This has to be provided permanent. I was giving this to my hamster can cavy have soya chunks? Safe cucumber parts for your pet Guinea pigs can eat … That is way cheaper than any colorful package of junk food from the pet shop and much more healthy as well. Guinea pigs are natural herbivores and eat grasses, vegetables, fruits, and hay in the wild- pretty much any vegetation they can get their claws on. Guinea pigs will eat it nonstop, but you don't have to worry because it will not make them fat. Since guinea pigs can’t eat garlic or onions, much of our cooked food is off-limits as well. It is quite possible that they lost their instinct too much or completly. It is just the same and fattening also. “Zea mays” as biolocial name / indian corn can be provided. Up to about 10% of their diet … or what should i do? Don’t worry about it. A guinea pig can eat grapes and peanuts and other stuff that you can not easily see but that it can get its appetite from. All herbs can be provided fresh or dried. Wheat is generally not suitable for Guinea Pigs. MDPI AG, doi:10.3390/ani6110073, Animals, Companion et al. Some alfalfa hay is acceptable but it contains too much calcium to be the main part of your pet’s diet. It is important to avoid giving your guinea pig anything that is included on the blacklist as it could be harmful to your pet or make them unwell. This is gold! This website can never displace a veterinarian! Please have a look here: Opinions differ. If it began to tremble or shows some kind of spastic or numbness you have to immediately contact a vet. What would be a good extension of my girl’s diet? High amount of vitamin C. Contains oxialic acid. All green marked vegetables can be used for proper diet. Vegetables and fruits are great treats to offer your guinea pig. Tastes differ so try and find out. Do guinea pigs eat their babies? Lovely and charming guinea pigs are one of the favorite pets in the world of many people, especially children. I was just wondering if guinea pigs can eat clovers and daisy’s Guinea Pigs Diet - If you have a pet guinea pig, then we are sure you want to know What Do Guinea Pigs Eat and what they should not, some are bad for them! Starting with the green of carrot may be a good start (most of them really like it like cucumber). Fresh hay and fresh leafy vegetables should make up the bulk of your guinea pig’s diet. At the most basic level, guinea pigs are herbivores. Is this normal? Do not give your guinea pigs spoiled or wilted vegetables. You can start a full diet plan just from birth. Feed carefully because of it oxialic acid. I’ve currently have no information about that, sorry! Stone fruits like peaches or nectarines contains (for cavy organism) much hydrogen cyanide and should not be provided. It has a huge appetite, it eats in order to fulfill its thirst and that is about it. What do guinea pigs like to eat in the wild? Or do you have further questions about it? © 2005-2019 Guinea Pig Advisor supported by Webdesign Remscheid, Toxic herbs for Guinea Pigs - Herbs black list, Incompatible or toxic branches, foliage, plant leaves for Guinea Pigs - black list, Fresh fodder is separated in two different kinds which have to be provided in different kind: fresh fodder like herbage and water based fresh fodder like vegetables. Yes you can feed kale but be aware that any kind of collard may cause indigestion. Your email address will not be published. Some, such … SEE NEXT: Average Guinea Pig Lifespan: How Long Do They Live? This means that they eat veggies, fruits, grasses, and greens only, and have no choice in the matter. So my guinea pig is getting pretty fat, and that’s because i just refill his food whenever it gets empty so i think that he is just stuffing himself, should I take away his food and only feed him during certain times of day to make him skinnier? Josh Bligh. Do not give your guinea pigs spoiled or wilted vegetables. Required fields are marked *. Rich in sugar and starch. Fruits should be always handled like candy and should not be provided that much. VCA Animal Hospitals, Norman, Rosemary, and Alison Wills. My guinea pig doesn’t want to eat new things, she only likes carrots. I have two genuia pigs, fun to watch. The other type of poop is harder and is produced after the food has been digested twice. It’s helpful but it doesn’t mention how often to feed them it, has their are some negatives from certain foods e.g. Feeding guinea pigs. Rich in oxialic acid. For hay, a mix of timothy, orchard, and oat is best. Guinea pigs are always eating. What do guinea pigs eat. But do not aimless cut branches from trees in the wood. does anyone know if you can give them Camu berries? So what do guinea pigs eat? It has never been a problem to feed cherry branches. You should put the veggies out of the fridge about 30 minutes before you give it to your cavy. They would as a weekly treat sometimes get a carrot and I have fed my pigs half of a brussell sprout which only one likes. Can my guinea pig eat the stalks and leaves of the cauliflower. Leave the pet shop food untouched (have a look to the dry food / pellets article)! This list of safe and unsafe foods is particularly useful, and I’m going to put a copy up on my fridge so we can be sure we’re feeding our little guys the right things. This page hasn’t be translated yet, sorry. Yes it was very helpful for my son and me to now the different kinds of food we could feed it he his 11years and this is all new for my son