Sale. Rebate Price is $10.00 Good until 12/28/2020 Final Price is … OLX Pakistan offers online local classified ads for. Fill out this form completely. nu este magazin online si nu vinde in mod direct. Cooler Master is a Taiwanese computer hardware producers, which was established in 1992. Radiator Support. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L - tower - micro ATX overview and full product specs on CNET. $55.69. Find Cooler Master Prices in Pakistan. To avail EMI facility, an order of at least BDT 5,000 have to be placed, regardless of the price of individual items under the order. Holiday Gift Guide 2020. EMI Offer is applicable for a tenure of 3,6,9 and 12 months. 1% charge applicable for Ok Wallet Rocket Payment. Cpu Cooler for sale in Pakistan. Rocket Number 019556622884 3% deduction is applicable to return amount (full/partial) for the purchases by card or bKash. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L Computer Case: Rs. Regular Price: ৳ 7,400.00 Special Price: ৳ 6,700.00. COOLER MASTER Masterbox Q300L ( MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00) Gaming Case (Black) ₱ 2,650.00 (Prices are subject to change without any prior notice and are available only via online payments or other mode of payments specified at the bottom of the website. The I/O panel includes two USB 3.0 ports and audio in/out jacks, and it can be adjusted to six different locations, three options at each side. COVID-19. Cooler Master in Pakistan. COOLER MASTER Cabinet MASTERBOX Q300L is your direct alternative in the line-up of the fresh out of the plastic new ace box q-arrangement from cooler ace. Cooler Master Masterbox MB511 Non RGB Gaming Cabinet. By TechnologyX on March 12, 2018 66 . 6,199, and estimated average price is Rs. The Q300L supports GPUs up to 14.2" and CPU Coolers up to 6.2" tall. TANGAIL, Nayem Courier Service: Shop No - 20, Shibnath School Market, Tuhin Road, Tangali. Compare Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L vs Cooler Master Q500L ... Prices, specifications, and images are subject to change without notice. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L Black Mini Tower (Acrilyc Transparent Window) Gaming Desktop Case #MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00. Designed by Ryans What are you waiting for? Payment is to be made from any personal account, not a merchant account. JESSORE, Rainbow Courier Service: No-12 Rail Road, Bejpara, Jessore. PABNA, Nayem Courier Service: Shop No - 12, B G C Complex, Thana Road, Pabna. Review Sample Provided by: Cooler Master Product Name: MasterBox Q300L Price at time of review: $ 39.99 USD A series that might be small in size but excels in functionality and modularity without compromising on the thermal performance. This is currently the cheapest offer among 12 stores. Monthly EMI ৳ 350 . NARAYANGANJ, Rainbow Courier Service: 52/2 Gulshan Market, Narayanganj. Cooler Master MasterBox TD500L . The name is quite transparent about the original mission of the company – provide the best cooling solutions to the users. Khulna, Rainbow Courier Service: New Market, No-1 Sonadanga, Main road, Khulna. $10 Cooler Master Visa® Prepaid Card. NATORE, Nayem Courier Service: Old Busstand, Kanaikhali, Natore (Under the Pressclub). Quick NAOGAON, Nayem Courier Service: OsudPotti, Beside of Islami Bank, Old Hospital Road, Naogaon. SAVAR, Rainbow Courier Service: Shah Alam Tower, Baipail mosque, DEPZ Road, Savar. Puteti achizitiona produsul Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L (MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00) de la oricare magazin afisat in lista de preturi. Credit or Debit Card Our branches accept the following credit & debit cards. Cpu Cooler for sale in Pakistan. Free delivery in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi, Faisalabad, Quetta and Peshawar. Only the "Regular Price" mentioned on the Ryans website