The next ministry that the Holy Spirit has with both unbelievers, as well as believers is that He has to convict all of us. I confess, we turned on the air conditioning and lit a fire in the fireplace, just to try it out.) In addition to the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit, the Bible also tells us that there are 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit.. For the record, we feel that the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit are much more important than the 9 gifts are. 7:37-39) is much easier than the lifestyle of wrinkling my brow and trying to figure everything out. The Holy Spirit, coming like fire, burns away any binding grip that the Enemy has imposed on us. Too many Christians are walking in the flesh in this life instead of walking in the Holy Spirit. Used by permission. And once you know what the real truth is on a certain matter you may be dealing with, then you will know how to properly handle it. That is why true sanctification is accomplished by both the Word and the Spirit working together. If would like to see a very good detailed article on these 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit, please go to our article titled, “The 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit.” Since I have already gone in-depth on this subject matter in this article, I will not go any further with it under this caption. You can begin by praying for the Holy Spirit’s clear direction in all areas of my life; that I would hear His voice. And again, this is the job of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to be our personal Teacher so we can learn everything the Lord will want to teach us in this life. He told the Lord that if this was all there was to his life and walk with Him, that he was ready to leave this life right now and check out early. If He drops a thought into your mind to do something, do it. He gives us gifts to minister like Jesus. Along with a renewed interest in the person and work of the Holy Spirit has come increased confusion. Here are two key powerful verses from the apostle Paul telling us that we can all do the exact same thing ourselves with the Holy Spirit: There are two key words to really hone in on, and those two key words are “communion” and “fellowship” with the Holy Spirit. In the Upper Room teachings of Jesus, he taught us that one of the roles of the Holy Spirit is to “convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8). May our Lord in Heaven Jesus Christ bless you with joy, wisdom and thanksgiving If there is one thing that can cause you to take off like a rocket in your own personal walk with the Lord, it has to be in this area of making direct contact with the Holy Spirit, and from there, be willing to open yourself to all of the different ministries that He is capable of giving to you. And the Holy Spirit Himself will help draw you much closer to both of Them. Praise God for this awesome article! Another major powerful ministry that the Holy Spirit has with each born-again believer is to help them with their prayer lives with the Lord. He asked if they had received the Holy Spirit since they believed. The Holy Spirit cannot only help you with some of the bigger things that will occur in your life, but He can also help you with some of the smaller things that you will need His help on. Fourth, the Spirit anoints us for effective service and leadership. In our Sanctification Section of our site, we have an article titled, “Sanctification.“. Here are 4 very good verses showing us that the Holy Spirit is also our Helper in this life. The Authority Of The Holy Spirit March 15, 2017 Save Article " Romans 5:1-5, 17 (Program 1950, Airing on 10.26.08 & 11.02.08) ROLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN OUR LIVES. The Spirit helps us to discover our gifts and then he empowers us for the effective use of those gifts. He is talking about the day they will end up getting saved in Jesus. However, there is one more verse that I want to add to all of this that will really add some more meat to the above revelation on the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit. Series 15 Study 6 STEPHEN: FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. These three lessons will increase your understanding of who the Holy Spirit is, how He works and how you can get what He’s giving. The Holy Spirit is one of the members of the triune God and, therefore, we meet the Holy Spirit all through the Bible. Both of these verses are coming direct from the apostle Paul, and I do not have to tell you what a great man of God he became, all because he worked with the grace and power that God gave him through the Holy Spirit. In this article, I want to put together for you all of the different ministries that the Holy Spirit has with each and every born-again believer. Baptism in the Holy Spirit means to be immersed in God’s Spirit. While most people have heard about the Holy Spirit, only a few really know its role in our lives. (2 Thessalonians 2:14.) And the main reason He wants us to grow in His knowledge is because you cannot spiritually grow in the Lord unless you first seek after the knowledge that will cause this spiritual growth to occur in the first place. At one point he got so distraught, that he was ready to throw in the towel and quit on the Lord. Here is what the word regeneration means from some of the different Bible Dictionaries and Commentaries: As you can see from these different definitions, this is a major life-changing event, to have the Holy Spirit literally come to live on the inside of your human spirit and from there, cause this kind of regeneration to occur in your spirit so you can be saved and born again in the Lord. WELCOME TO SWORD OF THE SPIRIT MINISTRIES We are a multi-cultural This is without question the number one job and ministry of the Holy Spirit. Here are some of the specific things the Holy Spirit can help you with in your own personal prayer life to the Lord: As you can see from the above list – if you can learn how to team up with the Holy Spirit in your own personal prayers to the Lord, you will dramatically increase your chances of getting more of your personal prayers answered by Him. His works include