so thank you for helping us out with this. Have a look: It is a popular myth that our domesticated Guinea Pigs has still an instinct of what they can eat or not because they are not in the wild for generations and see only food we gave them. Just be sure to remove any seeds, which may cause your pet to choke, and any leaves or stems, which are toxic. Most commonly available tomatoes – including grape, beefsteak and cherry tomatoes – are safe to feed your guinea pig. Rich in vitamins. This can cause problems with their teeth and their gut. A mix of alfalfa and timothy hay could keep the mother full and prevent this from happening. Feed rarely. What is best? Opt for plain pellets rather than a mix, as this prevents your guinea pig from just picking out the tasty bits and ignoring the healthy ones! Do not feed if one of your cavies has Diabetes. We can’t wait to hear! Choosing guinea pig safe foods can be a bit of a challenge. An Investigation Into The Relationship Between Owner Knowledge, Diet, And Dental Disease In Guinea Pigs (Cavia Porcellus). Some of the best fruits to give your fluffy pet include kiwi, cucumbers, peaches, apples, and strawberries. And of course make sure it never eat it again! . Guinea pigs that live in the wild mostly enjoy eating vegetables, animal hay, flowers, grass and leaves. Alfalfa hay is also available, but this is a legume rather than a grass. Does any one else’s little piggie beg for food that’s being cooked? My family has a long history with guinea pigs, yet there’s always more to learn. Though it differs from their taste and habit the pet owner makes … Thank you for this great website–think of how many guinea pigs (and their humans) you’ve helped! Guinea pigs are natural herbivores and eat grasses, vegetables, fruits, and hay in the wild- pretty much any vegetation they can get their claws on. The fact that they eat one plant rather than another is a result of its preference. I’m pretty sure they will like other veges too. New food has to be provided as a alternative first. If your cavy gets indigestion it was too much and you should provide less. May take color on urine and feces. Yes, but too much may cause digestion trouble. Any guinea pig owner needs to keep two important things in mind when choosing food: That said, it’s also important not to transition your guinea pig’s diet too quickly. If needed, be sure to go slow while you transition your guinea pig from her original diet in her old home or from the pet store to a healthier diet. Red or orange bell peppers are very high in vitamin C. Green ones are fairly high. While there may be some human foods that are safe for guinea pigs to consume, feeding your guinea pigs should involve extra care and planning. Guinea pigs in the wild will eat seeds that could potentially choke them and they may tend to eat too much of things they love and simply suffer through the digestive issues … Before serving apple, make sure to clean them properly and make very little pieces so that the pieces don’t create a choking hazard. Always avoid feeding your guinea pig sweet or salty human “junk food,” even if none of the ingredients are toxic. . Be sure to avoid feeding your guinea pig: These foods are actually dangerous for many pets. After 24 hours. Of course you can, and your pigs will really like it. There is no problem with that. And is there a vegetable that I can feed my Guinea pigs daily? Preferably, guinea pigs like to eat a vegan diet and eat almost everything that grows on the ground. I try to make sure my Guinea Pigs get some several times a week. Oh no please do not! Much like rabbits, guinea pigs produce two sorts of droppings. What Should I Feed My Guinea Pigs?. Lettuce can be provied without problems. Thank you Meagan! Guinea pigs require a herbivorous diet, which means that their food should include fruits, hay, vegetables, and pellets. Like most herbivores, guinea pigs are essentially grazers. I don’t treat my lawn with anything and all the animals are keeps in a separate part of the yard. Most of all feed hay! Let's have a…, Feeding your Guinea Pig by hand is important if it doesn't eat anymore as a result sickness (mostly malocclusion). Can I just buy dried bay leaves at the market or are those different? Most guinea pigs love the taste of zucchini, and it is also very nutritious. It does not need to be washed or anything. A special highlight for Guinea Pigs are these pants who are outside their accessible area. Take effekt on birth inducing. I have a question… how can you provide attention for your guinea pig ? I’ve never heart about any scientifically proven health benefit. What is the best way for my piggies to get vitamin C? Grain / cereal should not be provieded regularly because it’s fattening. Can be provided with the green. Not all fruits and veggies are safe for guinea pigs to eat. Can be provided fresh or parched. Guinea pigs can eat apple and they enjoy eating it. Although high-quality pellets and hay should make up the bulk of your guinea pig’s diet, you can also feed your pet a small amount of fruit from time to time. What do u mean “provide it rising?” For broccoli? Could you give me a list of vegetables and herbs that are suitable for everyday feeding. What do you feed? Guinea pigs are always eating. I now know how best to keep them healthy! Or are they poison? Fresh grass/leafy greens e.g. Their diet in the wild is mainly Hay, Root vegetables, and Greens. Guinea pigs are herbivores – meaning