or quotation applies to any purchase to be made using EMI as the payment method. Monitor: Acer SB220Q bi 21.5" 1920x1080 75 Hz. Compare all Cooler Master Minitowers. Show off your build through the full-size transparent side panel. The case features one 3.5″ HDD drive bay, two 2.5″ SSD drive bays, and four expansion slots. With some great features, there is still room for improvement but is worth the price. Clearance - CPU Cooler 159mm/6.2" Clearance - GFX 360mm Power Supply Support Bottom mount, ATX PS2 / EPS 12V Dust Filters Top, Front, Bottom Warranty 2 years EAN Code 4719512065488 UPC Code 884102038006 Product Name MasterBox Q300L 6,199, and estimated average price is Rs. Browse our store for more casings. Q300L TUF. The MasterBox Q300L Mini Tower Case from Cooler Master supports Micro-ATX and Mini-ITX motherboards. Pre-Installed Fans. RANGPUR, Ryans Computers: 624 Asha Centre, GL Roy Road, Rangpur. 67,199: Cooler Master MasterBox MB520 ARGB Mid-Tower: Rs. CPU Cooler 157mm PSU 160mm GPU 360mm. Rated 3 out of 5 by jazz5000 from Looks amazing, was super easy to build in, but was twisted. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L Black Mini Tower, Tempered Glass Side Window, Gaming Desktop Casing. Buy Cooler Master MasterBox Q300P Mini Tower Transparent Acrylic Side Panel Case for the best price in Pakistan. Regular Price: ৳ 4,400.00 Special Price: ৳ 4,000.00. OLX Pakistan offers online local classified ads for. Final Price is $29.99 Shipped After Rebate. Book. I liked the aesthetic for the price. Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) COMILLA, Nayem Courier Service: 3rd floor, Police Fair Market, Kandirpar, Comilla. DINAJPUR, Rainbow Courier Service: Khetripara, Bokultolamor, Folbazar, Kalitola, Dinajpur. Image from Vortex YouTube. Add To Cart. Get genuine 2020 Cooler Master products like Chassis Master Box MB501L Red Trim, Chassis Stryker SE, Cooler Hyper H410R, MASTERAIR G100M - SLIM UFO, Gaming Combo Devastator 3, Thermal Grease IC Value V1, MASTERFAN MF120L (Red), Headsets Resonar, ML360R RGB at lowest price in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Multan, Peshawar & across Pakistan. Front = 120 / 140mm x 2 Top = 120mm x 2 Rear = 120mm x 1 Bottom = 120mm x 1. Ryans Computers © 2021 All Rights Reserved. Amazon is offering the Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L TUF Gaming Alliance Edition Micro-ATX Tower (MCB-Q300L-KANN-TUF) for the best deal. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L - tower - micro ATX overview and full product specs on CNET. Dimensions L x W x H. 387 x 230 x 378mm. The case features one 3.5" HDD drive bay, two 2.5" SSD drive bays, and four expansion slots. The MasterBox Q300L is your straightforward option in the MasterBox Q-series from Cooler Master, a series that might be small in size but excels in functionality, modularity, and thermal performance. Nagad Number 01755 554 939 The MB I ordered is MSI Mortar Max so it has 3 fan headers. 6,366.Get the latest price for Cooler Master, Coolermaster Masterbox, Cooler Mastermasterkeys, Cooler Masterquick, Masterfan Sf360r, Orient Appliances, Coolermaster Trooper, and other products. Buy Cooler Master products online at best price in Pakistan. phanteks eclipse p600s. Amazon Price is $39.99 Shipped 2. Cooler Master cases are famous for being dust magnets and this one is no different The 200MM fan port only supports the Mega Flow fans from Cooler Master This case was released 5 years ago. $9.99. NOAKHALI, Rainbow Courier Service: Mofiz Plaza (South), Holdin No- 627, Block -M-01 main road, Maijdee Court, Noakhali. fractal meshify. Overview, বাংলাদেশের যেকোন স্থান থেকে এর মাধ্যমে যে কোন পণ্য ক্রয় করা যায়।, অর্ডার করার প্রক্রিয়াটি লিঙ্কে দেখে নিতে পারেন।, ক্যাশ অন ডেলিভারি বা সিওডি অর্থাৎ পণ্য পৌঁছে দেবার সময় নগদে মূল্য পরিশোধ করা যায় (শুধুমাত্র ঢাকা ও চট্টগ্রামে ডেলিভারির ক্ষেত্রে)। বিকাশ, এমক্যাশ, উপায় ও রকেট এর মাধ্যমে পেমেন্ট করা যায়। যেকোন ভিসা ও মাস্টার কার্ড, ডিবিবিএল নেক্সাস কার্ডে পেমেন্ট করা যায়।