Invitation to World Missions: A Trinitarian Missiology for the Twenty-first Century and Theology in the Context of World Christianity: How the Global Church Is Influencing the Way We Think about and Discuss Theology. It is the Holy Spirit's gift to us, God's alternative to … I promise you I was a lost soul. If you do, God will then take you very seriously and from there, He and His Spirit will start to slowly take you into some of the above ministries at a pace that He knows you will be able to comfortably handle. If you study all of the passages together, you will discover that there are seven key ministries of the Holy Spirit found in the Old Testament. § Jesus speaks about Him in John 14, 15, and 16. Rita Corbett Rita grew up with her parents as missionaries in Africa, she lives in Canada with her husband Grant and daughter Chelsea and they have 5 Children. John 16:7-15 God’s presence with mankind has become more intimate—from a cloud of glory in the temple, to the incarnate Son of God living with men, to the indwelling presence of His Spirit. And all of this kind of heavier activity can be given to you free of charge down here on this earth. (It even had a fireplace. And then the third verse says that no one can call Jesus Lord unless it is done by the Holy Spirit. In this series, R.C. ... New Dimensions Ministries, 7. Once you get saved and born again in the Lord, that is just the beginning. This is absolute truth! Just suffice to say that this is another incredible, knock-your-socks-off ministry that the Holy Spirit has with each and every one of us – in that He is willing to release and impart 9 specific divine qualities and attributes up into our personalities so God can shape, mold, and transform us into the express image of His Son Jesus. Notice the first verse tells us that we have direct access to God the Father “by one Spirit.” And that one Spirit is none other than the Holy Spirit Himself since the “S” in the word “Spirit” is with a capital “S.”, The second verse then tells us that the Lord abides in us “by the Spirit.” And again, it is referring direct to the Holy Spirit since the “S” in the word “Spirit” is with a capital “S.”. On the day of Pentecost, Peter affirms that the promise of the empowering work of the Holy Spirit is given to all that the Lord calls to Himself. This is the most incredible book on The Gifts of the Holy Spirit I have ever found. Here are the two main verses from our Bible that will show you that it is the job of the Holy Spirit to lead us in this life and to guide us into all truth. The spiritual gifts that believers possess are given by the Holy Spirit as He determines in His wisdom (verse 11) The Holy Spirit also does work among unbelievers. But before the Holy Spirit will really move you into this sanctification realm, you have to give Him something to work with and that something is knowledge. The Eight Ministries of the Holy Spirit presents eight works of the Holy Spirit in the life of the sinner/believer and an introduction to Biblecostal theology. For born-again believers, we all need the conviction of the Holy Spirit from time to time, so we can be shown the errors of our ways and where we are going wrong at times. . It is the Holy Spirit's gift to us, God's alternative to the belief in sin, guilt and “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. Now here are some extremely powerful verses from the Bible showing you that God can anoint you with the divine power of His Holy Spirit. And once God sets this perfect plan and destiny up for your life, then He will start to lead you step-by-step into the fulfillment of that divine destiny. My wife and I, like many of you, have faced important decisions and major crossroads throughout our life together. Am so blessed by this and I believe from now on my life and daily walk with God will never be the same again. Jesus Introduces the Holy Spirit to His Disciples JOHN 14 … When you really look at each one these different ministries that the Holy Spirit has with all of us, you can really feel the power on each one of them and that there is no way you will not be able to really progress in your own walk and call with the Lord once the Holy Spirit starts to become very active in your daily life with all of these different ministries. Christian spirituality is simple. Once you are saved and born again in the Lord and the Holy Spirit has now entered into your human spirit and has fully regenerated it, the next thing He is going to do is start to draw you closer to the Lord in the personal relationship you will now be establishing with Him. Again, another major ministry that the Holy Spirit has with each and everyone of us – to divinely connect us to both God and Jesus in heaven and from there, help us form out and establish a very good personal relationship with each One of Them. God’s Word tells us that we should earnestly seek and desire these gifts, not quenching the Spirit “Therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy…”—1 Corinthians 14:39 “Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.”—1 Corinthians 14:1 “Do not quench the Spirit. All of us have gifts that God has given us to use for his glory. If God is calling you to be a pastor, evangelist, doctor, teacher, or an attorney, then He will anoint you with His divine power so you can be very good in that specific calling. This is the subject of verses 13-16. This is another extremely powerful ministry that the Holy Spirit has with every single person who is willing to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. It continues on throughout our Christian lives as he purifies us and makes us holy. The Holy Spirit is called in the Bible the “Advocate of the Lord Jesus Christ” Jesus is our advocate before the Father; the Holy Spirit is the advocate to us You read in the Word what He wants to change about you, and then the Holy Spirit will start to move to change you into the kind of person God wants you to become in Him. This is the process of sanctification through the Holy Spirit, which leads us to partake of Jesus’ glory (His virtues). We see this in the Jerusalem council where the apostles asked for wisdom when they were responding to God’s work among the Gentiles. And once the Holy Spirit enters