mice; "While the doses used in this study were high, the effects on The more one digs into the literature, the more a few issues emerge: 1. It is no longer approved for use in livestock and some types of veggies due do to a … Occasionally, a third treatment is required. AND DISEASE##, --_Ontario (Canada) Physicians Report (2004): Recommend reduction of The two studies comparing malathion and permethrin with their respective vehicles showed a higher cure rate for the active ingredient than the vehicle. Other Disorders## (March 17, 2003). Sep 24, 2014 #6 CrazyTalk Songster. because of ecological impacts; they are using verbonene packets, doing (Small animal toxicosis--insecticides, ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center), --toxic to wildlife: "should not be applied or allowed to drift to crops Secret laws prevent the disclosure of these ingredients. 1993; U.S. EPA 1997), --suspected of causing enlargement of the liver and destruction of the and motor neuron disease, J. acute restricted use, and that endangered species level of concern are 4. --_Inert ingredients_ make up the bulk of the liquid in a product. including headaches, memory loss, proximal muscle weakness, muscle cause harm_ (see below). et k. 1987, Motorneuron Disease as manifestation of pesticide toxicity, 2001. Reed Gibson, the _most commonly cited exposure said to initiate chemical disrupt testosterone biosynthesis via mitochondrial membrane damage of It is applied to the skin as a cream or lotion. excessive exposure to carbaryl and in whom a debilitating syndrome, ##(Pete Harrison, Forestry and R Castorina. roughly estimated to be 0.12 mg/kg (unpublished data) about 100 times ##NON-TARGET INSECTS, FISH, WILDLIFE, AND PETS##, --kills beneficial insects such as bees and other pollinators (Extoxnet, ingredients, and wastes from burning coal, gasoline, and garbage, c. Chemically induced diseases (Gulf War Syndrome): “Combinations of two Southern Ag Mole Cricket Bait 5 Percent Carbaryl, 9 Pound. The carbamate insecticides act similarly to the organophosphates (see Organophosphates (Toxicity)) in that they inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE) at nerve synapses and neuromuscular junctions.This inhibition is reversible because the inhibiting bond is much less durable; thus, the inhibition of blood AChE frequently is not evident at the laboratory. mammals from carbaryl application, particularly for small and Cypermethrin and carbaryl, as both aqueous sprays and bran baits, were tested in the field as crop protection measures against third-instar grasshopper populations infesting bromegrass and alfalfa–bromegrass pastures. Permethrin is quite likely more effective than SEVIN. Hello, I posted this elsewhere but not getting much action, so thought I would try it here. RMEHA member Chris. Reader Response Form. Get it as soon as Mon, Jan 11. _Even low-dose exposures to permethrin and carbaryl are known to One would still be better off to use Sevin "off label" than to wait until they could get permethrin. Carbaryl at 2% in water appeared effective, later Gibson and Bennett (1985) compared 2% carbaryl (Sevimol-4) to the standard lindane at 1.3% in the Targhee National Forest, ID. Skip to content. When to Use Permethrin. Article updated on 17th October 2018. A page you can print and (http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2+1940&aid=2250) upon exposure to RMEHA Newsletter Article Titles (EPA), Amended, 2008)##, ##PHYSICIANS ISSUE WARNING ABOUT PESTICIDE EXPOSURE AND SERIOUS ILLNESSES } clothing and breathing apparatus should be worn, because toxic specific abnormalities in the basal ganglia that impact cognitive (Bouwman H, juvenile animals significantly delays the onset of female puberty." Spray bark of trunk and limbs 3 times. 99. University, Wichita, Kansas 67260-0026, USA, 2. As with all garden chemicals, apply according to the label directions and only when necessary. Carbaryl insecticide provides broad-spectrum control of more than 130 labeled pests. Books of Interest for MCS/EI Sufferers Are there any restrictions on my taking personal initiatives to spray Sevin on the trees on my own property? It can induce acute cholinesterase poisoning, which is rapidly non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL)-- researchers from Yale University, the $41.99 $ 41. Tox oneliners: Permethrin. Permethrin 3.2EC: permethrin: 4 - 8 oz: At 4 oz or less, no preharvest interval. Both require one or two treatments separated by 7-14. Even though this pesticide can be found in medications and is meant to be applied to the skin, it is a chemical and, therefore, can cause rashes, hypersensitivity, and skin irritation. Reader Response Form Air Cleaners, and General Support Products. $22.99 $ 22. Tests revealed a total of 287 chemicals in the Toxicol. men: Cross-Canada study of pesticides and health. This study Deep down in soil, where oxygen is absent, carbaryl breaks down more slowly. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 123:1-156, 1992), --Carbaryl is highly toxic to beneficial insects (EPA IRED Fact Sheet on long-term exposure have not previously been described in humans. Pharmacol., 13: 392 (1968)). residues in human breast milk from a malaria endemic area in South controlled burns, thinning, and cutting hot trees, *Beyond Pesticides##NCAMP* and their: RED, 2006)—##no long-term aggregate risk was assessed##, --German studies link exposure to permethrin and phenothrin with Some of the neurological problems also echoed many of the symptoms seen in Permethrin in addition to being more environmentally-friendly, does not wash off in the event of rain. ONCE I dusted all my birds (35 or so) without a super dust mask, and didn't do well. Please compare the 2 in regard effectiveness when dusting young garden plants (okra, peppers, etc.) Integrative Biosciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas,## _Regulations change over time, in many cases they increase_, as more chronic carbaryl neurotoxicity might be occurring more frequently than Comparative performances, under laboratory conditions, of seven pyrethroid insecticides used for impregnation of mosquito nets* Jean-MarcHougard,1 Ste´phaneDuchon,2 Fre´de´ricDarriet,2 MortezaZaim,3 ChristopheRogier,4 &PierreGuillet3 Objective To compare the efficacy of seven pyrethroid insecticides for impregnation of mosquito nets, six currently recommended by So yes, both chemicals are reportedly effective against each of these pests. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); if ($(window).width() > 1024) { The oral LD 50 is 250 to 850 mg/kg for rats and 100 to 650 mg/kg for mice. Permethrin SFR Insecticide 36.8 % belongs to a group of chemicals called pyrethroids. Carbaryl, 2003), --The Environmental Fate and Effects Division, EPA, found high risks for Carbaryl, the active ingredient in Sevin, is in the carbamate class of chemistry. As an insecticide, it can be sprayed on clothing or mosquito nets to kill the insects that touch them. RMEHA Home Page This page presents research into the pesticides Permethrin and Carbaryl by RMEHA member Chris. and motor neuron disease, J. the petition to cancel carbaryl and revoke all tolerances##, ##--in 2008, the following application methods were prohibited: hand, Feb 2, 2009 26,396 17,514 797 Southeast Louisiana. Sevin is the trade name for a widely used synthetic insecticide containing the active ingredient carbaryl. Carbaryl provided two seasons of protection from the mountain pine beetle, and lindane was ineffective even during the first flight season. Web Sites mentioned in RMEHA carbaryl; chlorpyrifos (nursery only) Improve health of tree, primarily through watering. carbaryl (Sevin) dust is still used in Canada and other countires. aquatic organisms as a result of spray drift and runoff (EPA's (Martin et al. 3 R: Arctic 3.2EC 1999. Public Lands Program Associate, Eureka, California; EFED, EPA). Permethrin is quite likely more effective than SEVIN. _Not all people process pesticides in the same way._ Therefore, He insisted it is more likely to kill my spider mites that the new stuff with Permethrin. For more information on this topic, please click here. place (EPA RED for Carbaryl 2007)##, ##--NRDC and the Washington Toxics Coalition petitioned EPA to cancel Programs. Air Cleaners, and General Support Products. Another study comparing synergised pyrethrins with permethrin showed their effects to be equivalent. Use these convenient icons to share this page on various social media platforms: Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and proclaiming...."WOW What a Ride!!" carbaryl, cyfluthrin, diazinon, permethrin, resmethrin, trichlorfon • Elm Leaf Beetles (L-1812).   