Senior Member . – read more. Because of this, female angelfish are technically capable of laying eggs without a male. Breeding angelfish is not always easy, and in some cases, if your angelfish don’t rise to the challenge, you may need to take over for your them and care for the eggs yourself. If the parents are young and inexperienced, they may try to eat the fry. However, the eggs don't last beyond 2 days as they either fall off where they've been deposited or they've been eaten. The good news is that angelfish will display clear signs when they’re about to lay eggs. If a male is present, he will also be in charge of fertilizing and protecting the eggs in this place. It’s difficult to tell the difference between male and female Angelfish. A female angelfish can lay eggs every 2 weeks. - Yes, they can but they will not be fertilized. In the absence of a slate, angelfish may lay their eggs in places you don’t want them to such as the heater or filter intake, on the broad leaves of certain plants, etc. She will: An angelfish without a mate will not understand that no real fry will come out of laying these eggs. It will lay flatter on her body than with males, who have smaller ones that protrude farther from their body. In about 6 to 8 months, angelfish become sexually mature and will start to form pairs. In the female, this organ will be large and blunt, and there may be swelling or bulging around her papilla. If you’re breeding angelfish, it’s important to know when they’re about to lay eggs. Angelfish will make sure to aerate the eggs to get oxygen to them and they’ll continuously guard and clean the eggs. Angelfish will carefully clean the spawning site, lay the eggs, fertilize them, aerate and clean them, and then care for the fry. Be sure to look over the fish and compare it to other signs of egg-laying. Does she remain slow for more than a few days. Eggs are generally laid on a submerged log or a flattened leaf. That’s because the egg-laying process is deeply affected by your fish’s health. At this point, it will take them 60 hours to process the sperm, grow organs, and start breaking free of their eggs. To protect the eggs from fungus, you’ll need to treat the water with a fungicide like methylene blue, which is a natural dye with antifungal properties. I've cared for angelfish for years and am here to share my in-depth of knowledge with other fish owners. Why Are My Angelfish Fighting After Laying Eggs? Eggs that haven’t been fertilized will develop a white fungus on them. Thread Tools: Display Modes: 02-01-2012, 07:42 PM #1: PostShawn. The adults will take care for the eggs and once hatchet, you can feed powder fish food to the fry. Towards the back of her body, and on her underside, there will be a gentle roundness that disrupts an angelfish’s otherwise sleek shape. Angelfish are ambush predators and prey on small fish and macroinvertebrates. Angelfish don’t see in the dark, so they will not attack you. Angelfish will lay eggs often. For example, she might be interested in her own reflection in the tank glass or in any decorations you put in the tank. You may need to remove the eggs once they’ve been laid to keep the fry safe. That mean making sure the eggs are oxygenated (air bubbles from an air stone placed in the tank will help with this) and that eggs are protected from fungus. on protein-rich live food or frozen brine worms, Do Angelfish Eat Worms? In the beginning, it will be subtle. This allows her to gain back some of the nutrients she used to create the eggs. Each successful spawn can produce up to 1000 eggs that can yield 300 to 600 fry. I hope you find it interesting! The next stage in the angelfish egg development is the wiggler stage, which is the stage right after hatching. In other fish, these signs will be very obvious. At this stage, the egg wall is quite transparent and if examined under a microscope, the beating heart and the blood flow through the larvae can both be observed. For freshwater variants, it’s nearly impossible, since these angelfish have very…. They will clean the place rigorously and then lay their eggs on a vertical piece of an item they find to be safe and secure for their fry. If you’re breeding angelfish, it’s useful to know a few things about angelfish egg stages, especially that you may sometimes need to take over the helm from your angelfish pair and care for and hatch the eggs yourself. I’ll also mention some of the things you should focus on in each step until angelfish babies become free swimmers and they accept regular fish food. If it has paired itself with a mate, this task will be shared by both of them. One theory is commercial angelfish operations always pull the eggs for maximum production, so the resulting generations lack parenting skills. Usually, this is a male that uses pheromones and visual cues to entice the female into spawning. If they become slow and it’s not due to pregnancy, it may be due to illness. It’s not a good idea to let angelfish breed in a community tank as other fish may stress them out or may raid the eggs if angelfish are not on guard. Tiger Barb Fish Profile – Care, Feeding, Breeding, Requirements. If you separate a female from her eggs, she will consider them ‘destroyed.’ Her body will begin generating more eggs. Even if your angelfish is not paired with a mate, this behavior will stick around. This is when most people consider their angelfish to be properly ‘hatched’. © Copyright 2021 - SmartAquariumGuide. At this point, there’s no need to feed them as they’re feeding on their yolk sack. Once the spawning site is clean, the female will lay her sticky eggs row by row, and the male angelfish will brush over the eggs to fertilize them. This tells her the time is right to produce eggs, which will likely be fertilized even if she doesn’t have a mate. How Long Does It Take For Angelfish Eggs To Hatch? If you see the papilla extended from the angelfish, then it’s about to lay eggs. Angelfish You are bidding on one angelfish breeding slate.Made out of 1/4" green acrylic.Why green,in the wild they lay their eggs on green plant leaves.Its 2" wide and 12" high.I have bent the leg on it so its one piece.I have sanded the front of it so the eggs will stick better to the acrylic. If she’s just as hungry as before, or perhaps more hungry, then it’s likely that she’s carrying eggs. Angelfish laying eggs. It will more comfortably lay the eggs, and be less likely to start conflict with others in the tank. They can lay between a hundred and a thousand eggs in a session. Your female will guard her new laying area before the eggs are placed there. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. As the eggs grow within the female, her belly will start to bulge outward. As is the case for other cichlids, brood care is highly developed. Helping them prepare for this moment can boost the eggs’ chance of survival. Angelfish breeding is both a lot of fun and very rewarding, with large adults laying close to 500 eggs, but you need to know what to watch for as your fish start to pair off so you can be prepared for what comes next. Disclosure: I may earn a commission when you purchase through my affiliate links. Angelfish are highly protective of their children, their territory, and their mate. Angelfish egg laying and fertilization The Angelfish eggs will be deposited on the spawning slate and placed in very neat and evenly spaced lines. Will an angel Fish lay eggs if there is no male angel around? Just because you have a proven breeding angelfish pair, don’t expect spawning to happen immediately. When an angelfish is about to lay eggs, it will first prepare an area in the tank. For saltwater species, the differences between males and females are subtle. Their tails will pop out first and lightly begin to thrash. We will go over infertility in the next part of the series. If the female is alone, then she will personally find an area that is: Here, she will remove any debris, fungus, and move around the rocks. Ideally, you don’t want your angelfish to deposit the eggs on a heater or on a random leaf in the tank or — even worse — on something that you can’t remove from the tank. If she stops eating altogether, or eats very little, she may be constipated. What this essentially means is that the larvae are still attached to the spawning site through a filament that protrudes from their heads. When the eggs are about 60 hours or so old, the larvae inside the eggs … Their lifecycle undergoes a complex series of stages, as the fry grows from eggs…, If you notice your angelfish eggs have turned white, this is bad news. The actual process of growing the eggs will take place just within her, so she doesn’t need help. This is done with an organ called the papilla. Keep in mind, that even if you scrape off the eggs, they will probably lay another batch of eggs in a few days. Angelfish are egg-layers, so the fertilization doesn’t happen through the angelfish copulating. Angelfish usually don’t eat their fry, so you don’t need to worry about this. If they’re a large breed, or have a small clutch, then it’s difficult for you to pick out the physical changes. Once the eggs have developed into full, viable eggs, she will lay them in a safe area. Over the next 3 days, they will slowly break free and start consuming their egg yolk, according to Aquaculture Research. Owing to the fish then keep your fish you may select their growing time. The idea is for her to create a safe area for the eggs to sit while they develop and grow. If the female hasn’t prepared a spot for the eggs, isn’t staying with her mate, and hasn’t developed a bulge, this could be bad news. Likewise, she may also pick up subtle cues from plants, other fish, or angelfish she’s not paired with. Does that mean the other angel is also a female? They might try to eat their eggs or abandon them altogether. Before this point, most females will eat their own eggs. Sometimes you can only know after you have observed the mating process. You can try pulling the eggs, but raising fry by hand is some work. Thunderaven. However, the female can also pick up cues from her environment, and may spawn without a male. In this article, I will describe the stages angelfish eggs go through from the moment they’re laid to the moment they hatch and enter a larval stage known as “wigglers”. She will still be intent on keeping the area safe and secluded. According to the Journal of Biology, female angelfish don’t lay eggs unless they receive cues from their environment that trigger spawning behavior. Join Date: Dec 2009. All Pterophyllum species form monogamous pairs. However, that doesn’t mean the process is dangerous. They will both be very defensive of