in on the inside of each believer, some very powerful and profound things will start to happen in their lives if they will open themselves up to some of His different ministries. That means that he longs for us to know him and to understand his ways. Like I always do, I will first give you these 12 specific ministries right at the top of this article in a numbered, bolded format so you can have all of them right at the top of this article. God bless. Just as God is one but has three distinct personhoods: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, so the Holy Spirit is One but with seven distinct expressions. All rights reserved. These next 6 verses will show you that God will also sanctify you by His Word. “You Do Have the Power of God to Witness,”, When You Struggle to Balance God’s Need to Judge Sin with His Love, How to Pick a Fight: What the Word of God Says About Choosing Your Battles Wisely, Biblical Solutions to Your Everyday Problems. The Ministries of the Holy Spirit Part 7 David Clifford The Holy Spirits Present Work In The World Dr. David Clifford is currently engaged In International Bible teaching end presently makes his home In Plantation, Florida. Second, this regeneration is done directly by the Holy Spirit Himself. They preceded their decision by the wonderful phrase, “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials” (Acts 15:28). The Holy Spirit wants to come and rest upon you and me. The mind and brain are like a muscle – use it or lose it. The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit is the title of a Roman Catholic devotional practice derived from the passage, rather than an exposition of Isaiah 11:1-2. You referred to the 9 Fruits of the spirit when in actuality the correct word is Fruit of the spirit. Glory be to God Hallelujah. The Unbeliever Receives Efficacious Grace 2. Second, we need to listen to the Holy Spirit's call of conviction, cleansing and restoration. Version. The Holy Spirit will also guide you across the board of your entire life if you are open to receiving this kind of divine guidance from Him. The Reformers placed tremendous stress on the gifts of the Spirit to the whole body of Christ. What a wonderful teaching, am blessed by it. 2 Timothy 1:7 The Bible says, “You were…created to be like God, truly righteous and holy.” That is why God gave us Christ's vision. Years ago he was facing a very heavy trial. The Catholic Church recognizes seven gifts of the Holy Spirit; a listing of these gifts is found in Isaiah 11:2-3. Put it all together, and not only does the Holy Spirit live on the inside of us, but He is also able to connect us to both God and Jesus in heaven. The very first ministry that the Holy Spirit has with all of us is to make sure we find Jesus and accept Him as our personal Lord and Savior so we can be truly saved and born again. The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Rita Corbett Rita grew up with her parents as missionaries in Africa, she lives in Canada with her husband Grant and daughter Chelsea and they have 5 Children. I have seen Him help many people with small and trivial things like where to find a misplaced item, and how to solve a minor problem at home, school, or the workplace. If you do not spend some kind of good regular quality time in the Bible learning what God wants to change about you, then the Holy Spirit is not going to move on the inside of you to sanctify you to the degree that God would really like in this lifetime. In the Bible Basics section of our site, we have a very good detailed article on seeking after the knowledge of God for your life. Copyright © 2005-2019 by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.” (1 Corinthians 12:7-11). And the Holy Spirit is the only One who will know exactly what steps you will need to take to make it into your divine call, along with guiding you around all of the different land mines that could knock you right out of your divine destiny for the Lord. Here are 7 ways the To think that God the Father would send down His one and only Son Jesus to this earth to save us from our sins is enough to knock you right off the couch once you start to really meditate on what this big picture story of redemption is all about. Davis. We all need to learn how to pray in the Spirit and with the Spirit, especially on some of our heavier prayer requests to God the Father. Thank you for putting all this information here I now have a little better understanding of the bible and have a much stronger desire to read and learn more. The title of this article is, “How to Be Led by the Holy Spirit,” and it is in the Bible Basics section of our site. If the baptism of the Holy Spirit must deposit in you ANY (or more ) of the 9 GIFTS of the Spirit, why then do preachers say the baptism of the Holy Spirit must deposit in you ( potentially and firstly ) the gift of speaking in TONGUES . In addition to helping us out in our own personal prayer lives with the Lord, He will also be making intercession for all of us as different needs arise in our lives. The Holy Spirit is … 8 Those who regard vain idols Forsake their faithfulness, 9 But I will sacrifice to You With the voice of thanksgiving. Please I will start my personal Ministry of the Holy Spirit today. The power of the Holy Spirit strengthens our will to endure in this process so that we do not lose heart, but can stand firm until the end! If you start seeking after the knowledge of God for your life, the Holy Spirit will also start to increase your intelligence levels. Sixth, the Spirit manifests the power of God to heal and transform lives and society. And not only can you have the anointing of God on your divine calling, but you can also have it on the other areas of your life as well. I have been so blessed. Let’s explore each one. In other words, the more you seek after God, the more He will come back and seek after you. Here are 11 very good verses all showing you that God will sanctify you by His Word and Spirit. These questions have been especially important since the rise of the Pentecostal and charismatic movements in the last century. As a result of reading this book, I have started a book club at my church and we are studying this book. God bless you servant of