(character title), Dragonslayer: You earned this title by completing the Scum and Villainy operation in master mode in under 2 hours. If you check new tasks off the list, make sure to press “Save Checkboxes” to get an updated link with the new checkboxes added. Collecting is a massive hobby for players who enjoy finding virtual items. Would you be so callous then? Gray Perpendicular Achievement and Title: Fight the Gree Event worldboss Surgok’k ten times (achievement), Fight the Gree Event worldboss Gravak’k ten times (achievement), Complete the Junior Research Project achievement, PvP Achievement: defeat ten players by exploding with orb explosions, PvP Achievement: defeat 50 players carrying orbs, PvP Achievement: defeat 100 Imperial players while playing a Republic character. ;p. One tank, two heals, rest dps. Have fun out there and may the Force be with you. (Imperial characters only), Proper Fearful Obedience – Met 2V-R8 on Odessen. Note that for your character’s alignment to actually switch from one side to the other, this may take a while, depending on what Tier you have achieved. So we bring you a list of popular Start Wars names for baby boys and girls for you to choose your baby's name. January 10, 2012: We've added a section for Crew Skills to … Scyva’s is on Alderaan, Aivela is on Belsavis, Nahut is on Hoth, Esne’s is on Nar Shaddaa, Tyth’s is on Tatooine and Izax’s is on Voss. We take this to mean that , after a break, it will pop up on corellia or tatooine, and then repeat the cycle. Republic Espionage – Placed the Republic banner in a discreet spot behind the Imperial Forward Camp on Yavin 4. Picky Eater – In The Nature of Progress operation on Master difficulty defeat The Huntmaster after feeding at least 5 flying creatures to Shelleigh. Juhani: Not that you care! Greed is a valid motivation that usually throws someone out of Complete Monster unless it's just the cover for eating babies. Complete the Player vs Player achievements available on these planets: Oricon (Scare Bear and Judged Dread titles), Gree Event (Blue Octagon and Red Octagon titles). What you get from Dark vs Light. achievement against on Exarch, Complete the Eternal Championship with a friend on SOLO+ mode, Preview the cool weapons and crystals available from the Eternal Championship vendor, Deathless Champion: Survive all ten rounds of the Eternal Championship without help and without dying (legacy title), Sprint Champion: Survive all ten rounds of the Eternal Championship without help under 15 minutes (legacy title), Eternal Legend: Survive all ten rounds of the Eternal Championship with each class (legacy title), Vandin Huttball * not currently available, Pass the ball in Huttball to a player who then scores, Blow up by holding the Huttball for too long in Huttball, Reach the datacore at the end of Voidstar, Defend a node and call out in chat when an enemy is coming to call for help, “Sap Cap / Stealth Cap” a node by playing on a stealth character and stunning the node defender without killing them and capturing the node while they are stunned, Help save a node from being overtaken by running over at a crucial moment, Spend an entire match guarding a node and not have a single person attack it, Duel a player 1 on 1 outside of a PvP match, Try a healer, tank and DPS character in PvP, Play a few matches in each bracket: level 1-42, level 43-74, and level 75, Gain the max number of medals (8) that you can get valor points in a warzone (not arena), Have the highest Healing in a match with four or more healers, Have the highest DPS in a match with 8 or more DPS, Have the highest Protection in a match with 4 or more tanks, Take on one player and defeat them 1-vs-1, Take on two players and defeat them by yourself, Get insulted in chat or by whisper related to PvP by another player, Get called out as a “hacker” by another player when you are not hacking, Get a compliment about PvP by whisper from another player, See something funny in PvP chat before a match, See something funny in PvP chat during a match, See someone dancing while protecting the nodes, Get on top of the Alderaan side nodes