a. Truffula Tress b. fish c. bears d. water 2. What drove away the Swomee-Swans? Why did the Swomee-Swans, Humming-fish, and Brown-ba-loots leave? After the other animals and them briefly sang they tried to attack the Once-ler but they calm down when they tasted his marshmallows. The truffula trees she wanted. It chronicles the plight of the environment and the Lorax, who "speaks for the trees" and confronts the Once-ler, who causes environmental destruction. The trees amaze the Once-ler with their texture and scent, and he soon builds a small shop in the area. The Once-ler needed to produce more thneeds. The Once-ler’s family arrived to help him make more theeds. Why did the Once-ler invent the Super-axe-hacker? The trees amaze the Once-ler with their texture and scent, and he soon builds a small shop in the area. Author: Dr. Seuss Plot Summary: The Once-ler moves into the Lorax’s community and begins chopping down truffula trees in order to build a business of selling thneeds made from truffula tree tufts. The trees amazed the Once-ler with their texture and scent, and he soon built a small shop in the area. The Swomee Swans are first seen when the Once-ler comes to the Truffula Forest. MAYBE Humming Fish? 11. 10. In the nearby pond lived the Humming Fish, and the Swomee Swans flew overhead. 1. How are the problems for the Bar-ba-loots, Swomee-Swans, and Humming Fish all related to the Once-ler cutting down Truffula Trees? Why did the Once-ler like the Truffula tree? the pollution in the water. And how long is it before it becomes a sapling (young tree)? Can the same thing happen in real life? Why did he chop down the first truffula tree? Because the Truffula tree supports the entire ecosystem of the world of The Lorax, every animal that lives there is harmed by the destruction of the Truffula tree. What did the Onceler do after the Swamee Swans and Humming Fish had left? Once the last Truffula Tree was cut down, the Once-ler's family left the town. Why did the Swomee-Swans, Humming-fish, and Brown-ba-loots leave? answer choices . What does he represent? The Swannee swans can’t sing through the smog and the Humming fish can’t hum in the polluted water. _____ _____ 8. 4. They then watched in horror as he cut down the first Truffula tree and mourn the loss of the tree with the Lorax. He continued to make Thneeds until he ran out of Truffula trees 7. The Truffula Tree is a species of tree featured in The Lorax. and scarce? Explain why these animals needed truffula trees. What do you think he could have done differently while still ‘biggering’ his business? ... Swans, and the Humming Fish.) After the last Truffula Tree was gone and the Lorax left, what did the town look like? Melvin is the name of the Once-ler's pet brown and white mule, as he accompanied him on his journey to find the material for his Thneed.. Melvin is shown to be loyal to his owner as the mule pulled his curt, woke him up when they came across the Truffula Forest, staying and sleeping outside the Once-ler's house-like-tent without a rain - that would be tide to a tree or peg - to … This causes the destruction of the truffula trees and the loss of Bar-ba-loots, Swomee-Swans and Humming-Fish in the story. The Lorax is the mystical Guardian of the Truffula Forest and the titular deuteragonist of The Lorax.He speaks for the trees. The Humming-Fish had to leave their pond because of the Once-ler's "Gluppity-Glup". What . to never cut down another tree. 5. Everyone must go if they want to survive. them to the development of the Thneeds. How were the Humming Fish harmed as more and more Truffula Trees were chopped down? I feel that the Lorax had a point. 2. In the nearby pond lived the Humming Fish, and the Swomee Swans flew overhead. Can you cut down trees but still keep enough in the forest for the animals? The Once-ler gives the boy the last Truffula tree seed. The trees had beautiful soft, tufts that were like silk. Melvin is the name of the Once-ler's pet brown and white mule, as he accompanied him on his journey to find the material for his Thneed.. Melvin is shown to be loyal to his owner as the mule pulled his curt, woke him up when they came across the Truffula Forest, staying and sleeping outside the Once-ler's house-like-tent without a rain - that would be tide to a tree or peg - to … He continued to make Thneeds until he ran out of Truffula trees 7. Did the Once-ler stop making Thneeds after the Swomee-Swans and Humming-Fish had left? Create your own unique website with customizable templates. SURVEY . The Brown Bar-ba-loots, the Swomee-Swans, and the Humming Fish had to leave. They left to find food 6. That horrible thing that I… What happened to the truffula trees? As in most Dr. Seuss works, most of the creatures mentioned are original to the book. Why do the Swomee-Swans leave? What is the moral of the story and how does it apply to today? The easiest answer to this question would be to require Once-ler to replant a tree for every tree he uses in his business.... to insure the Truffula tree's survival by taking an active role in sustaining it. The pastoral landscape of Truffula Valley is filled with a variety of animals—from soaring Swomee-Swans to harmonic Humming-Fish. Truffula trees Brooke So. What . Truffula trees apparently give off the smell of butterfly milk. Long Term- The oncelor with run out of resources needed since he chopped down all the trees. What was Audrey's painting of? ADVOCACY How Dr. Seuss got 'mad' and spoke for the trees 50 years ago Ariel Wittenberg, E&E News reporter Published: Monday, February 1, 2021. 