its inparaenum environment produces a list “in the paragraph”, i.e., with no line break between items, which is a great space-saver if the list item texts are short. To set a common-width margin around the box, use an expression like blockquote{margin: 20px; } That will push everything away from the element by 20 pixels in every direction. First one is to add negative margin-left, about 4 pixels, to get rid of that space. justify-content: space-between; The value space-around is used for displaying flex items with space between, before and after the lines. You can find more info about display property here. This version has a margin of ".1em" on top and bottom of the list items. Through this, padding gets added, which will create space between list bullets and text in HTML. No, this is just caused by your browser. Throughout this article, we'll look at unordered, ordered, and description lists — all have styling features that are similar, and some that are particular to their type of list. If you try to add style editing to your