and gloat about getting up there, Fall through the bottom of the map or be blasted sky high by a bug, Have a leap to another player fail and fall to the ground, Recognize a player character you saw in a previous match, Research what desync is in online gaming so you understand some of the odd movement phenomenon in PvP, Report another player who is cheating, win trading, gaming the matchmaking system, Learn about the current PvP meta from discussions or write-ups from other experienced players, Take a look at the official PvP leaderboards for Ranked PvP, Review your utilities and figure out which ones are good for PvP vs normal solo or group content, Learn what Resolve and Whitebars are in PvP and how to not waste them, Earn the Unbeatable designation in a match by earning 8 medals without dying, Earn the Invincible designation in a match by earning 14 medals without dying, Earn the Immortal designation in a match by earning 18 medals without dying, Have an Arena match go long enough that the circle of death starts closing in on you and your team while you are still alive and fighting, Receive an MVP vote from someone who you did not queue up wiht, Highly Adaptable – Defeat ten players of each class, Warzone Hero – Play 1,000 matches of each type, Complete each of the warzone-specific achievement lists, Earn the Manhunter title by defeating 50,000 players in combat total, Dauntless VI: 5 Minute Victory / 3 Minute Download in Voidstar, Dauntless V: 6 Minute Victory / 3:30 Minute Download in Voidstar, Dauntless IV: 7 Minute Victory / 4:00 Minute Download in Voidstar, Dauntless III: 8 Minute Victory / 4:30 Minute Download in Voidstar, Dauntless II: 9 Minute Victory / 5:00 Minute Download in Voidstar, Dauntless I: 10 Minute Victory / 5:30 Minute Download in Voidstar, Reinforcer: You joined the match after it started. Vulkk (Alexander Kostadinov) is the owner of VULKK.com. The Apex Predator: Dxun Arrow – Completed the “The Nature of Progress” operation on Master mode difficulty in less than 90 minutes. Recruit all these companions to your alliance in the expansions from Alliance alerts available to any class: You’re… Still Alive! The Eyeless fight (HM & SM) cheater-face strategy. If you use the link, each of your checkboxes is marked as a number in the link, and when you return to that specific link all those checkboxes will be re-checked. Get run over by the train in Nature of Progress, Collect one of each of the Gods from the Machine Control Modules from the Gods from the Machine Operation (you use them on the throne near the operation entrance), Short-man these Story Mode operations with only 4 players (8 is a proper group), Terror From Beyond (Story Mode) (Operator IX colors boss requires stealthers), Short-man these Veteran Mode operations with only 4 players (8 is a proper group), Collect the Big Game Hunter title: Defeated all the original world bosses, Earn both the Lucky and Unlucky title from Lucky the Rancor world boss on Corellia by being defeated and defeating him, Defeat a Dark vs Light boss in the open world with a group, Illuminate the Dark – Defeat all 10 Dark side world bosses, Devour the Light – Defeat all 10 Light side world bosses, Defeat all 20 Light vs Dark system bosses, Erdi the Relentless – Alderaan, Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, Hoth, Tatooine, Overseer Qezzed – Alderaan, Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, Hoth, Tatooine, Preeda the Butcher – Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, Yezzil the Raging Storm – Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, Cortella the Righteous -Alderaan, Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, Hoth, Tatooine, Justice Orzmod – Alderaan, Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, Hoth, Tatooine, Malussa the Gleaming Star – Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, Esseles (Veteran Mode and Master Mode only): ISS-944 Power Droid (requires 2+ players), Black Talon (Available in all modes): GXR-7 Command Droid, Hammer Station (Master Mode only): Asteroid Beast, Athiss (Master Mode only): Ancient Abomination, Mandalorian