their territory, and may lash out at other fish that get near them. Would you want to hang out in groups of bacterial medication water changes to keep your angelfish varieties. - Not at all. Angelfish may spend as much as 24 hours cleaning the spawning site, which can be a leaf of a plant, the heater in the tank, or on a slate that you’ve placed in the tank. Therefore, knowing how to identify each stage and offer the appropriate care in each stage will help you hatch the eggs yourself, should it become necessary. If the fish is not stressed into quickly darting around the tank, then it feels safe in its territory. Molly Fish and Tiger Barbs – Can You Keep Them in Same Aquarium? If the eggs are left with the pair, then they will not lay again until either all the eggs/babies have been destroyed or the parents have been separated from the babies. Therefore, providing them with a slate or other removable spawning site is the best way to ensure that all goes well. Once the spawning site is clean, the female will lay her sticky eggs row by row, and the male angelfish... Pre-Hatching Stage. Angelfish require a separate breeding tank. One problem, and the one you must get past, with breeding Angelfish is the eating of the eggs, or fry once the eggs hatch out, by the parents. More territorial. If you do not remove the egg, they will lay the egg until the eggs mature and probably hatch. If you’ve decided to pull the eggs from the tank out of fear that the angelfish may eat them, you’ll need to do everything the parents do in the period after the eggs are laid. It will also allow for easy removal to a hatching tank. Having said that not every egg will hatch, In-fact commonly only 1% – 5% of the eggs will hatch in the right conditions. All Rights Reserved. Until then, the female will go through her normal ‘pregnancy’ stage. The male won't actually fertilize her eggs. Common Male Angelfish Characteristics: May develop a nuchal hump, a small lump on the forehead near the nose. Replicating this diet is the best way to ensure…, Occasionally, angelfish will lack parenting skills. The head at the area just above the pectoral fins should be carefully viewed. In the larval stage, eyes, tails, and internal organs are still developing. These could be the glass sides of the tank, filter body or even heater/thermostat cable. angelfish about to lay eggs When this problem but make sure that the water to dwell in peaceable natures mandatory it is recommended. As the larval angelfish consume up all their yolk sack, they become free swimmers. You’ll have time to get prepared for removing and destroying the eggs, and keep your tank population at a balanced number. It takes energy to form the eggs within the angelfish’s body, and she will need to recoup this. A female angelfish can develop the eggs inside her and lay them by herself. If a male doesn’t come along to fertilize them, then the eggs will eventually die and begin to rot. How many eggs do angelfish lay? An Angelfish can be found to lay eggs when the face is viewed from an angle at the top, you notice a relatively small budge in the stomach area. Hi, I'm Lou. This is a good sign. The physical changes are some of the easiest ways to tell if your angelfish is about to lay eggs. There are some that will pass that duration while others will lay their eggs sooner. If you have very hard water and a well-conditioned female angelfish that won't or can't seem to lay eggs after trying many methods to stimulate it, a little experimentation may be needed. You can expect the female to be happy to munch on protein-rich live food or frozen brine worms. The fish guarding the eggs might not even be the female, but could be the male. If this continually happens in our community tank scenario, use method two. They won’t be fertilized and can’t grow into baby angelfish. Your email address will not be published. An angelfish that’s about to lay eggs may become lethargic. Once the fry are large enough to properly care for themselves, the parents will start working on the next batch of fry. Thus if you notice an increase in the aggression from what is usually, it might be a sign that your angelfish is ready to lay eggs. Even if there is no male present, female angelfish can still lay unfertilized eggs. Ask yourself these questions: Then your angelfish may in fact be sick. If some of the eggs develop fungus, they rot, or become dirty, the angelfish pair will remove them to prevent rotting or fungus on the other eggs. As time goes on and the eggs are not fertilized, they may begin to develop rot, fungus, or algae on them. Plecos will readily each angelfish eggs at night, and even if the parents are awake, plecos are tough enough to resist the pecking and poking of protective parents. As mentioned, sick angelfish may stop eating. During this time, she will prepare and clean an area for laying them, either by herself or with a mate. While it takes both a male and a female to create fry, the eggs themselves don’t require a male. In-Depth Answers To Your Angelfish Questions! The male and female Angelfish will take turns making passes over the spawning site until several hundred or more eggs have been laid, depending on the size and condition of the female prior to spawning. Angelfish are able to lay eggs once they reach maturity. If you want to keep the fry, then you should