400. the pollution in the water. Explain why these animals needed truffula trees. What did the Once-ler do with the last truffula seed? They also had a sweet smell of fresh butterfly milk. How do trees help the earth: plants, animals, air quality, heat, noise, etc? Answered by jill d #170087 on … How did the Once-ler’s Thneed factory affect the animals? The Oncer-ler stated that his intention was to keep expanding his business. ... 11. Why or why not? How were the Humming Fish harmed as more and more Truffula Trees were chopped down? Most environmental problems result from a "domino effect" begun by a single action or activity. As in most Dr. Seuss works, most of the creatures mentioned are original to the book. b. The Lorax stands up for the trees and the creatures who inhabit Truffula Valley in the movie . The story is commonly recognized as a fable … True False. and scarce? 8. Why did the Humming Fish leave? b. The bright-colored tufts of the Truffula Trees! Why doesn’t the Once-ler care about what is happening around him? Name the animals. Need Greed Creed. 300 seconds . They could be used to produce products. They could be used to produce products. When the last tree is chopped down, he sends the animals away to find another place to live, and goes up into the sky and disappeared with a trace, only … ... and/or services they need. _____ _____ 8. The ar-ba-loots, Brown B Swomee-Swans, and Humming-Fish are forced … Living among the foliage are the brown Bar-ba-Loots, who eat truffula fruit from the local trees. Humming Fishes are amphibious fishes that live in the Truffula Valley.Regarding their name, they can hum, featured in "The Lorax (book)" and "The Lorax (film)".Description. 10. Pollution Lorax, thneeds, factory, smoke, swomee-swans, people, truffula trees, truffula fruits, humming-fish, pond, gluppity-glupp, schloppity-schlopp). What happened to their habitats? Truffula trees apparently give off the smell of butterfly milk. Why did the Once-ler chop down the first Truffula Tree? What drove away the Swomee-Swans? The Barbaloots, the swomee swans, and the humming fish. The Humming Fishs are first seen when the Once-ler came to the Truffula Tree forest and began to sing to greet him. Also the fact that they came in numerous different colors and seemed to be plentiful in the immediate area yet of course that was the only place they were found. Produce fruit eaten by Bar-ba-loots and provided shade. Need truffula trees to live in and eat fruit from it. How do trees help the earth: plants, animals, air quality, heat, noise, etc? The Lorax speaks for the _____. Why does he do this? No more food ... What did the Lorax do for the Humming-Fish to make sure they were safe? The Truffula trees were valuable because they had properties that exceeded other materials such as how they were softer than silk, and had a very pleasant aroma. How did the production of threads affect the key natural resource, truffula trees? After cutting down a truffula tree, the Lorax pops out of it's stump. Thneeds become more valuable, causing more trees to becut down. Short- Bringing polluted gas from in the factory out into the environment causing pollution. 7. Can the land return to the way it used to be? In the nearby pond live the Humming Fish, and overhead fly the Swomee Swans. Why or why not? Long Term- The animals will get sick such as the soowe swans who cannot sing or humming fish. He found them a new pond. And I'm asking you sir, at the top of my lungs - that thing! Why or why not? Brown Bar Ba loots. The Humming-Fish had to leave their pond because of the Once-ler's "Gluppity-Glup". The very last Truffula tree was cut down. The Swannee swans can’t sing through the smog and the Humming fish can’t hum in the polluted water. What happened to their habitats? This tuft is typically a warm color, commonly red, orange, yellow, pink, or rarely, purple. Everyone must go if they want to survive. The_Lorax-_Discussion_Questions_and_Case_Study_Outline.docx - The Lorax Case Study Problem Summary The oncelor is harming the environment by cutting, Problem Summary- The oncelor is harming the environment by cutting down the truffula trees to, Major Stakeholders and their Points of View (POV)-, Needs truffula trees to make Thneeds, which generates a profit for. This causes the destruction of the truffula trees and the loss of Bar-ba-loots, Swomee-Swans and Humming-Fish in the story. Humming-fish, Brown Bar-ba-loots, Swomee Swans 12. Explain the significance of the Humming-fish and the Brown Bar-ba-loots. What or who is the Lorax? Unit 1- History and 5 Waves of Psychology, Unit 8- Intelligence, Motivation, and Emotion. Name the animals. After cutting down a Truffula tree, the Lorax popped out of its stump. m valuable. Mile after mile in the fresh morning breeze. Pollution What did the Once-ler do with the last truffula seed? Energy Consumption. Effects of the Problem (short- and long-term)-, Short All animals’ environments are destroyed, and they are forced to abandon them. The Lorax also left, but left behind a pile of rocks. made the. The Lorax had no choice but to send the Humming-Fish off. SURVEY . The Lorax argues for the preservation of the trees and the animals that live in the Truffula Tree forest. 400. What did the Onceler do after the Swamee Swans and Humming Fish had left? What is a thneed? Why did the Swomee-Swans, Humming-fish, and Brown-ba-loots leave? Explain that a system is a group of objects or units combined to form a whole and to move or work together. 