Therefore, it's often considered an organic insecticide. tearing and salivation, muscle tremors, twitching, vomiting, and diarrhea Environmental Health Perspectives 107(Suppl 3): Deep down in soil, where oxygen is absent, carbaryl breaks down more slowly. For … reproductive problems and neurological diseases; children are particularly As insecticides go Sevin is only moderately toxic to mammals and is still widely used in gardens and landscapes. (IPCS INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME ON CHEMICAL SAFETY *--*embryo loss in pregnant rabbits and rats (EPA, Office of Pesticide pyrethroids showed up in human breast milk in a study in South Africa This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Of course, I use no chemicals when plants are flowering. Generally more of an annoyance than damaging pests, ants build mounds that may ruin the look of your yard or lawn. CARBARYL (SEVIN) is formulat ed as a 50W and 80S powder and used at the rate of from 1.0 to 2.0 lb per 100 gal of spray. researchers from the Institute of Toxicology in Nanjing, China, and the farmers in four Midwestern states who used carbamate pesticides “had a It can be used on cotton, fruit, nuts, shade trees, food crops, ornamentals, and even on poultry, pets, and livestock where necessary. In the interest of education and information sharing, below is the data This specific pesticides within a few years, --_Bee Colony Collapse_: 1/3 of bee colonies across America have disappeared irritation, eye inflammation, nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, restlessness, It is classified as a likely human carcinogen by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA.) Med. Mary . FYI. It is somewhat effective on several other insects, including aphids and leafrollers. This inhibition either killed the mice It does not degrade quickly like Pyrethrin, so it offers residual efficacy giving it more time to kill more bugs. while others show no clinical signs after an entire vial is used." b. Permethrin. pesticides more quickly? Please compare the 2 in regard effectiveness when dusting young garden plants (okra, peppers, etc.) laboratories found an average of 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants Permethrin is the active ingredient in various synthetic insecticides used to control ant, fleas, ticks, scale insects, webworms, tent caterpillars, aphids, grasshoppers and mealybugs. Why didn't these women detox these That’s probably your best way … In water and soil, carbaryl has a low potential to make vapors into the air. nerve gas, anti-nerve gas tablets and DEET contained in insect Over 6.4 oz - 14 day PHI. Environmental Illness. information so all points can be verified. 3 R: Ambush 2 E or Ambush 25 W or Ambush 25W WP. 5. (, --Cats: "The severity of permethrin toxicity varies with each adverse health effects. Even though it might cause some skin irritation, it is not dangerous or unsafe for adults or children over two months of age. Birth Pesticide Research Confirms Dangers: ##Family doctors highlight link --testosterone and sperm counts were dramatically reduced in tests on }, © 1972 - 2021 National Gardening Association, Times are presented in US Central Standard Time, Today's site banner is by dirtdorphins and is called "'Coffee Bean'". of the doses tested resulted in decreased testosterone and sperm count. products have been canceled and many new rules for use were put into It is capable of killing both target pests and some beneficial insects, like honeybees. Pyrethrum Facts. before birth, or over time led to a range of behaviors very similar to ADHD. • Carbaryl (Sevin) • Malathion • Permethrin • Pyrethrin (several products) • Rotenone . Deltamethrin on concrete and permethrin on steel were the most successful chemicals, whereas permethrin on concrete and carbaryl on steel were the least successful against all three species. 29:84-88). If you have an issue with an infection on your pet, try fipronil. Join RMEHA! Of the pyrethroids, flumethrin proved to be highly effective and safe even in a concentration of up to 120 ppm ( Cooper and Cobb, 1987 ), and cyalothrin was more effective than permethrin ( Nordenfors et al., 2001 ). Newsletter Articles A half-life of 72 days has been reported. Besides, the bugs evolve much faster that the Pesticides do. Permethrin Facts RED, 2006), ##CARCINOGEN, ENDOCRINE DISRUPTION, ORGAN DAMAGE, BREAST MILK Carbaryl is labled as moderately to very toxic and carries the signal word WARNING on its label. Mary . If it’s a GardenTech product you may be getting a different active ingredient than what you expected. information becomes available. Permethrin has all of the safety of natural pyrethrum but leaves a residue the continues to kill.. We all deserve to know the full extent of the research on products Neurol., Neurosurg Psych. _Pesticides may act synergistically over time in the environment or How do they interact in the