native names are Akoko in Yoruba, Aduruku in Hausa and Ogilisi/Ogirisi in Igbo language. It is said to enhance… ONE OF THE BEST HERBS FOR TESTICULAR ATROPHY Our natural remedy to increase the size of the testicles is herbal tea. Drinking … -Eat foods rich in vitamin C as they help strengthen the lining of the uterus. However, at a certain age DHEA levels start to decrease, which can lead to fertility issues, such as decreased egg quality. The great thing about kitchen herbs is you don’t need to study clinical herbalism to take full advantage of their health and fertility benefits. It is popularly known as sand paper tree in Nigeria. Blog, Hoodoo Receipes, Hoodoo Spells, Hoodoo Tips Fertility Spells, Stones and Amulets. False unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum) is … So. The herbs we use are the perfect solution to cure female infertility. Then practice numbers are been given to doctor of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. This herb is used in treating female infertility and promotes the chance of pregnancy, The names of this herb in the Yoruba language are Oju-eja, Jeja, Iya-Dudu or Orokoro. Tribulus fruit (Tribulus terrestris) TCM and Ayurvedic practitioners have found Tribulus to be … It improves the sperm count and quality of the sperm. Free delivery all over the world. Fertility Acupuncture, … See more ideas about fertility, getting pregnant, fertility foods. It is popularly known as sand paper tree in Nigeria. So be reassured that you will receive your products immediately after your order. Its main function is to normalize hormones in the body. Increasing fertility is a more common problem than you might think—and it's a problem that isn't always accompanied by a medical diagnosis. This herb is often used among Esan people based in the South-South region of Nigeria. One of the most effective herbs to boost fertility is Ficus Exersperata. False Unicorn Root, a Natural Fertility Enhancer. Fertility benefits of Chasteberry. Fertility Tea: Conceive Faster Naturally Without Side Effects. Soy isoflavones and Vitex are common aids that may be purchased at any drugstore. This South African bride wore a … It is available in capsule form, but makes an excellent hot or cold tea. You can get the American and European brands of fertility herbs and supplements in South Africa. Red Raspberry Leaf is high in calcium, and sometimes when combined with other certain herbs, such as Red Clover it can be especially potent in helping to increase female … Some of these plants include: This article discusses Yoruba herbs and plants used to treat infertility and the various conditions that result in infertility. Dong Quai, a noted Chinese herb, is also very … The plants that we use are then the perfect solution to cure female infertility. congratulations Rasha. This herb can be taken internally or even used as massaging oil in combination with Ashwagandha onto penis to improve its tone and also to prevent premature ejaculation. 40% of infertility is attributed to women, 40% is to men, and the last 20% is ‘unexplained,'" points out Kristen Darcy, fertility coach and motivational speaker. As a herbal fertility tonic, Fertile XX contains herbs that are well-known for their ability to promote health and balance in the female reproductive system. More Information. -A diet rich in magnesium and vitamin B6 as they are necessary for the production of progesterone (the pregnancy hormone). It helps … Even … Here are some herbal fertility supplements for increasing female fertility. Learn step-by-step how to do a traditional Mayan Vagi-Steam for fertility. In addition to this, one can add Indian spinach, Curculigo pilosa, known as Epakun in Yoruba language which is also a useful herb against this problem. VARICOCELE AND FERTILITY: NATURAL HEALING . This means what men do for three months before trying to get pregnant can affect their sperm. For thousand of years now, a number of herbs are being used to enhance the fertility of women. as treatment for this condition. Hydie. Stinging Nettle is one of those long-recommended fertility herbs. Stinging Nettle for Fertility As with red raspberry leaf, nettle also acts as a uterine tonic helping to strengthen and tone the uterus making a great home for a tiny growing baby. Heavy menstrual flow could also result in much blood clot during menses. It happens to be high in some pregnancy-boosting substances like iron (helps the menstrual cycle), folic acid, and vitamin k. Not only does it help the menstrual cycle, it also benefits the uterus and gets the body ready for a healthy pregnancy. Many issues of infertility have given the medical profession a course of deep research to find proper solutions and solve the cause, but beyond some sense, some infertility issues can’t be corrected medically. Red Clover aerial parts, blossom (Trifolium pratense): Red Clover is a nourishing food/herb. The duration of natural treatment will depend primarily on the cause of female infertility. Women who have such experiences can use Sorhum bicolour known as karandafi or Citrus arantifoli known as Lime. News. Make these changes to your