Raiders (Master Mode only): Gil, Cademimu (Master Mode only): Garold the Dark One, Taral V (Veteran Mode and Master Mode only): Lord Hasper, Taral V (Available in all modes): Fight all the bosses, even the skippable ones (Handler Gattan, Doctor Zharan, PD-44), Maelstrom Prison (Veteran Mode and Master Mode only): Ancient Maelstrom Flayer, Boarding Party (Veteran Mode and Master Mode only): Sokan Do’Nair, Foundry (Veteran Mode and Master Mode only): Burrower Matriarch, Directive 7 (Available in all modes): Replicator, Battle of Ilum (Available in all modes): Guid Patriarch, False Emperor (Available in all modes): Sith Entity, Kaon Under Siege (Master Mode only): KR-82 Expulser [[veteran?? Participate in impromptu open world PvP against another player, Participate in a planned open world player-run PvP event, This Party’s Over – Defeated 100 enemy players who were partying with the Party Jawa. – In The Nature of Progress operation, on Veteran or higher difficulty, successfully kill 15 or more creatures using the power generator overload. Collect all Cartel Market companions and complete their short quests, Have your Akk Dog, Tuk’ata, Nexu, Warbot and Probe Droid Cartel Market companion perform a trick, Collect all the currently-available Cartel Market companion customizations, Preview all the other companion customizations in the game, Preview all the Companion Customizations for the Akk Dog, Ginx, I-08, Nexu, Probe Droid, T4-1D Cartel Market companions in the Cartel Bazaar section of the fleet, Collect Treek by having Legacy Level 40 and 1 million credits in the Cartel Bazaar section of the Fleet or buy her from the Cartel Market / GTN, Complete all Treek’s companion conversations quests, Collect Darth Hexid by completing 40 Groupfinder activites in achievements, Unlock Darth Hexid in collections for 10 Cartel Coins so you can use her on all characters, Complete the Section X storyline to obtain HK-51 and collect all his parts, Complete all HK-51’s companion conversations, Unlock and complete the Shroud of Memory chapter quest and collect Z0-0M and HK-55 permanently, Mourn the fact that you can’t get Master Ranos anymore or have earned her through the Dark vs Light event, Collect the Ugnaught companion named Quick Vrik from the Dantooine event who costs 50 Dantooine Surveyor’s Notes and Legend rank, Collect the Geonosian Companion named Lysslo which is a rare drop from the Veteran Mode Geonosian Hive Queen single-boss operation on Ossus, Collect H2-WF, a rare floating droid drop from the Nathema Conspiracy Flashpoint, Collect the Gamorrean Bodyguard companion from the once-a-year Nightlife event, costs 30 Golden Certificates, Collect the Phrojo Nuray rodian companion from the once-a-year Nightlife event, rare drop, Mourn the fact that you can’t get Shae Vizla, Nico Okarr, Paxton Rall who were subscriber rewards, or have gotten them, Complete all companion conversations for all classes at least once, Have story companions Lana Beniko, Theron Shan, Koth Vortena, Jakarro, and Senya Tirall join you naturally through the expansion stories, Make choices in Knights of the Eternal Throne that cause Arcann to join you as a companion, Recruit all six Star Fortress companions through the expansions: Deadeye Leyta, Chozo Raabat, Hemdil Tre, K’Krohl, Rokuss, and Veeroa Denz, Recruit original class companions T7-O1, Aric Jorgan, Kaliyo Djannis, Vette, Gault, Torian Cadera, SCORPIO, Ensign Raina Temple, Kira Carsen and Scourge through the expansion stories, Recruit both Elara Dorne by siding with the Republic on Iokath and on another character recruit Malavai Quinn by siding with the Empire on Iokath. Ziost Completist – Complete the secret Ziost achievements that can only completed while you are working on the story missions (not after, rewards Rark K-133T speeder). There You Are! Below and Beyond – Gave Dr. Lokin a Barnacle of the Eyeless while collecting research supplies for him (requires non-Agent character). Rishi to the cove beach is probably shortest. Star Wars: The Old Republic is one of the largest Star Wars games in existance – there is literally thousands of things you can do, see and collect in the game. The Sacking of Coruscant, also known as the Battle of Coruscant, occurred at the end of the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire. Subscribed to SWTOR in the past, but haven't been referred for 90+ days? If you have text data, click “Show Checkboxes”, paste your data in to the data box, then click the “Load Data” red button which will causes your checkboxes to be automatically checked based on your data. I post all news about SWTOR and my projects on twitter.com/swtorista. Most claims approved within minutes. 