God. Again, we have covered many of these topics in some of our other articles. God has not only revealed his Word to us, but he helps us to understand it and apply it to our lives by his Spirit. In its pages, Tennent studies acts of the Spirit in the Old and New Testament, historic conversion stories, as well as modern examples from around the world, exploring the three great channels through which the Holy Spirit works in our lives: Are you ready to be filled with the Holy Spirit? The gifts of the Spirit not only include the gift to pastor or teach, but also the gift of administration or leadership or service. If there is one thing that will get the Holy Spirit to move very strongly in some of the above areas, it has to be us seeking after this kind of heavier activity from Him. Notice the second verse says that no one can come to Jesus for eternal salvation unless God the Father is first drawing them in. This ministry of the Holy Spirit begins before we even become Christians, as he brings conviction of our sins and helps us to see our need for Christ. I will now give you two more good verses to put the icing on this cake that we can make direct contact with the Holy Spirit and learn how to walk with Him in this life. Yet Reformed Christians always have been given a “bad press” for their views on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He said as a Baptist minister and pastor of a church, that he was actually afraid of the Holy Spirit. And we, as born-again Christians, have direct access into all of this if we will just seek after it and work with the Lord once He starts it up in us. There will be many different steps you will have to take to eventually reach that goal, along with many different land mines that you are going to have to stay away from. And this is where the Holy Spirit will be coming in big time, as He now has the personal ministry of leading all of us into the perfect plan and destiny of God for our lives. The words “regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit” are telling us that this regeneration is being done directly by the Holy Spirit Himself. Here is a major verse showing us that the Holy Spirit has the personal ministry of convicting all of us – which will include both unbelievers as well as believers. Then I felt this strong overwhelming, indescribable, amazing, unbelievable presence in my sons room; He saved me. They successfully made a trip to Bethlehem following the Holy Spirit without planes, trains, automobiles, maps, GPS, bottled water, or nut bars. More gifts are listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. As we have showed you in our article titled, “The 9 Gifts of the Spirit,” there are 9 incredible powerful gifts that the Holy Spirit can manifest through any believer any time that He will want to do so. The Holy Spirit Gives Spiritual Gifts to Believers Attributes of the Holy Spirit such as wisdom, knowledge, and power are manifested in the lives of believers for the good of others. The Reformers placed tremendous stress on the gifts of the Spirit to the whole body of Christ. Here are the first 5 verses that will show you that the Holy Spirit has the personal ministry of leading as many people as He possibly can to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In this article we show you the different ways that the Holy Spirit will communicate to you so you can pick up exactly what He will want you to do. Bottom line – every single Christian needs to learn how to walk in the Holy Spirit. I am so grateful. Before He returned to heaven, Jesus said, “… you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit … But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” Acts 1:5-8. “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit …” Ephesians 4:30. These gifts are the manifestations of the power and authority given to you by the Holy Spirit in order to accomplish His will on earth. Notice two very important things in this verse: First, this regeneration is being directly tied to us getting saved in the Lord. The Names of Jesus: Who is Jesus According to the Scriptures? If you feel called, please help support our digital ministry with a small donation to our general offertory here: God bless. Another way of saying this is that it is the Holy Spirit who makes us distinct from the animals. He was afraid to make any kind of direct contact with Him, as he did not want to get flakey and out of balance in his walk with the Lord, as he had seen too many Christians over the years get goofy and crazy with some of the wild things that can occur once the Holy Spirit starts to manifest. The last verse adds a little more to this when it tells us that God abides in us because He has given us His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a person—not simply a power or force—and He, along with the other two members of the Trinity, was involved in creation. 7 Keys To Breaking The Spirit of Stagnation – Minister Kevin Campbell. So again, realize that every single time you lead an unbeliever to eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, you are also opening them up to be able to receive the Holy Spirit on the inside of them, where from there He can get down into their spirits and fully regenerate them. Unlike the Holy Spirit’s ministries to the believer in regeneration, baptism, indwelling, and sealing, His filling can be lost due to disobedience (sin). The things which the Spirit teaches them are the things which Jesus will be teaching them. 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Thank you for visiting this page! “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them” (1 Corinthians 12:4). If you do not seek, then you will never find. Hebrews 3:7-9 [7] So, as the Holy Spirit says: "Today, if you hear his voice, [8] do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, [9] where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did." Very seriously seek, then you will spiritually grow at a rate that will be present among and them! Oil, as we shall explore, is gentle and a symbol of peace intimately involved in sanctification! Notice the second verse says that no one can come to Jesus for eternal unless... 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