3. … The smog in the air. Children’s eyes will open wide as the last Truffula tree is cut down and perhaps question WHY NOBODY CARED ENOUGH to … How are the problems for the Bar-ba-loots, Swomee-Swans, and Humming Fish all related to the Once-ler cutting down Truffula Trees? Why did the Once-ler invent the Super-axe-hacker? 7. Would it be wrong to cut all of them down? Children’s eyes will open wide as the last Truffula tree is cut down and perhaps question WHY NOBODY CARED ENOUGH to … ... 11. And how long is it before it becomes a sapling (young tree)? History. Explain that a system is a group of objects or units combined to form a whole and to move or work together. 300 seconds . After briefly singing, they tried to attack the Once-ler, but they calmed down when they tasted his marshmallows. Because the Truffula tree supports the entire ecosystem of the world of The Lorax, every animal that lives there is harmed by the destruction of the Truffula tree. After cutting down a truffula tree, the Lorax pops out of it's stump. How long does a Truffula Tree seed take to germinate? Once the last Truffula Tree was cut down, the Once-ler's family left the town. That is where the animals’ homes were. 2. Question #7. The Once-ler family leaves. a. Why did the Once-ler break his promise? I speak for the trees. Why did the Once-ler chop down the first Truffula Tree? In the nearby pond live the Humming Fish, and overhead fly the Swomee Swans. What was written on the pile? _____ 12. answer choices ... What did the Lorax do for the Humming-Fish to make sure they were safe? Because all of the trees were cut down the animals in the forest had to leave. Author: Dr. Seuss Plot Summary: The Once-ler moves into the Lorax’s community and begins chopping down truffula trees in order to build a business of selling thneeds made from truffula tree tufts. All of the animals that lived on the land were being harmed from the harvesting of Truffula Trees. They appear in the book, the 1972 T.V special, the 2012 film, and 1 of the 3 mini-movies that come with the Blu-ray combo pack, entitled "Serenade", where a possibly male humming fish came to a female humming fish … cleaned the water. True False. answer choices . answer choices . How about the Humming Fish? The Lorax (2012) SYNOPSIS: Twelve-year-old Ted (Zac Efron) lives in a place virtually devoid of nature; no flowers or trees grow in the town of Thneedville. Cause Effect. The Lorax also left, but left behind a pile of rocks. After the last Truffula Tree was gone and The Lorax left, what did the town look like? 500. Asked by Rosselle L #1084336. Wherever the wind blows. Humming-fish, Brown Bar-ba-loots, Swomee Swans 12. I don’t think it was a good thing to do. Why did the Once-ler chop down the first Truffula Tree? He tries to tell the Once-ler to stop chopping down the trees because it's ruining the animal's home. How many months did a Truffula tree seed take to grow, and how many years did the tree take to reach full size? How did the Once-ler’s Thneed factory affect the animals? The trees had beautiful soft, tufts that were like silk. 2. Lorax, thneeds, factory, smoke, swomee-swans, people, truffula trees, truffula fruits, humming-fish, pond, gluppity-glupp, schloppity-schlopp). Name: Axara Curtin The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss –Worksheet While watching the short animated film answer the following questions in SHORT SENTENCES based on the factual information and your interpretation. 3. The man made money. Why doesn’t the Once-ler care about what is happening around him? 11. Explain that a system is a group of object or units combined to form a whole and to move and work together. made the. 9. Need Greed Creed. 2. How about the Humming Fish? They cut down the last Truffula tree. The Brown Bar-ba-loots lost their main source of food and homes, the Swomee-Swans were being poisoned by smog and the Humming Fish were also being poisoned by pollutants. Did the Once-ler stop making Thneeds after the Swomee-Swans and Humming-Fish had left? It was not right for the Once-ler to make the humming fish, Lorax, and the other animals go away. Once-ler: Little did I know that by chopping down that tree I had just summoned a mystical creature as old as time itself. 400. Both from deforestation and industrial waste products. The Onceler chopped down the first Truffula Tree because he needed the tuffs to create his Thneed’s. This tuft is typically a warm color, commonly red, orange, yellow, pink, or rarely, purple. They left to find food 6. 5 Swoome Swans Need the forests to breath and live. Answered by jill d #170087 on … Select three of the following environmental issues below observed in the "glorious place" and relate. Question #12. 9. Nothing happened because people wanted the product. to never cut down another tree. Can you cut down trees but still keep enough in the forest for the animals? Truffula trees after briefly singing, they tried to attack the Once-ler but they calmed down when they tasted marshmallows... Begun by a single action or activity make why did the humming fish need the truffula tree they were safe non-polluted... Select three of the following environmental issues below observed in the nearby pond lived the Humming Fish had to their... Whole and to move or work together 'm asking you sir, at the of... Keep expanding his business in mind the Brown Bar-ba-loots, Swomee-Swans and Humming-Fish are forced the... And Brown-ba-loots leave the pastoral landscape of Truffula trees were scarce, valuable natural resources long does a Tree! Problems result from a Tree he cut down ] the Lorax '' turns 50 in 2021 maybe the Lorax,. Trees help the earth: plants, animals, air quality, heat, noise, etc scarce! 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