not disturb them. Slowly, you can start feeding the fry with freshly hatched brine shrimp or micro worms. Fish that are healthy, well-fed, and kept in a clean environment will be able to lay more often. You probably won't have much luck raising angelfish in a community tank, although you might be able to leave them in until the eggs hatch. She will then become more protective of this spot, her territory, herself, and her mate. Once she’s about to lay the eggs, her papilla will become very obvious. Furthermore, angelfish aggression might be more pronounced during their breeding period. Become a Supporting Member Become a Preferred Vendor: Breeding Freshwater Fish Find out the different ways on breeding freshwater fish. However, if the eggs are successfully fertilized and she’s able to care for them as they grow, she will not produce more. When an angelfish is about to lay eggs, it will first prepare an area in the … At this point, the baby fish will start working their way out of the squishy ball of their egg. I have a mating pair of angelfish. It all depends on the conditions in the aquarium and the angelfish. Your email address will not be published. Does she show any kinds of growths or injuries on her body? Angelfish eggs begin their official gestation once they’ve been laid. Once they reach the wiggler stage, they’ll graduate into more independent fry. As the day approaches for the laying, the fish will: Because of that, you might find your otherwise fast-paced fish getting slow and docile. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. To lay the eggs, the angelfish will ‘spawn.’ This describes the process where the eggs are laid by the female, while the male follows behind to fertilize the eggs as they become free of her body. Some Angelfish are not as good parents as others, and at the slightest disturbance may at any time eat the eggs or their own babies. Unfortunately, they won’t all make it to adulthood, and the survival rate tends to be lower for the first few spawns. If she doesn’t like the spawning slate, she will deposit the eggs somewhere else in the aquarium. You can keep the eggs in the tank with the parents, but is not necessary. Here's how I did it. Angelfish eggs go through the same processes or stages regardless if they’re being hatched by the parents or if they’re hatched artificially. Angelfish eggs are transparent and smaller than the head of a straight pin. You can also see this bulge from the side, but it mostly extends outwards, not downwards. How do you Know When Angelfish Are Ready To Lay Eggs? Today at 7:04 PM. Some angelfish parents will continue to raise and protect the fry as far as the fin-growing stage, however, they might also eat their fry, so aquarists often remove them from the tank and place them in a grow-out tank. Keep an eye out, and you’ll be able to tell when the angelfish is about to lay her eggs. This will be most obvious when you’re looking at the angelfish from the top down. The high number of eggs will ensure that some do survive into growth. The parents will hover closely over the spawn and fan Some angelfish will not show any clear signs when they’re pregnant. A female angelfish may also eat the eggs after they’ve been fertilized, because she’ll get confused about if they’re really her own eggs. Angelfish eggs will take 2-3 days to properly hatch. Your female angelfish won’t get sick or be harmed by growing the eggs and laying them herself. In the wild, angelfish feed off a selection of worms. According to Zoological Science, it will take the fry 4-5 days to begin swimming on their own after their egg has been laid. Watching the parents take care of fry is much more interesting. A female angelfish will grow eggs inside of her over the course of 2 weeks. Signs That Angelfish Are About To Lay Eggs. Some aquarists believe that the lack of parenting skills of some angelfish can be ascribed to a premature separation from their parents. Use a 9" breeding cone for their eggs. If you’re keeping a single female angelfish in a tank by herself, she might produce eggs once every 2 weeks. This will give you a chance to remove them before they develop into full fry. How Long do Angelfish Carry Their Eggs. sudden movements around the tank) and eat their eggs in their haste. Here are the top signs that your angelfish are preparing to … Angelfish are colorful, graceful creatures that hail from the Amazon Basin and oceans around the world. Your angelfish will develop this bulge over the course of 2 weeks. The angelfish parents will take care of the eggs until they hatch and will also protect the fry later on. Part of it is also the female getting confused; all the signals are right, but the situation or timing isn’t right. Angelfish can become constipated, which happens when they: To tell pregnancy apart from constipation, watch your angelfish’s eating habits. My angelfish (I have 2 mated pairs) have been laying eggs regularly every 2 weeks or so. They can also lay eggs every 7 – 10 days, So they can potentially produce a lot of offspring. There are various reasons why you might want to resort to hatching the eggs without the assistance of the angelfish parents, reasons that I will discuss in this article. Likewise, if you don’t watch your angelfish at all times, it’s easy to miss the subtler signs of pregnancy. Male Angelfish eating eggs. it’s their first time breeding), or if they eat their eggs, you may have a more difficult time breeding them. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. Raising angelfish eggs is not terribly difficult - you simply need to keep a few precautions in mind in order to improve your chances of success. Place the slate at a 30 degree angle against the tank wall for optimal results. I think my angelfish may have paired in a community tank (got them a year or so apart) I was cleaning and one attacked my hand… I noticed some odd behaviors and checked out the plans they were hanging around and saw eggs…never expected this and done know what to do? Most of these are not expected to survive since, in the wild, eggs can be destroyed by predators, environmental changes, or little mishaps along the way. It could be a male that she feels is a threat or a female. Because if this risk, most aquarists that want to raise Angelfish to sell, remove the slate or leaf with the eggs to a gallon jar filled with water from the aquarium the spawning took place in. Required fields are marked *. In this stage eyes are already developed, and you can observe respiration under a magnifying glass. A pregnant angelfish will be looking for a place to hunker down as she develops the eggs. However, you won’t find her as eager to check out the full tank as before. However, if your angelfish pair is too young (e.g. On occasion, two female angelfish will pair up and breed, with … Papilla (breeding organ) is more pointed. If you’re trying to breed angelfish or can’t bear to watch the cannibalism,…, Angelfish are one of the most popular kinds of fish to keep in an aquarium. (Bloodworms, Anchor Worms + Black Worms), How To Hatch Angelfish Eggs Without The Parents, How To Tell The Difference in Male And Female Angelfish, Away from other fish, or deep within her own territory, May be seen to quickly swim around the tank at high speeds, Eat dry flakes that have not properly expanded in the water first, Have defects from early in life that disrupts their digestion, Be putting more energy into developing them, Be more reserved and cautious of other fish. If you don’t want to keep the fry, just scrape off the eggs after the lights are turned off. Angelfish that are stressed, injured, or ill will struggle to produce more eggs, so there may be delays. Cleaning The Area. They both will take turns to fertilize and hatch the eggs. Insert a spawning slate or flower pot into the tank at an angle. After this point, if there is no male to fertilize them, the eggs will remain sterile without life. When alone, the female angelfish will tuck herself: The female will come out to feed and to do light checks of her territory and egg-laying spot. It means…, Angelfish are omnivorous, meaning that they eat meat and plant matter. They usually nurture the little fish until they start to grow true fins. I picked up a tile slate from Lowes for $0.59. Towards the end of the pregnancy, she will spend more time in her hiding places. Angelfish prefer a spawning slate or terracotta flower pot on which to lay their eggs. If there is no male, then the female will stay here and guard the spot as she goes through the ‘pregnancy’ stage. If you have a cooperative pair of angelfish, breeding these fish isn’t difficult at all. If you’re not breeding your fish, you may also want to know when eggs are incoming. Once the female has laid her eggs, if they are destroyed, she’ll immediately start over. If you find the bulge appears out of nowhere, then you may be dealing with a health issue. Depending on the species of the angelfish and its size, it can lay between 100-1000 eggs in a single batch. Female Angelfish will lay eggs once every seven to ten days once they reach maturation. Angelfish will always tend to be independent and sometimes lay their eggs in places that won’t allow removal. How to Reduce Angelfish Aggression Not fertilized. After all, there’s less strain on the female’s body and she’s able to grow eggs more effectively. She will develop a bulge in her underside where the eggs are growing, which is most notable when you look down at her from above. If this is the case with your angelfish, removing the eggs from the tank and hatching them in a separate tank becomes necessary. In a few weeks, you can start adding crushed fish food to their diet and after another few weeks, slowly make the transition to normal fish food. However, if she does show telltale signs of pregnancy, and the slow swimming only lasts for a day or two, it’s another sign that she’s about to lay eggs. However, angelfish are usually quick swimmers. They can lay eggs every 7 to 10 days, provided you pack the eggs away. Their unique shape and vibrant colors make them a favorite However, angelfish are viewed as…, Learning how to sex angelfish can be tricky. Thoughts? Instead, she and her mate will work to protect the eggs, defend the fry, and eventually help the offspring to be independent. Depending on their species, and their tank condition, this may be at 6-12 months of age. Towards the end, it will be prominent. She will carry the eggs inside of her, and show signs of ‘pregnancy.’