It is going to contain 1 or more routes, but those are dependent upon the implementation; one may have 1 or 2, another may have more or even zero. A normal route ta Looking at the source for config_map_aws_auth output it just directly returns the state of the kubernetes_config_map.If you have manage_aws_auth = false set on the module then the output will be an empty tuple.. The label after the output … Nested Loops in Terraform: Create a map from 2 lists By Yüriy , March 7, 2020 7:42 pm Recently I encountered a Terraform task in which I had a list of roles and a list of policies and I needed to create a AWS resource for every combination of role-policy. Dropping a quick reference here on some specific use cases for Terraform syntax. How to define output values for dynamically created terraform resources Published: 16 August 2020 1 minute read Looking at the standard documentation page for terraform output there are some samples for basic values and for how to access module values.. Output values are declared using an output block. author 18 Sep 2019 on terraform | terraform expressions | terraform functions | terraform for | terraform for_each | terraform zip_map | terraform output Building Dynamic Outputs with Terraform Expressions and Functions. If manage_aws_auth is true then the output would be slightly more useful but the module will already be trying to … In the same folder launch terraform console for testing built-in functions. Scenario #1 I want to build an Azure Route Table. Applying the above, you can verify that Terraform map nesting is now quite powerful and this makes a lot of things easier. Okay, I realize I'm probably mis-using outputs, but I've just stumbled onto this: Using this workaround with nested maps which themselves have values which are lists, causes the output to be dropped out of existence entirely! We know we can define a Terraform module that produces output for another … ... be used to output certain values to the CLI during a terraform apply or to provide inputs to other resources created by Terraform. A Terraform map is key/value collection. Terraform outputs are used to extract information about the infrastructure resources from the project state. Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed. An example where I used this recently was in a Terraform module for creating a pod of EC2 Instances: module "omni_lab_alpha" {source = "./modules/omni_box" lab_name = "primary" ami = "${var.ami}" instance_type = "${var.instance_type}" node_count = "${var.node_count}" public_key_path = … Maps can be used to select specific values based on a user defined key. Terraform’s for expressions also allow you to loop over a map using the following syntax: [for , in : ] Where MAP is a map to loop over, KEY and VALUE are the local variable names to assign to each key-value pair in MAP, and OUTPUT is an expression that transforms KEY and VALUE … Introduction. terraform console Inside the console type: zipmap([for m in local.shared_env:], [for m in local.shared_env: m.value]) Observe the output of each list-item-map being a name-value-pair of a single map: Using other features of the Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL), which Terraform uses, resource information can be queried and transformed into more complex data structures, such as lists and maps. Using this, I can now do stuff like: output "image_bucket_name" { value = "${lookup(var.image_bucket_names, var.environment, "No way this should happen")}" } where: # Apply complete! You may need to terraform init if you haven't already. This is great, but what if you had been following some of my previous posts about looping and want get some output … There's (now) a lookup function supported in the terraform interpolation syntax, that allows you to lookup dynamic keys in a map.