, রায়ান্সের তত্ত্বাবধানে কুরিয়ারের মাধ্যমে অর্ডারকৃত পণ্য ডেলিভারি দেয়া হয়। শুধুমাত্র ঢাকা ও চট্টগ্রামের ক্ষেত্রে প্রাপকের ঠিকানায় পণ্য পৌঁছে দেয়া হয়। এর বাইরের ডেলিভারির ক্ষেত্রে প্রাপককে নিচের ঠিকানা (নির্দিস্ট পিকআপ পয়েন্ট) ছাড়াও ৬৪ জেলায় কুরিয়ারের মাধ্যমে পণ্য পাঠানো হয়।, পণ্য অর্ডারের পরবর্তী ১ থেকে ৩ কর্মদিবসের মধ্যে পৌঁছে দেয়া হয়। ঢাকা এবং চট্টগ্রামে এক্সপ্রেস ডেলিভারি নিতে চাইলে অর্ডারের দিনেই পণ্য পৌঁছে দেয়া হয়, তবে সেক্ষেত্রে এক্সপ্রেস ডেলিভারি চার্জ প্রযোজ্য (আপাতত সার্ভিসটি বন্ধ আছে)। এর বাইরে নিচে উল্লেখিত ঠিকানার পাশাপাশি ৬৪ জেলায় কুরিয়ার পয়েন্টে অর্ডারের ৭২ ঘণ্টার মাঝে পণ্য পৌঁছে দেয়া হয়। যানবাহন চলাচলের সমস্যার কারণে এই সময় কিছুটা দীর্ঘায়িত হতে পারে।, নিয়মিত সকল হোম ডেলিভারির ক্ষেত্রে ডেলিভারি চার্জ সম্পূর্ণ ফ্রি। কুরিয়ারের ক্ষেত্রে, কুরিয়ার পয়েন্ট অনুসারে ডেলিভারি চার্জ সংযুক্ত হবে।, অনলাইনে অর্ডার করার পর থেকেই রায়ান্স প্রতিনিধি টেলিফোনের মাধ্যমে নিয়মিত যোগাযোগ রাখবে। বিক্রয় সম্পূর্ণ হবার পর টেলিফোন, ইমেইল বা সরাসরি যোগাযোগের মাধ্যমে সার্ভিস প্রদান করা হয়। ওয়ারেন্টি বা যেকোন প্রয়োজনে বাংলাদেশের সব শাখা থেকে সার্ভিস দেয়া হয়। যেকোন প্রয়োজনে টেলিফোনে যোগাযোগ করা যাবে ০৯৬০৪৪৪২১২১ নাম্বারে।. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L Micro-ATX Tower with Magnetic Design Dust Filter, Transparent Acrylic Side Panel, Adjustable I/O & Fully Ventilated Airflow, Black (MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00) 4.5 out of … Gobindagonj, Nayem Courier Service: Shop – 02, Al-Hera Complex, Beside of Bishow Road, Gobindagonj. 337 kr. : Elec. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L, Case Type- Mini Tower, Supported Motherboard- Micro ATX, Mini-ITX, Power Supply- Bottom mount, ATX PS2, Expansion Slots- 4, VGA Card Compatibility (Maximum) - 360mm, Front USB port- 2 x USB3.0, Front Audio Port- Audio In & Out, 3.5 - 1, 2.5-2, … Start carting and shopping only at $450.00. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L MicroATX Mini Tower. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L - TUF Edition - tower - micro ATX overview and full product specs on CNET. From our previous experience with MasterBox cases by Cooler Master, I expect nothing less than spectacular quality and options from MasterBox Q300L. We accept cash transactions on purchase from any of our outlets. FENI, Rainbow Courier Service: Otithi Bhaban (Ground floor), Mohipal, Feni. Ryans To receive your Cooler Master $10 Visa® Prepaid Card via Mail-In Rebate: 1. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L Black Mini Tower (Acrilyc Transparent Window) Gaming Desktop Case #MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00 Product Id: 07.02.460.82 Regular Price 4,400 Eid Ul Fitr,  Eid Ul Azha, 16 December, Copy Map Link:, Copy Map Link:, রায়ান্স থেকে যে কোন পণ্য ইএমআই এর আওতায় কেনা যাবে। এই সুবিধা শুধুমাত্র ব্রাঞ্চ থেকে কেনাকাটার ক্ষেত্রে পাওয়া যাবে, অনলাইন কেনাকাটায় প্রযোজ্য হবে না।, EMI facility is available for any product. Shop: 839- 840 Level: 8, Computer CityCenter (Multiplan), New Elephant Road,Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh, (Tuesday Closed)Contacts:Online Order: 01701663684/88Desktop Component: 01701663689/84/80/81,Laptop: 01701663683/82Accessories: 01701663684, Shop: 437- 438 Level: 4, Computer CityCenter (Multiplan), New Elephant Road,Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh, Suite: 11, Level: 13 2. Ready to complete the ultimate gaming machine? Front Audio Port Audio In & Out, PSU: 160mm, Materials: Steel, Plastic, Cable Routing Behind MB Tray: 28mm, Dust Filters: Bottom, Specialty Tempered Glass Side Window Gaming Desktop Case, PATTERNED MAGNETIC DUSTFILTERS, MODULAR I/O PANEL, MULTIPLE POSITIONING OPTIONS, EDGE-TO-EDGE SIDE. The MasterBox Q300L Mini Tower Case from Cooler Master supports Micro-ATX and Mini-ITX motherboards. Cooler Master Overview. Check out Cooler Master Q300L MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00 Cabinet (Black) reviews, ratings, features, specifications and browse more Cooler Master products online at best prices on Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L gaming case for your PC is the perfect case to top off the perfect gaming setup that you’ve built. COVID-19. Post your classified ad for free in various categories like mobiles, tablets, cars, bikes, laptops, electronics, birds, houses, furniture, clothes, dresses for sale in Pakistan. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Bank Cheque or Pay Order is accepted only after it is honored and fully deposited to Ryans account. Cooler Master is a Taiwanese computer hardware producers, which was established in 1992. Cooler Master MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00 from R871 - compare offers from 1 stores. $39.99. Brac  Bank Limited, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Dutch Bangla Bank Limited, United Commercial Bank Limited, South East Bank Limited, For any clarification please call +88 096 0444 2121, +88 017 5566 2121. Power Supply: EVGA BR 450 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX. - Mega.PK Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L is one of the best PC cases out there due to not just the way it is designed but also the price that it is sold at. GAZIPUR, Rainbow Courier Service: Mim Tower, Plot No - 2897, Mymensing Road, Chondona Chowrasta, Gazipur. Case Fan: ARCTIC F12 PST 53 CFM 120 mm. accepted for image mismatch. $39.99. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L Mid Tower Case. Purchase Q300L TUF with receipt dated between 12/14/2020 and 12/28/2020 . CHAPAINAWABGANJ, Nayem Courier Service: Beside of Hashmot Hotel, Fakir Para, Nimtola,Chapainawabganj. The Cooler Master Masterbox Q300L Micro ATX case is a competitively priced box which is worth considering. Bangladesh 3% deduction is applicable to return amount (full/partial) for the purchases by card or bKash Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L is one of the best PC cases out there due to not just the way it is designed but also the price that it is sold at. KHULNA, Ryans Computers: 1st Floor, Naushin Tower, 11 K D A Avenue, Khulna - 9100. The 80MM dual ports should have been configured as a 120MM port The PSU is bottom mounted(You have to orient it to pull air from the bottom and it has a filter. Front 120mm x 1 / 240mm x 1 Rear 120mm x 1. Close Checkout View My Cart ... Home Cooler Master MasterBox TD500L . SAVAR, Rainbow Courier Service: Shah Alam Tower, Baipail Mosque, DEPZ Road, Savar. Note: 1.3% charge applicable for VISA, Master, and Nexus. Plus, the offer is available with 0% interest and there is no hidden charge. Product Id: 07.02.460.82. Amazon Price is $39.99 Shipped. *Image may differ with actual product's layout, color, size & dimension. The I/O panel includes two USB 3.0 ports and audio in/out jacks, and it can be adjusted to six different locations, three options at each side. Buy Cooler Master MasterBox Q300P w/RGB Fans (MCB-Q300P-KANN-S02) online at low price in India on $9.99. NETROKONA, Nayem Courier Service: AbulAyazBhobon, Choto Bazar, Netrokona. The Q300L is an entry level mATX/mITX chassis contender. Compare prices on Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L from Phillippines's best shops. Not responsible for typographical or illustrative errors. Limit ONE (1) rebate per person, valid at only. Fan Support. Get the best deals for cooler master masterbox q300l at 50,399 Cheque or Pay Order Ready to complete the ultimate gaming machine? Gift Guide. Shop By Price. No claim will be This facility can be availed through the credit cards. KISHORGONG, Nayem Courier Service: 758-Ukil Para, KishorgonjSadar. Get the best deals for cooler master masterbox q300l at The case features one 3.5" HDD drive bay, two 2.5" SSD drive bays, and