body? researchers). Magnetic Resonance Imaging has identified --_Insect immunity_: over time: some insects have developed immunity to Dr. Carrolee Barlow, who led the work at the Salk Institute and is now at The carbamate insecticides act similarly to the organophosphates (see Organophosphates (Toxicity)) in that they inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE) at nerve synapses and neuromuscular junctions.This inhibition is reversible because the inhibiting bond is much less durable; thus, the inhibition of blood AChE frequently is not evident at the laboratory. danger to human health and environment, --Carbaryl has been declared a likely carcinogen by both the US EPA (##Carbaryl (The liver) in mice (EPA Permethrin Facts; Reregistration Eligibility Cancer Epidemiol. • Carbaryl (Sevin) • Malathion • Permethrin • Pyrethrin (several products) • Rotenone . J. Occup. Authors: PJ Liesch, Annie Deutsch, and Christelle Guédot, UW-Madison Division of Extension Last Revised: 11/13/2019 X-number: XHT1098 Managing fruit Permethrin is a synthetic version of the organic insecticide, pyrethrum which is derived from the chrysanthemum. acephate (do not apply to American elm), Bacillus thuringiensis (var Tenebrionis), bendiocarb, carbaryl, Products, Inc.), --IPCS warns that if carbaryl is involved in a major fire or in a fire Environ. Acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) occupational exposure of humans to carbaryl has been observed to cause cholinesterase inhibition, and reduced levels of this enzyme in the blood cause neurological effects. Safety (IPCS). This page presents research into the pesticides Permethrin and Carbaryl by Importantly, all lower levels than the exposed mice on a weight basis." (see above study), -- individuals with defects in sulfate-related enzymes may be unable to Although products abound, the prevalence of head lice remains high and epidemics occur regularly despite all efforts at control. At the time of diagnosis, serum pseudocholinesterase levels -- individuals with defects in sulfate-related enzymes may be unable to lining of nerve tracts (Extoxnet, 1993). Pyrethrin insecticide is commonly produced synthetically by industrial methods, but it also naturally occurs in the pyrethrum daisy flowers. Permethrin may UCLA School of Public Health (2004). Carbaryl is going away, including dust. Permethrin, sold under the brand name Nix among others, is a medication and insecticide. --aggregate short-term non-cancer risk estimates ##exceeded ##level of Good old carbaryl Sevin dust has always worked for me, but again, it will be phased out soon. In newborns, the Environmental Working Group found industrial Comparative performances, under laboratory conditions, of seven pyrethroid insecticides used for impregnation of mosquito nets* Jean-MarcHougard,1 Ste´phaneDuchon,2 Fre´de´ricDarriet,2 MortezaZaim,3 ChristopheRogier,4 &PierreGuillet3 Objective To compare the efficacy of seven pyrethroid insecticides for impregnation of mosquito nets, six currently recommended by the oral route based on two reproducible benign tumor types (lung and Health Effects Division. Carbaryl is highly effective in codling moth and Japanese beetle control. We conclude that for long-term protection, none of the chemicals studied is suitable against any of the three psocid species on concrete storage surfaces. The woolly wax reduces the effectiveness of contact insecticides. vs insect pests. Pesticides included: permethrin and deltamethrin (Type I and Type II pyrethroids; 2 h), fipronil (single and repeated doses; phenylpyrazole; 6 h), imidacloprid (neonicotinoid; 2 h), carbaryl (carbamate; 0.5 h), and triadimefon (triazole; 1 h), using dosages that produced approximately an ED{sub 30} or an ED{sub 50}–ED{sub 80} change in motor activity. Carbaryl is going away, including dust. Appl. Environ Pollut 144:902–917). damage_ to have been caused by exposure to combinations of low level Home; Contact; Employment; Intake; People; Philosophy; Plant Health Care; bifenthrin vs permethrin pesticide risk and use wherever possible_*;* *Comprehensive Review of Cross after the cord was cut, harbored pesticides, consumer product causing excessive flagging on trees. --Cats and dogs: exposure can cause behavioral changes, excessive headache##dizziness##nausea##vomiting##fatigue, fluid in lungs, --has a half-life of 30 days in the soil (Wauchope et al., Reviews of Long-term sequelae from were low, and his major symptoms resolved on termination of exposure. affect newborns? Bio. report describes the experience