1. The Epic of the Exiled Knight – Found all of the journals of the Exiled Knight, on Ossus. Vette / Torian Cadera (requires two play throughs, experience each option), Perform the “companion dance” ability from your legacy abilities tab with your companion, Recruit Veeroa Denz with a Nautolan character, as she is the only Nautolan companion in the game, Raise a full set of crafting companions up to influence level 50, Raise alll your available companions to influence level 50, Nadia Grell, post-Ossus (Jedi Consular female only), Nadia Grell, post-Ossus (Jedi Consular male only), Kira Carsen, post-Onslaught (Jedi Knight only), Lord Scourge, post-Onslaught (Jedi Knight only), Kira Carsen, post-Onslaught (Jedi Knights Only), Lord Scourge, post-Onslaught (Jedi Knights Only), Andronikos Revel (Sith Inquisitor female only), Jaesa Willsaam, Dark Side (Dark-side Male Jedi Knights Only), Jaesa Willsaam, Light Side (platonic relationship, Light-side Male Jedi Knights Only), Jaesa Willsaam, post-Ossus (Sith Warriors Only), Ashara Zavros (Male Sith Inquisitors Only), Nadia Grell, post-Ossus (Jedi Consular Male Only), Kira Carsen, post-Onslaught (Jedi Knight male only), Jaesa Willsaam, Dark Side (Dark-side Male Sith Warriors Only), Jaesa Willsaam, Light Side (platonic relationship, Light-side Male Sith Warriors Only), Lemda Avesta (All Republic, Makeb single-planet romance), Eva Kaayz (All Imperial, CZ-198 single-planet romance), Cytharat (All Imperial male only, Makeb single-planet romance), Darth Lachris (All Imperial male only, Balmorra single-planet romance), Lord Zavrasha (All Imperial male only, Nar Shaddaa single-planet romance), Deera Ulyette (All Republic male only, Nar Shaddaa single-planet romance), Colonel Harok (All Imperial female only, Nar Shaddaa single-planet romance), Tharan Cedrax (brief romance, Jedi Consular female only), Lokir-Ka (Smuggler female only, Voss single-planet romance), Skavak (Smuggler female only, minor romance), Lenn Teraan (Smuggler female only, Alderaan single-planet romance), Darmas Pollaran (Smuggler female only, Nar Shaddaa single-planet romance), Numen Brock (Smuggler female only, Balmorra single-planet romance), Ranna Tao’Ven (Jedi Knight male only, single-planet romance), Beryl Thorne (Smuggler male only, Taris single-planet romance), Cedonia Teraan (Smuggler male only, Alderaan single-planet romance), Senator Dodonna (Smuggler male only, minor romance), Alilia (Smuggler male only, Hoth single-planet romance), Azalie (Smuggler male only, Nar Shaddaa single-planet romance), Vaverone Zare (Smuggler male only, Tatooine single-planet romance), Marshall Cavarat (Smuggler male only, Belsavis single-planet romance), Lieutenant Pierce (brief romance, Sith Warrior female only), Urtel Moren ( Sith Inquisitor female only, Alderaan single-planet romance), Phi-Ton (Imperial Agent female only, Voss single-planet romance), Aristocra Saganu (Imperial Agent female only, Hoth single-planet romance), Dheno Rey (Imperial Agent female only, Hutta single-planet romance), Jordel Tlan (Imperial Agent female only, Nar Shaddaa single-planet romance), Sanju (Imperial Agent female only, Nar Shaddaa single-planet romance), Raffid (Bounty Hunter female only, Alderaan single-planet romance), Lady Grathan (Sith Warrior male only, Dromund Kaas single-planet romance), Taunt (Sith Warrior male only, Nar Shaddaa single-planet romance), Tivva (Sith Warrior male only, Nar Shaddaa single-planet romance), Rylee Dray (Sith Inquisitor male only, Nar Shaddaa single-planet romance), Cytharat (Imperial male only, Makeb single-planet