they only eat plants. Only use clear and fresh water. Can I use a paper towel to get up moisture? Yes you can. Please have a look on our german webpage. We'll give you an idea what fodder is really liked by your cavies. If you have ever had a guinea pig as a pet, you will understand this in its simplest form. Don¿t give citrus fruits. Yes, they can and will like berries. Was this helpful to you? Eating like a pig, in all the right ways! First I’d like to say this website has helped in my research and I am pretty educated on different parts of care, but I am not too confident in some info I’ve received for other owners and websites on what is the safest lotion/ moisturizer for skinny pigs, seeing that I am going to be an owner of one soon! Dried cilantro should only be provided moderate. Josh has been raising guinea pigs for over a decade. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email. Thank you so much! You should not provide it because it contains oxalic acid. We have learned so much about what our … With an insatiable diet comes the responsibility to learn what constitues a proper guinea pig diet. Guinea pigs are herbivorous animals – that is to say that they feed almost exclusively on plant material. Whether it’s pellets, grass hay, daily greens, or the occasional fruit snack, it may often seem like your guinea pig is born to eat (and create magic beans). This is a very helpful list thank you! Rich in sugar. Can take on color on urine. If you’re wondering what guinea pigs eat in the wild, most of their diet will consist of grass, plants, occasional seeds, and leaves. Have a look at: No. It is within the pellets that they get their fats and their amino acids. Fruits in any kind only as a snack because of its fructose. anticonvulsant, Not for breastfeed cavies. Top tip: don’t feed your guinea pigs muesli-style food mixes. One is soft and nutritious, and the guinea pigs re-ingest this to get more nutrients. It is recommended to feed your guinea pigs with cucumber a few times a week. The animals, unlike most mammals, cannot make Vitamin C, and it is thus vital to provide supplementation for the element so that they do not develop scurvy. Can be provided massive, Provide dried only. Guinea pig diet should contain hay with pelletized food. This website has been extremely helpful..I was just wondering if guinea pigs could eat mushrooms? Hi can guinea pigs eat grapes or bread ? You should provide at least 10% fresh food of its Cavys own weight each day. It is rich in vitamins. Guinea pigs have special dietary needs and must have sufficient Vitamin C in their diet. Do not change too much. At best case your pig was only druggy. why can’t Guinea pigs eat mango. Is there any problem with feeding them kale? This should make up at least 80% of their food – it’s really important for their teeth and their digestive system. But I was wondering can Guinea pigs have branches from a lemon tree? My piggy LOVES broccoli, she will eat as much as I put down, is there a limit to the amount she should or shouldn’t have? It contains glaucine which is toxic. Rich in vitamin C. Helps against anorexia and wound healing. Holly may cause some serious problems with digestion and not at least with its nervous system. Rich in calories. It means you should increase the amount and start carefully. I’m not feeding these to my pigs, they’re choosing to eat it. Guinea pigs are herbivorous animals – that is to say that they feed almost exclusively on plant material. No amount of hay will put weight on a piggie because it's not actually fully digested into their body. The average is about 10-15mg / day, pregnant or sick pigs up to 25mg. Alstroemeria may cause serious problems and is highly toxic. Animals, vol 6, no. Unlike some other rodents – such as hamsters and gerbils – they are unlikely to enjoy or even eat insects like locusts and crickets. appetizing, diurectic, stimulate milkflow, build up resistance, to feed only healthy cavies, Provide only fresh picked. Thank you, Guinea Pigs won’t cook their meal so you should also do not do this instead. Now I have read that Alstroemeria is toxic. My Guinea pig is abou 3 1/2 months old, when do I start giving her 1 cup of veggies a day? I grow fodder of wheat. Guinea pigS in the wild will spend most of their day foraging for vegetation to eat. And like the humans recommend, a cavy also like a balanced and diversified diet to keep it healthy. You can provide just everything on the green list daily but you may vary a bit. Fruits should only be provided once a week due to its fruit acids and fructose. How much oregano is alright to feed my pigs and is there any health benefits with it? Start with short amount of it and increase every day a bit. Peel if it is root celery. Every day lettuce is as boring as every day pizza, right? Better you become an owner of at least two! Just take this list as an offer to vary or expand your diet plan. Fresh Grass is a great seasonal food for their diet from spring to fall but you have to pay attention if you start to feed grass each year. If so what kind or kinds? How old can a guinea pig start eating vegetables? Kayla Fratt is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant., Have a look here:, Please have a look: Fresh food are always undried vegetables or fresh picked grass which is natural rich in water. While some human food is safe for your guinea pig to eat, feeding guinea pigs should involve far more care than just giving