diet to boost your fertility. There are a number of reasons for infertility, one of such is miscarriages which could be as a result of anti-fertility worms known in Yoruba as (aran aboyunje), another condition known as ‘oru inu’ which is known to kill sperm when an embryo is implanted. This is a small tree or shrub that bears figs. The leaf is best eaten as a vegetable soup. It is called Ekuya in Yoruba. For each of the causes of female infertility mentioned above, we offer specific natural treatment. This can come as quite a surprise for some who had perhaps only been aware of herbs … But after 1 years of regular unprotected sex, still no pregnancy. Be aware that even moderate consumption can increase prolactin levels and prevent ovulation. However, you can suffer from one or more of these causes at the same time. The leaves appear in pairs. It is important to understand that the real value and effectiveness comes from being properly diagnosed and taking the appropriate herbal formula through working with … By complementing Chinese herbs before IVF or other fertility treatments, will prepare the body for increasing and strengthening fertility. Its combination with herbs such as gokshura, ashwagandha, vidarikandha, saw palmetto, and … Online shopping for natural Fertility support supplements from a wide selection of natural mother to be items at everyday low prices. Dr. Kelly Kong May started Chinese Medical Clinic in JHB since … At moment most of Medical Aids do cover Acupuncture treatment. All the names of herbs and plants in yoruba language. There are thousands of herbs in the Chinese pharmacy and each formula is typically customized. Some herbs are drying and others are moisturizing. 22 Jan. One of the main reasons why people marry is to procreate but when the baby isn’t coming after many years of marriage then it … Also, it is important that you are patient. The leaves, stem, roots, and even seeds of these plants have various culinary and medicinal benefits. Most South African studies focus on the information obtained from traditional healers and from desk top studies. Cart. valeria. You will find both in sufficient quantity in egg yolks, legumes, green vegetables, and nuts and seeds. Ashwagandha. Reply. This is a small wild plant with a bright yellow flower that becomes a softball of seed called a “dandelion clock”. We have representations in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Niger; Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Kinshasa, Tanzania, Ghana, Zambia and Uganda. 5 Herbs Used By African Women To Spice Up Their Bedroom Life . Many herbal fertility enhancements have not been formally studied (with the exception … Herbs are plants with aromatic or savoury properties that are used for medicinal purposes, as food spices, and also for fragrances. Before I get to the list of natural male fertility boosters and herbs, it is important to talk about timing. Drink 1 cup twice daily. This natural remedy is the miracle solution to avoid surgery . When addressing male reproductive health, it is very important to use herbs that: 1. Zinc is a trace element that is extremely helpful for both male and female fertility. However, it is still a hormonal condition. This is used to treat many conditions and issues related to female infertility. African Potato is also familiar as African Star Grass. Return from Herbs for Fibroids to Fertility Herbs Return to Natural Health for Fertility Home Page Recent Articles. We have representations in all African countries and actively in the following countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, … You will need the moral support of those around you. Maca has the ability to boost female fertility which is why it gets a great deal of attention. Herbal Fertility and Five Great Herbs to Consider. The natural approach is often the best approach to take to get pregnant. Vitex can help to balance hormones to improve fertility. Powered by  - Designed with the Hueman theme, Be the first to review “Female infertility herbal treatment”. Milk Thistle. So, you may be suffering from female infertility. African Apple, popularly known in Yoruba as Agbalumo, Udara in Igbo, and Agwaluma in Hausa has numerous health benefits and is popularly used by traditional/herbal medical experts in treating several health problems. Reply. For women, vitex (chasteberry), red clover and other herbs traditionally used to help restore hormonal balance are combined with the same vitamins and minerals found in a prenatal vitamin. Use them for preparing meals, as a bath oil, burning as incense, etc. Valentine’s Day is especially a time when all things Aphrodisiac … The average sperm need between 75 and 90 days to reach full maturity. Zinc. It happens to be high in some pregnancy-boosting substances like iron (helps the menstrual cycle), folic acid, and vitamin k. Not only does it help the menstrual cycle, it also benefits the uterus and gets the body ready for a healthy pregnancy. While clotted blood does come out, it should not become usual and if so should be properly treated. 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