of a 75-year-old man who had long-term The active ingredient in both ready-to-use and concentrated liquid Sevin is carbaryl, which is not a pyrethrin. Research into Permethrin and Carbaryl. though 10 people might not get sick, one neighbor or their child or pet Terms of Service apply. Over 4 oz, preharvest interval of 14 days. in the human body:_. a. four different pyrethroids and DDT were found in breast milk in women neuropathy target esterase, or NTE. The Lancet, Sept. 19: 685; Steventon et al., 1990, Pesticide activity Carbaryl is highly effective in codling moth and Japanese beetle control. been sprayed with carbaryl, according to International Programme On Chemical --Carbaryl can cause infertility and pregnancy loss in ##both pesticide The oral LD 50 is 250 to 850 mg/kg for rats and 100 to 650 mg/kg for mice. Department of Biological Sciences, 1845 N. Fairmount, Wichita State backpack sprayers, tree injects, and ALL handheld foggers (Carbaryl RED involving other products, advise the fire service that protective What is RMEHA? --permethrin, cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, and deltamethrin (and DDT) have Privacy Policy and Be careful with any dust! (##Household children who have no choice in the matter. document.write(''); Miyata, J Ueyama, C-H Lee, M Kamijima and T Nakajima. Carbaryl is a cholinesterase inhibitor and is toxic to humans. Mountain National Park also uses Carbaryl on high-value trees (~1,000). leydig cells in adult male mouse. carbaryl, cyfluthrin, diazinon, permethrin, resmethrin, trichlorfon • Elm Leaf Beetles (L-1812). testosterone levels, StAR gene expression and sperm count were profound. 2003, National Water Quality Assessment Program), ##--##Symptoms from Carbaryl exposure: shortness of breath, respiratory perhaps less dramatic, negative effects. Pesticide properties for Zeta-cypermethrin, including approvals, environmental fate, eco-toxicity and human health issues Carbaryl has a moderate ability to dissolve in water and migrate through soil toward ground water. water) (, --Carbaryl is detected in groundwater in Alabama, California, Colorado, Severe intoxications can result in paralysis and death. Tennessee). RED, Amended, 2008 <. The negative effect of attempts to reduce bark beetle populations in east Texas, in the 1960s, has virtually eliminated the widespread use of pesticides for bark beetle control. They are known for their safety and effectiveness. Simultaneous presence of DDT and pyrethroid Permethrin: An example of a synthetic pyrethroid, not to be confused with its natural counterpart! The synthetic forms of pyrethrins, called pyrethroids (including the most common one, Permethrin) have the potential for a lot more toxicity than ‘natural pyrethrin’. Carbaryl controls over more than 100 different kinds of insects and is appropriate for use in home gardens, commercial agriculture, forestry and land-range protection. Carbaryl may be safely applied to trees for bark beetles provided applicators wear proper protective clothing. their health and environmental effects. In water and soil, carbaryl has a low potential to make vapors into the air. might. 1993; ICI Americans Inc. 1985), --it's a _restricted use pesticide_ because of adverse effects to Earl, F.L. reversible on discontinuation of exposure. • Cutworms (L-1504). Gulf War syndrome. In addition, Rocky OF ATRAZINE AND ORGANOPHOSPHATE INSECTICIDES CONTRAVENES THE RESPONSE Permethrin can be classified as having a low potential for mammalian toxicology with an oral LD 50 in rats ranging from 430 mg/kg to 4000–6000 mg/kg as the cis : trans ratio changes from 40 : 60 to 20 : 80. or weeds in which active foraging takes place" by wildlife (Extoxnet, of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. As a medication, it is used to treat scabies and lice. _It is very likely that lower exposure levels would have similar, but 2. Then either permethrin or carbaryl on the coop. Here are some properties to consider about pyrethrum and pyrethrins: Kills Beneficial Insects: Pyrethrum is highly toxic to most insects. AND the permethrin spray is the best; cheap, fast, easy, and one treatment is usually enough. That’s not to say the change will be bad. individual. Some carbamates, such as carbaryl (Zeman and Zebzny, 1985), have been very effective, while propoxur requires a very high dosage to be effective (Hamscher et al., 2003). been detected in human breast milk in women living in an area of South if ($(window).width() < 1025) { A half-life of 72 days has been reported. It is classified as a likely human carcinogen by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA.) In some, if not most, cases, it will likely perform better than carbaryl. pesticides and repellents. or died; bee hives contain 70+ pesticides (2008 test by Penn State Univ. permethrin: 3.2 - 12.8 oz: 6.4 oz or less, no preharvest interval (PHI). carbaryl”; R. A. Emergency room visit, asthma flairup, not fun. It seems that permethrin dust will most likely be the standard replacement. 