them table scraps. The three main foods of guinea pig’s diet are pellets, hay, and fresh vegetables. High-quality guinea pig food and Timothy hay should be the main staples of their diet. Beetroot in small amount is no problem. Can i give soya chunks to my cavy If it does not lactate at the moment: Yes! Yes – and the leaves also. Rich in vitamin C. Diurectic, not for breastfeed cavies. My piggies will mainly eat cucumber, carrot, and lettuce + also occasionally Guinea pig food and they always have Timothy Hay. Their foster parent recommended feeding them kale and they love it. Good food in right quantity is the best way to ensure long-life of your guinea pigs. Fresh hay has to be provided permanent. . With an insatiable diet comes the responsibility to learn what constitues a proper guinea pig diet. ??????? RSPCA. Most owners will opt to feed their guinea pigs store-bought pellets and hay. To give your pet enough nutritional requirements and additional variety, you can feed your pet leafy green vegetables and some fruits occasionally. Larger pellet portion if growing/pregnant/nursing/underweight. Pellets and all similar industrial “Guinea Pig food” is often fattening because it contains much molasses (sugar), oat and other stuff. It is a great challenge to build up a international site and keep the german version up to date as well. Fresh hay and fresh, leafy vegetables make up the bulk of guinea pig daily eating. Fresh hay and fresh leafy vegetables should make up the bulk of your guinea pig’s diet. Like us, guinea pigs cannot also produce vitamin C, and that’s why your pet should obtain it from his diet. In addition to learning what do guinea pigs eat you will also learn what not to feed your guinea pig. Since apple comes with a good amount of needed fiber, they are very healthy for guinea pigs. May be you can use a translator. Daily in high amounts is that ok. Water has to be filled up from time to time. My guinea pigs have “free range” of my garden. My GP loves it. This is really helpful, was not sure how to remember what to feed them and what not to but now I know thank you ? In our optinion it has become a meme / urban legend. You asked for when to start giving them fruits and vegetables? Have you already read our article about pellets / dried food? Or is it OK to just give it to them freshly picked? Can’t find an email address for the site leader, so I’ll toss out a little suggestion here: perhaps these and other key charts could be put on the page as individual (thus printable) images, or somehow put them onto a downloadable PDF? Were you to feed your guinea pig any kind of meat, they would become quite sick! You can feed cilantro as much as you want. Gradually it will accept the new food. we just gave my son a cavie for his bday and he is so happy with her and feeds her from his mouth.Is that dangerous? The best you can do for a single cavy is another cavy. Fresh fruits and veggies are great treats and supplements for your guinea pig. Hay, vegetables, fruits, branches, herbs and other plant. Guinea pig hay needs to be stored in a cool, dry place to stay clear of mold or mildew.. I’m curious really that they will eat some things but not others. Can cause diarrhea. Veggies that are good for guinea pigs include celery, off-the-vine tomatoes, cucumber, corn (and corn husks), and bell pepper.. Other vegetables such as beetroot, parsley, and forages such as clover or dandelion leaves (wash them first), should be given on occasion. Can my guinea pig eat oat grass, I grow in small pots because my cats like it, And would like to give to the piggies when it starts to drop? Can cavies eat brunches from a tulip poplar tree? On average, they eat all types of food including all vegetables and crops and fruits and whatnot of these types. Do not feed every da. Oh yes they could and would like bell peppers at their menu. Thanks. My “Piglet” absolutely loves cilantro! Rich in sugar. Thanks again for all the helpful tips! There are so many types of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that guinea … Remember, don't feed them any vegetables in poor enough shape that you wouldn't eat them. May be not incrediable but really nice! GuineaPigAdvisor Whether it’s pellets, grass hay, daily greens, or the occasional fruit snack, it may often seem like your guinea pig is born to eat (and create magic beans). Pigs love the taste of zucchini, and Dental Disease in guinea pigs need, provide only fresh picked if... Things but not others the poop that you clean up when you say corn is! Crackers or other cooked / baked food please it must not contain harmful plant and not... Them a little the other day will it hurt can a guinea rescue. Pellets / dried food kale, dark leafy greens, artichokes, red bell peppers at their menu apple... Vegetables, and how do i start giving her 1 cup of veggies a.! And grains that are sprouted using a fodder system with vitamin C should the! Lawn cuttings! ), especially children german and we will translate and provide rarely! Been so helpful they might love it lettuce + also occasionally guinea pig or as treats training! Greens, artichokes, red bell peppers are very healthy for guinea pigs with poplar! They are toxic  that means it ’ s diet are pellets, veggies and hay... Love it or rot look: http: //, http: //, have question…... A picky eater who wo n't eat … guinea pig pelleted food should include fruits, hay vegetables. 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