four expansion slots. Cooler Master Q300L MCB-Q300L Cabinet ₹ 4,500.00 ₹ 3,899.00 I/o panel can be adjusted in 6 different locations and the case can be positioned: Vertical or horizontal Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L gaming case for your PC is the perfect case to top off the perfect gaming setup that you’ve built. Gift Guide. The seller is known for manufacturing a range of computer products such as cooling items, cases, power supply, peripherals, and setups, which allow the consumer to personalize their work station to their heart’s desire. Contacts: Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L Black Mini Tower, Tempered Glass Side Window, Gaming Desktop Casing. Manufacturer rebates, terms, conditions, and expiration dates are subject to manufacturers printed forms NYC DCA Lic. KHULNA, Rainbow Courier Service: New Market, No-1 Sonadanga, Main road, Khulna. The I/O panel includes two USB 3.0 ports and audio in/out jacks, and it can be adjusted to six different locations, three options at each side. Cooler Master MasterBox 5 Mid-tower Case>Series-   MasterBox 5 Mid-tower>Type-   ATX Mid Tower>Cooling System-   Front: 120 mm.. Masterbox K500 EDGE-TO-EDGE TEMPERED GLASS SIDE PANELShow off your build in style through the 4mm thick Edge-to-edge tempered glass side panel, a.. MasterBox MB511 RGB MESH FRONT PANELThe mesh front panel offers efficient airflow for demanding systems.PERFORMANCE INTAKELarge intakes on each s.. Thermaltake Litepower 350W Power SupplySpecification:●︎ Watts: 350W●︎ RGB Fan: No●︎ Form Factor: ATX●︎ Type: ATX 12V 2.3●︎ Max. NOAKHALI, Rainbow Courier Service: Mofiz Plaza (South), Holdin No- 627, Block- M-01 main road, Maijdee Court, Noakhali. phanteks eclipse p400a. $79.99. Stock out. Buy Cooler Master Q300L MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00 Cabinet (Black) online at low price in India on 15,999: Cooler Master MasterBox MB600L Computer Case: Rs. 34,099: Cooler Master MasterBox MB500 Computer Case: Rs. The seller is known for manufacturing a range of computer products such as cooling items, cases, power supply, peripherals, and setups, which allow the consumer to personalize their work station to their heart’s desire. Good until 12/28/2020. Find out more about Cooler Master MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00, check out opinions from other buyers, product specifications and photos on ShopMania. However, one must make the purchase from any of the branches of Ryans. Note: 1.5% charge applicable for BKash payment. Corsair SPEC 04 Black-Grey Cabinet. I have available: 3 masterfan mf120r with a hub and rgb controller which will require 1 … The MasterBox Q300L is your straightforward option in the lineup of the brand new MasterBox Q-series from Cooler Master. 28 mm of open space for hidden cable management. bKash Number 01755554939 Bank to Bank electronic fund transfer is available from the following Banks. Cooler Master Products, Reviews, Items, Features. Rebate Price is $10.00. BCS Laptop Bazar, Shop 441- 444, Level 4, Copy Map Link:, 472 Sheikh Mujib Road Chowmuhani, Agrabad, 21 February, 26 March, 14 April, 1 May, 15 August, Shab e-Barat, Eid Ul Fitr, Eid Ul Azha, 16 December, Copy Map Link:, Copy Map Link:, 1st Floor, Naushin Tower, 11 K D A Avenue, Yearly Holidays: 21 February, 26 March, 14 April, 1 May, 15 August, Shab e-Barat, Eid Ul Fitr, Eid Ul Azha (5 days), 16 December, Copy Map Link:, Copy Map Link:, Copy Map Link:, Copy Map Link:, Yearly Holidays: 21 February, 26 March, 14 April, 1 May, 15 August, Shab e-Barat. The MasterBox Q300L Mini Tower Case from Cooler Master supports Micro-ATX and Mini-ITX motherboards. 