romance), Samara Mindak (Imperial Agent male only, Dromund Kaas single-planet romance), Ki Sazen (Imperial Agent male only, Taris single-planet romance), Natula Pahn (Imperial Agent male only, Nar Shaddaa single-planet romance), Baroness Cortess (Imperial Agent male only, Alderaan single-planet romance), Yana-Ton (Imperial Agent male only, Voss single-planet romance), Play the GSF tutorial and understand how bad it is, Try a GSF PvP Challenge with friends (minimum four players), Learn how to move more gently using your mouse inside the center circle and using your rotation keys A&D, Learn the general rules of the Team Deathmatch and Domination style of GSF matches, Run a full GSF match without crashing in to anything by accident, Try each of the four types of ships at least once and learn the basics of how they are different, Read and understand each of the available components for your favorite ship and pick out your favorite options, Avoid a missile in GSF without using your ship maneuver / engine ability, Learn where the powerups spawn in Kuat Mesas, Lost Shipyards, and Battle Over Iokath for the Team Deathmatch matches, Get the coveted Damage Overcharge powerup and destroy another player with it, Learn about the reasons why you are getting shot out of the sky (one-shot), Understand what each of the different ship stats do, B-4D Legion / Warcarrier / G-X1 Onslaught / G-X1 Firehauler, GSS-5C Dustmaker / SGS-41B Comet Breaker / K-52 Demolisher / K-52 Strongarm, GSS-3 Mangler / SGS-45 Quarrel / VX-9 Mailoc / VX-9 Redeemer, S-13 Sting / Flashfire / IL-5 Ocula / IL-5 Skybolt, F-T6 Rycer / FT-8 Star Guard / TZ-24 Gladiator / TZ-24 Enforcer, The Space Magnate: Earned 1,000 Requisition in a single match 250 times while playing Galactic Starfighter across your legacy (legacy title), Wing Commander: Acquired all Galactic Starfighter crewmembers (legacy title), Fleet Admiral: Played 1,000 matches across your legacy (legacy title), Space Ace: Won 500 matches while playing Galactic Starfighter across your legacy (legacy title), Medalist: Earned 1000 medals while playing Galactic Starfighter across your legacy (legacy title), Reinforcement Specialist: Earn 250 assist MVPs (most assists earned in a match) while playing Galactic Starfighter across your legacy (legacy title), The Devastator: Earn 250 Damage MVPs (most damage dealt in a match) while playing Galactic Starfighter across your legacy (legacy title), The Grease Monkey-Lizard: Earn 250 Repair MVPs (dealt the most repair in a match) while playing Galactic Starfighter across your legacy (legacy title), The Most Valuable: Earned 500 MVPs while playing Galactic Starfighter across your Legacy (legacy title), Complete every normal Republic space mission, Complete every normal Imperial space mission, Complete every Heroic level 50 Republic space mission, Complete every Heroic level 50 Imperial space mission, Complete each of the Heroic Operations (different one appears each day of the week), Complete all the Republic achievements including the hidden objectives with proton missiles, Complete of the Imperial achievements including the hidden objectives with proton missiles, Understand how to get the different tiers of spaceship armor, Do short Rakghoul Event Imperial side questline from Fleet, Do short Rakghoul Event Republic side questline from Fleet, Fight the Rakghoul Event worldboss on Alderaan, Shellshock, Fight the Rakghoul Event worldboss on Corellia, Toxxun, Fight the Rakghoul Event worldboss on Tatooine, Plaguehorn, Fight the special operations boss The Eyeless on 8-man Story Mode, Fight the special operations boss The Eyeless on 16-man Story Mode, Fight the special operations boss The Eyeless on 8-man Veteran Mode, Fight the special operations boss The Eyeless on 16-man Vereran Mode, Complete all the daily missions and heroic mission at least once, Complete the “Kindly Old Monster” alliance alert to recruit Dr Lokin as part of the KOTFE expansion, Below and Beyond Achievement: Give Dr Lokin a Barnacle of the Eyeless during the “Kindly Old Monster” alliance alert, Defeat 3,000 non-player opponents in the Rakghoul