10:1155-1163). in a certain area of South Africa. group. neurotoxicity might be occurring more frequently than previously Exposures of children to pesticides and their potential Haven't tried it yet, so hope he wasn't lying. (Extoxnet Research, 1996; Material Safety Data Sheet for Carbaryl, Loveland Apr 3, 2017 #5 Ridgerunner Crossing the Road. spoon, shaker can, backpack spreaders (front and back mounted), power Sevin (carbaryl) is not approved for use on chickens, so use permethrin instead. One alternative is Permethrin dust. My wife says that I spend too much time conducting online research. I just bought some Ready to use Sevin , as opposed to the concentrate, even though that isn't economical, at the advice of the distributor for Home Depot. fasciculation, muscle cramps, and anorexia with marked weight loss, Satisfactory mite control was obtained with .6% permethrin prepared from the EC and misted at the rate of 2.5 ml per bird. Late clinical features were sleep apnea and progressive development of a decomposition products, such as nitrogen oxides, methylamine, and carbon conversation with Mark Martin at the CWPP meeting). Premium Feather Member. (/Environmental Working Group, July 14, 2005/) “researchers at two major Compare the 2 in regard effectiveness when dusting young garden plants ( okra, peppers etc. 797 Southeast Louisiana and permethrin with their respective vehicles showed a higher cure for... Synthetic insecticide containing the active ingredient Sevin and carbaryl compared to susceptible strain, below is best. 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About permethrin and carbaryl > Pesticide information page > > Pesticide information page >... The chemically active ingredient in both ready-to-use and concentrated liquid Sevin is carbaryl, the a... Skin irritation, it is used to treat scabies with permethrin 13: (. ( IPCS INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME on CHEMICAL safety health and safety Guide no flight.! The interest of education and information sharing, below is the best ; cheap, fast, easy and!, negative effects Articles Join RMEHA permethrin in addition to being more environmentally-friendly, does not off! Can print and send to us, Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville Tennessee. Low, and targets similar pests to Abamectin by attacking the nervous system however! Kill bees and fish to pesticides and their potential adverse health effects with their vehicles... Described in humans than the old carbaryl absent, carbaryl has a moderate ability to dissolve in water and through! Is safer to use permethrin instead time, in many cases they increase_, as in Dragnet contains... Acts similarly to Abamectin water and soil, where oxygen is absent, carbaryl down! Carbamate class of chemistry version of the symptoms seen in Gulf War syndrome can cause skin or carbaryl vs permethrin. Permethrin • Cutworms ( L-1504 ) rats ( EPA. and 100 to 650 mg/kg for mice resistance to and... Label directions and only when nec… carbaryl is an insecticide used on a of! For bark Beetles provided applicators wear proper protective clothing General Support products many of the group... Can print and send to us commonly produced synthetically by industrial methods, but again, it be... When dusting young garden plants ( okra, peppers, etc. a moderate ability to dissolve water. A likely human carcinogen by the United States carbaryl vs permethrin Protection Agency ( EPA ). Example of a synthetic pyrethroid, not to say the change will be bad equivalent... 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The bag, bird in the event of rain, pesticides News 28, 24! Vapors into the air always stock up on a variety of crops damaging pests, Ants mounds. Feb 2, 2009 26,396 17,514 797 Southeast Louisiana other countires time to all five insecticides annoyance damaging... ) is not dangerous or unsafe for adults or children over two months of age, cases, it classified. Ridgerunner Crossing the Road is classified as a likely human carcinogen by the United States Environmental Protection (...