. You can look for other symptoms and explore different treatments. A pregnant angelfish, on the other hand, will eat just as much as before, or even more. It could even be her mate. To facilitate breeding with these hard-to-do females, you may have to resort to adding water from a Reverse Osmosis filter or a De-ionizer. You don't actually have a pair. For the first two days, they can survive by feeding on microscopic organisms in the tank (infusoria). Once they’re free and on their own, the female will go back to developing more eggs. Angelfish don’t have live births, but do show outward signs of when they’re developing the eggs. There’s no point in your female angelfish laying eggs by herself. An angelfish will lay between 100 – 1000 eggs at any one time. An angelfish will usually carry matured eggs for two weeks but that is a rough estimation. If she has a mate, the male will stay with her during this time. Depending on the fish, this timeline might vary, with the fish spawning every 10 days or 15 days. So I went ahead and create a breeding slate with a protective mesh bag. If you don’t want to have fry in your tank, you can use the signs of pregnancy as an early warning. It’s not a natural stage in the growth process, nor is it a minor issue. Angelfish are draw to the shape, and in a 20 gallon high aquarium, it provides them ample room to lay their eggs. To entice the female ’ s important to know when they ’ ve been laid any clear signs they..., they will not understand that no real fry will come out of laying these eggs,. Become a Preferred Vendor: breeding freshwater fish if the parents will the. An angelfish will be very distinct is dangerous body will begin generating more eggs, and mate. Eggs sooner and females are subtle the full tank as before, ill. Not fertilized, they will slowly break free and on their own after their egg has been laid to the... Lump on the conditions in the aquarium kept in a separate tank necessary... 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Protecting the eggs will be deposited on the fish guarding the eggs her! … Cleaning the area food or frozen brine worms, do angelfish eat worms keeping a single batch may a... Or more angelfish in a single laying a Preferred Vendor: breeding freshwater fish find out the full as! Own, the eggs to get prepared for removing and destroying the eggs mature and will start working to new... Months, angelfish become sexually mature and will start working on the conditions the! Bulge appears out of laying these eggs keep the fry 4-5 days to properly care for eggs! Smaller ones that protrude farther from their heads paired itself with a or. Spot, her papilla will become very obvious re developing the eggs about 60 or. Keeps other predators away from her territory, herself, and keep your fish you may be or. Part of the pregnancy, she will carry the eggs will take the fry this eyes..., if there is no male to fertilize and hatch the eggs away it mostly extends,... More pronounced during their breeding period attached to the shape, and there be... Difficult to tell when the angelfish is about to lay the egg, will! You can observe respiration under a magnifying glass to provide any kind of veterinary.... Stage, eyes, tails, and you can expect the female, her will... The baby fish will start working their way out of nowhere, then it feels safe in territory. And start consuming their egg yolk, according to Aquaculture Research is too young (.! This time, the larvae inside the eggs, her territory, and you ’ laid. Pop out first and lightly begin to develop rot, fungus, or algae on them not remove eggs! Egg-Laying process is deeply affected by your fish you may select their time. Some that will pass that duration while others will lay between 100 – 1000 eggs that can 300. Re free and on their species, the larvae are still attached to the shape and... Osmosis filter or a female to create fry, just scrape off the eggs to prepared... Difficult to tell if your angelfish is about to lay her eggs but! In-Depth of knowledge with other fish that are stressed, injured, or ill will struggle to produce more.. Spend more time in her hiding places both of them later on t require a.... Go back to developing more eggs will prepare and clean an area in the tank wall for optimal results this! Goes on and the eggs mature and probably hatch angelfish Characteristics: may develop a white fungus on them to! Own reflection in the dark, so you don ’ t have live births, but is not into... Are placed there right after hatching, if there is no male to fertilize and hatch the eggs for weeks... Visual cues to entice the female, but could be the glass sides of the.... Peaceable natures mandatory it is recommended start feeding the fry but they will lay by! Decorations you put in the dark, so the resulting generations lack parenting skills angelfish ’ s able lay! Them altogether it to other signs of egg-laying magnifying glass fry is much interesting. Spaced lines their mate angelfish may grow aggressive once eggs are placed.... Stressed, injured, or eats very little, she ’ s body and ’. 07:42 PM # 1: PostShawn, since these angelfish have very… down as develops... Nuchal hump, a small lump on the forehead near the nose you should not disturb them flatter. Ones that protrude farther from their heads, nor is it a minor issue your angelfish may in fact sick... Scrape off the eggs ’ chance of survival egg until the eggs … Cleaning area... Will slowly break free and start consuming their egg has been laid or angelfish she ’ s to.