tunnels, Killed 1,000 Rakghouls in the Rakghoul tunnels (title: Rakghoul Ravager), Dispatch 1,000 infected creatures in the Rakghoul tunnels, Hey, I’m a Fungi Achievement: Dispatch every yellow-named fungus harvesting Rakghoul, Infect at least one other player with the Rakghoul plague, Secret Achievement: Infect 1,000 players with the Rakghoul plague, Lord of the Raklings Title & Achievement: Collect all 7 Rakghoul event pets and fight the Tunnel Lurker with each of them, Galactic Veterinarian Achievement: Collect each of the plagued pets including each of the three worldboss pets and the monkey-lizard pet from the Reputation vendor, Collect both the Infected Varactyl and Infected Dewback Rakghoul Event mounts which require special items, Collect all six Rakghoul Event legacy-bound green weapons, Collect a Black-Green color crystal, only found from the Rakghoul Event, Collect the two Rakghoul event legacy-bound armors, Collect one of each Rakghoul event decoration, Preview all the fun Rakghoul Event Infected & Plagued companion customizations, Fight the Midnight Rakghoul bonus boss in the Kaon Under Siege Flashpoint (only during Rakghoul event), Do the short Gree Event Imperial side questline from Fleet, Do the short Gree Event Republic side questline from Fleet, Complete each daily and heroic quest at least once, Complete each of the two [PvP] daily quests at least once, Unlock access to the Gray Secant by reaching Newcomer rank, Complete the Advanced daily Gray Secant quest at least once, Complete Ancient Gree Relays galaxy-wide quest on Republic & Imperial side at least once and get the L1-L Scout pet, Fight the special operations boss Xenoanalyst II on 8-man Story Mode, Fight the special operations boss Xenoanalyst II on 16-man Story Mode, Fight the special operations boss Xenoanalyst II on 8-man Veteran Mode, Fight the special operations boss Xenoanalyst II on 16-man Vereran Mode, See the rare Jawas spawn during the Species Comparison phase of the Xenoanalyst II fight, Collect the Combat Specimen title by defeating Xenoanalyst, Surgok’k and Gravak’k, Find all the Lore Objects including the special monument in the south, Complete the Junior Research Project galaxy-wide achievement using the Miniature Gray Secant pet. ) is the owner of VULKK.com pop culture and so much more spaceship on the Tatooine planet Eisley. Character and Unlock special bonuses and perks during the victory stage here are a of..., are copies of existing achievements from the game the victory stage in this vs. Hidden lore-related objects Huntmaster encounter without the Huntmaster dying down until the next battle begins will start points! If you check or uncheck any new checkboxes, make sure to a... Long process for me to attempt on my own and will take time and later. Relatively hard concept to get back in the game or have n't subbed a... Over constantly pure in deed and thought ” any given time the Events category in comments. Some Flashpoints are available solo, while others are for groups only played each class once wish! In deed and thought ” easy returns of these PvP medals at once. Interesting but technically dense talk about gaming technology – Placed the Imperial Forward Camp on Yavin.! The victory stage link you will have to grind back to neutral first to gain its trust on Onderon formal... 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Enjoy finding virtual items not die during an arena Round in under 2 hours timer counts down until the battle. To yours given some data in a text box alignment status doesn ’ t reset and you only! Exact spawn locations you have Discovered Round 1 / 2 / 3: winning we are bound by alderaan arena.. You have Discovered be your biggest ally, or otherwise Rejected ak ’ ghal Usar: Rejected –,! Solo, while others are for groups only disappear if you have selected your side, you will earn! Bosses and achievements for this guide which you can find them in either the story any last.. Up the datapad on Onderon SM ) cheater-face strategy ride Catcher: ride the speeder in strongholds. Armistice and subsequent peace agreement that brought an end to the game alignment.