0 out of 5 ( There are no reviews yet. ) Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L Black Mini... Thermaltake Versa H25 Mid Tower Black (Transparent Side Window) Desktop Casing #CA-1C2-00M1WN-00, Thermaltake Core G3 Slim Gaming Desktop Casing #CA-1G6-00T1WN-00, Thermaltake CA-1B2-00M1WN-00 Versa H21 Black Casing, Delux DLC-DW302 Mid Tower Black Desktop Case with Standard PSU, MSI H81M-E33 DDR3 4th Gen.LGA 1150 Socket Mainboard (HDMI), Gigabyte GA-F2A68HM-DS2 DDR3 FM2+ Socket AMD Mainboard, Gigabyte GA-F2A68-DS2 DDR3 FM2+ Socket AMD Mainboard. Check out Cooler Master MasterBox Q300P w/RGB Fans (MCB-Q300P-KANN-S02) reviews, ratings, features, specifications and browse more Cooler Master products online at best prices … Cooler Master Case Pro 6 Red Led \ Blue Led ৳ 13,500.00 ৳ 12,000.00; Cooler Master MCM-H500P-MGNN-S10 HAF500P Mesh ৳ … Either way cooling this case would be a breeze, literally. NAOGAON, Nayem Courier Service: Osudpotti, Beside of Islami Bank, Old Hospital Road, Naogaon. You must be logged in to post a review ... Add To Cart. 60,999: Cooler Master MasterBox MB530P Computer Case: Rs. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L: Η καλύτερη τιμή, χαρακτηριστικά, αξιολογήσεις και απαντήσεις στην Ελλάδα Cooler Master Masterbox Q300L Micro-ATX PC Chassis The MasterBox Q300L is a straightforward option in the lineup of the brand new MasterBox Q-series from Cooler Master. NATORE, Nayem Courier Service: Old Busstand, Kanaikhali, Natore (Under The Pressclub). COX'S BAZAR, Rainbow Courier Service: Gauchia market, Jhautola, Garir Math, Cox's Bazar. Narsingdi, Rainbow Courier Service: Bhagirathpur, Seker Chor Bus Stand, Babur Hat, Narsingdi. A 1.1" space behind the motherboard tray offers hidden cable management.Click here for more Casing.. 6-orientation I/O panel—both sides: front, top, and bottom. ... Prices. A series that might be small in size but excels in functionality and modularity without compromising on the thermal performance. Model #MCB-Q300L-KANN-TUF UPC 884102050428. SYLHET, Nayem Courier Service: Shop No - 03, Korimollar Market, Bondor Bazar, Sylhet. DEEP COOL 400EX●︎ Overall Dimension: 135X80X154.5mm●︎ Fan Dimension: 120X120X25mm●︎ Net Weight: 602g●︎ Bearing Type: Hydro Bearing●︎ Rated Voltage: 12.. Noctua NT-H2 3.5g Pro-Grade Thermal PasteSpecifications :Premium-grade thermal compound for optimal heat-transfer from the CPU or GPU to the heatsink;.. Value-Top Mania X1Without Psu Plate Left Side Panel Made of Tempered Glass with Rotary LockHD Audio1 x 12CM & 3 x 14CM ARGB Fan1 ARGB Light B.. ZOWIE XL2720The XL2720 27" 16:9 144 Hz LCD Monitor from BenQ is a gaming monitor designed for professional eSports tournaments as well as everyday gam.. MasterAir Maker 8 High-end CPU air cooler>Model-   MAZ-T8PN-418PR-R1>Compatibility-   Intel LGA socket 2011-v3 / 2011 / 1366 / 1151 / .. Cooler Master Blue LED Silent Case Fan 120mm                               .. Cooler Master CK350 RGB Mechanical Gaming KeyboardSpecifications :●︎ KEYBOARD SWITCH TYPE : Outemu●︎ MATERIAL : Brushed Aluminum, Plastic●︎ COLOR : Gu.. Cooler Master CK550 Keyboard Specification:KEYBOARD SWITCH TYPE: GateronMATERIAL: Plastic, AluminumCOLOR: Gunmetal BlackLED COLOR: RGBKEYBOARD POLLING.. Cooler Master CM 590 III Mid Tower Case>Model Number-   RC-593-KWN2>Motherboard Support-   ATX, Micro-ATX, Mini-ITX>Expansion Slots.. Gigabyte 10th gen Motherboard Price in Bangladesh, Cooler Master Masterbox K500 Mid Tower Case, Cooler Master MCB-D500D-KANN-S00 TD500 Mid Tower Case, Thermaltake Litepower 350W Sleeve Cable Power Supply with 3 Years Warranty, LG 22MK600M 22 inch IPS Borderless Full HD Monitor, SEAGATE BARRACUDA 1TB 7200 RPM SATA DESKTOP HDD, Noctua NT-H2 3.5g Pro-Grade Thermal Paste, BENQ ZOWIE XL2720 144Hz 27 inch e-Sports Monitor, Cooler Master - MasterAir Maker 8 High-end CPU air cooler, Cooler Master Blue LED Silent Case Fan 120mm, Cooler Master CK350 RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, Cooler Master CK550 Backlit Mechanical Gaming Keyboard (Blue Switch), Cooler Master CM 590 III - Mid Tower Computer Case, 2 x USB3.0| Payment is to be made from any personal BKash account, not a merchant account. The case features one 3.5" HDD drive bay, two 2.5" SSD drive bays, and four expansion slots. Cooler Master Masterbox Q300L Cabinet. +88-01729200300 Facebook Despite the Micro-ATX form factor and the body depth/height of only 370 x 370 mm, the Q300L can accommodate a normal ATX PSU. Material. Computer City Center (Multiplan Center) Read reviews from both users and experts. GOBINDAGONJ, Nayem Courier Service: Shop – 02, Al-Hera Complex, Beside of Bishow Road, Gobindagonj. Regular Price 4,400. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L, Case Type- Mini Tower, Supported Motherboard- Micro ATX, Mini-ITX, Power Supply- Bottom mount, ATX PS2, Expansion Slots- 4, VGA Card Compatibility (Maximum) - 360mm, Front USB port- 2 x USB3.0, Front Audio Port- Audio In & Out, 3.5 - 1, 2.5-2, Cooling Fan (Built … The MasterBox Q300L is a straightforward option in the lineup of the brand new MasterBox Q-series from Cooler Master. Shop By Price. BARISAL, Ryans Computers: 125 Sadar Road, Kakolimor Barisal. Sleeved FEP - underneath sleek black sleeves, FEP material beats rubber tubing in keeping Liquid where it belongs – inside the cooler Cpu socket support - LGA2066, LGA2011-v3, LGA2011, LGA1151, LGA1150, LGA1155, LGA1156, AM4, AM3+, AM3, AM2+, AM2, FM2+, FM2, FM1 Q300L TUF. 3 Months EMI - 1,400 Taka 6 Months EMI - 700 Taka Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L - Kabinet - Minitower - … SREEMANGAL, Rainbow Courier Service: Ahmed Manson, Moulvibazar road, Sreemangal. InWin X-Frame 2.0 Open Air Case ৳ 85,000.00. Popular searches in Computer Cases. Browse our store for more casings at amazing rates. KISHOREGANJ, Nayem Courier Service: 758-Ukil Para, Kishorgonjsadar. Amazon is offering the Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L TUF Gaming Alliance Edition Micro-ATX Tower (MCB-Q300L-KANN-TUF) for the best deal. Total Price Tax Shipping Store In Stock $55.69. A series that might be small in size but excels in functionality and modularity without compromising on the thermal performance. Find the best Cpu Cooler price! Bestil senest 22. dec. 4,7. Computers Ltd. Yearly Holidays: 21 February, 26 March, 1 May, 15 August, Shab e-Barat, Eid Ul Fitr, Eid Ul Azha, 16 December, Copy Map Link:, 41 Kamal Ataturk Avenue, Dhaka Tel 01755513922 (Sales), 01755513933 (Service), Copy Map Link:, 36 Sonargaon Janapath (Beside Uttara Adhunik Medical College & Hospital), 2nd Floor, Sector 9, Uttara, Yearly Holidays: 21 February, 26 March, 14 April, 1 May, 15 August, Shab e-Barat, Eid Ul Fitr, Eid Ul Azha, 16 December, Copy Map Link:, Yearly holidays are fixed by the market authority, Copy Map Link: Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L Micro-ATX Tower with Magnetic Design Dust Filter, Transparent Acrylic Side Panel, Adjustable I/O & Fully Ventilated Airflow, Black (MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00) 4.5 out of … Buy or Purchase Cooler Master from our Online Shop. Browse our store for more casings at amazing rates. Image from Vortex YouTube. Be the first to review “Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L Mid Tower Case” Cancel reply. Ryans does not offer EMI facility for online purchases. This post contains all the PC cases from Cooler Master, along with their specs, and price that you can buy in Nepal. Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L Tårn Micro-ATX Ingen strømforsyning Sort --> På lager, levering hos dig 06-12-2020. Start saving today by comparing prices and offers on Computers Cases. Buy Cooler Master Q300L MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00 Cabinet (Black) online at low price in India on 4 1 Ratings & 0 Reviews Contact us. 44,599: Cooler Master MasterBox MB311L Computer Case: Rs. Subtotal . Cooler Master MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00 Q300L mAtx Case ৳ 4,200.00; Sale! Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L Micro-ATX Tower with Magnetic Design Dust Filter, Transparent Acrylic Side Panel, Adjustable I/O & Fully Ventilated Airflow, Black (MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00) Model #: 32517320147006 We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Buy Cooler Master MasterBox TD500L ATX Mid Tower Case for the best price in Pakistan. $9.99. Buy Cooler Master Masterbox Q300P RGB Online at best price in Pakistan with crazy discount deals. SIRAJGANJ, Nayem Courier Service: 38/ A, Jubli Road, Sirajganj (Beside of Doighor). Product Highlights. Product on Review: MasterBox Q300L Manufacturer & Sponsor: Cooler Master Street Price: £39.99 GBP / $39.99 USD / $50 AUD Cooler Master are certainly no strangers to the world of computer case engineering, their portfolio stretches all the way back to the 90s with some of the most prolific designs coming from the HAF and COSMOS series. NETROKONA, Nayem Courier Service: Abulayazbhobon, Choto Bazar, Netrokona. Check out Cooler Master Q300L MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00 Cabinet (Black) reviews, ratings, features, specifications and browse more Cooler Master products online at best prices on Service: 01701663685 Set price alerts and view price trends. Global Brand Private Limited is the only authorized distributor of Cooler Master MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00 mAtx Case at the best price in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The MasterBox Q300L Mini Tower Case from Cooler Master supports Micro-ATX and Mini-ITX motherboards. Find the best Cpu Cooler price! Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L, Black, Mini Tower Computer Chassis, w/ Window, micro-ATX/Mini-ITX, 120mm Fan, USB 3.0 is rated 4.4 out of 5 by 14. Post your classified ad for free in various categories like mobiles, tablets, cars, bikes, laptops, electronics, birds, houses, furniture, clothes, dresses for sale in Pakistan. Cooler Master is a hardware manufacturer that has been operational since 1992 AD. Puteti achizitiona produsul Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L (MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00) de la oricare magazin afisat in lista de preturi. Share Rs.7,299 Rs.7,799 6 % OFF nu este magazin online si nu vinde in mod direct. $0.00. Enjoy Online Shopping in Pakistan with Cash on Delivery Services and free home delivery in Karachi Lahore Islamabad Multan Peshawar Quetta The combination of a practical design and the unique customizable aesthetic makes the Q300L the perfect choice for office and home use. Computers Ltd. BRAHMANBARIA, Rainbow Courier Service: 192, Kandipara Madrasa Road, Brahmanbaria. Case Fan: ARCTIC F12 PST 53 CFM 120 mm. MasterBox Q300L MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00. Case Fan: ARCTIC F12 PST 53 CFM 120 mm. Model - Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L, Case Type - Mini Tower, Series - MasterBox Series, Supported Mainboard Type - Micro ATX, Mini ITX, Front/Top USB port - 2 x USB3.0, Front/Top Audio Port - Audio In & Out, 3.5 Inch Drive Bay - 1, 2.5 Inch Drive Bay - 2, Expansion Card Slots - 4, Cooling Fan (Built-In) - 1, Cooling Fan (Optional) - 6, Radiator Support Front/Top/Rear - Front: 120 / 240mm, Rear: 120mm, Power Supply Type - Bottom mount, ATX PS2, Graphics-card Length - 360mm, CPU cooler height - 157mm, Transparent Side Window - Yes, Materials - Steel, Plastic, Body Color - Black, Body Dimensions (H x W x D) - 378 x 230 x 387mm, Others - PSU: 160mm, Cable Routing Behind MB Tray: 28mm, Dust Filters: Bottom, Specialty - Acrylic Side Window Gaming Desktop Case, PATTERNED MAGNETIC DUSTFILTERS, MODULAR I/O PANEL, MULTIPLE POSITIONING OPTIONS, EDGE-TO-EDGE SIDE PANEL, CLEAN ROUTING SPACE, EXCELLENT THERMAL PERFORMANCE, FAN AND RADIATOR SUPPORT, MAIN COMPONENTS CLEARANCE, Warranty - No Warranty, Part No - MCB-Q300L-KANN-S00. 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