For example, if you used the below search, the search engine would return results containing "free," "computer," and "help" but would not return any results containing "expensive.". minus sign (–) 01/19/2018; 2 minutes to read; p; v; c; T; In this article. 3. Use a hyphen when writing a compound number. If you don't want to turn off Smart Punctuation as suggested in muru's answer, you can type a space between each hyphen then go back and delete the spaces.The hyphens will not be changed into typographic dashes. How typing: Hyphen , minus sign ? To insert the hyphen in your texts, simply type the dedicated key on the keyboard—on PC, PC-laptop and Mac. After COVID, Will We Ever Look for Deals on Gym Memberships Again? Hyphen (englisch) steht für: Bindestrich (im Englischen auch Trennstrich), siehe Viertelgeviertstrich#Bindestrich; ein Unicode-Zeichen, siehe Viertelgeviertstrich#Bindestrich/Divis; Hyphen (Musiker), ein Schweizer Rapper; Siehe auch: Hyphe (Plural Hyphen), fadenförmige Pilzzellen; Dies ist eine Begriffsklärungsseite zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort … Creating the "_" symbol on a U.S. keyboard. For example, "full-scale" modifies "test" in "full-scale test." The obvious suggestion would be to set up a text replacement in Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement, so that (for example) typing 4dash gave you a sequence of four hyphens … Some people mistakenly use it as a dash key. Anonymous. The keyboard is the way we use to enter or manipulate data or information, and it looks more or less like the one below: Other than the letters (a to z) and numbers (0 – 9) on the keyboard, there are also many symbols for different purposes. Lv 4. Source(s): Usually, you can type the @ symbol on a keyboard by holding down the "Shift" key and then pressing the "2" at the same time. Hyphens are used in some compound words (connected words) to make the word easier to read and help clarify words used together. A hyphen can also be used to create an en dash and em dash in many word processors by doing two or three hyphens next to each other. Type in two hyphens, highlight it, and press the box at the top of the screen called Symbols. There’s a catch, though. Find the dash and press it so it will convert the two hyphens into a dash. You can automatically create an em-dash by typing two hyphens between two words in Microsoft Word. Remember that unlike with PCs or Macs, where more two keys may have to be depressed at the same time, Linux uses a sequence, and no keys are held down at once. Rate this symbol: (3.20 / 5 votes) The hyphen (‐) is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word. Here is the full list of the symbols and their names. With this keyboard shortcut, you can type the Em Dash symbol anywhere on your Mac computer. It’s what you use to … Note… Carolynn. In contrast, the en dash is generally used for a range of values. In many word processors, an optional hyphen or hyphenation is automatically inserted when a word is cut off by the end of a line. In order to get the @, you will need to press the two from the row of numbers above your alphabetic keyboard. The minus sign (−) glyph is generally set a little higher. Below is a computer keyboard with the hyphen keys highlighted in blue. a − b, or as the unary minus sign, e.g. This is the simple page to learn how to type / make soft hyphen on your windows keyboard. ALT Codes for punctuation sign symbols. Em dash, En dash, Hyphenation, Keyboard terms, Plus. 0 0. pippins. Another option for an em dash shortcut is to type in a double hyphen, followed by a space. right from your keyboard. You can copy and paste line symbols from the below list or use alt codes to insert line text symbols in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The use of hyphens is called hyphenation. Below is the complete list of Windows ALT key numeric pad codes for punctuation sign symbols, their corresponding HTML entity numeric character references and, when available, their corresponding HTML entity named character references. Non breaking Hyphen: We can get the Non breaking Hyphen by pressing 'Control Key + Shift Key + the Regular Hyphen Key' in our keyboard. Guide for PC and laptop + full list of Alt codes. On U.S. keyboards, the hyphen key is shared with the underscore key, which may be shown next to or above the hyphen symbol. On a standard keyboard, the hyphen is found to the immediate right of the "0" key. In computing, the hyphen is frequently used by programmers writing code for their applications, as well as for mathematical purposes by users needing to subtract one number from another. On a standard keyboard, the hyphen is found to the immediate right of the "0" key. I honestly hadn't thought of the on-screen keyboard, but I just tried that and it also is unable to type a hyphen into OneNote. With computers, the hyphen is commonly used in programming and mathematics to subtract one number from another. In short, a hyphen links words together. What are all the symbols used by computers? 2.2. Also, ensure that your Num Lock key is turned on. I tried a couple of different international keyboards and also dictating 'dash'es or 'hyphen's by voice, and none of those got the desired … - – — RE: Where is the hyphen key located on a … Recently purchased a new Dell laptop and I need to press the " key twice, in order to get it printed on screen or the *"*gets printed only when its followed by a character. To add an en-dash, you’ll need to go to insert>symbol> and select it from the list of symbols. With Google Docs, you can either copy and paste either one from the Windows Character Map, press the em dash on the iOS keyboard (if you’re using a Mac), or use Google Doc’s Special Characters Window: Go to the Insert window. Like the em dash, the en dash is not on the standard computer keyboard. A hyphen is what appears when you just press the button next to the zero key. For example, "know-how" has a different meaning than "know" and "how.". The underscore symbol is located on the same key as the hyphen, and is typed by pressing the shift key and the hyphen key simultaneously. The eas­i­est one to deal with is the minus sign. For example, in the below formula you can see that 2 1 is equal to 1. How to type the hyphen There should never be a space between the hyphen and the words around it. Lynn Atchison Beech. For example, "eighty-two" and "twenty-two" are both compound numbers that need a hyphen. Select Special characters. When formatting marks are enabled, these hyphens are represented with the conditional hyphen mark. The following sections contain examples of how a hyphen is used. Always use a hyphenation when splitting a word at the end of a line. The use of hyphens is called hyphenation. Latex will automatically turn it into an en-dash. Do not hyphenate connected words if the first word ends with "ly.". Hyphens are often confused with dashes, which are both longer and used for different purposes. For Mac users, the keyboard shortcut for the En Dash Symbol is [ Option ] + [ – ]. Alternatively, insert en-dash from the Insert>Symbol menu. Hyphenate two or more words that act as a new word or has a new meaning when connected. −5. To create an underscore on a smartphone or tablet, open the keyboard, access the numbers (123) keys, then access the (#+=) or symbols (sym) section. This hyphen is available between 0 and = keys on the top number row of a standard keyboard layout. To create the underscore using a U.S. keyboard, hold down the Shift key and press the - key. Pictured is an example of the hyphen and underscore key on top of the keyboard. You must use the numeric keypad to type the alt code. When to use en dashes In Microsoft Windows, the minus or underscore is also shown in the top-right side of a window to represent the minimize feature. The program seems entirely unable to accept the symbol from any method other than copying from another source and pasting it in. 0 0. Windows alt codes and keyboard symbols on Mac and Linux. The em-dash (—) The em-dash is normally twice as long as the n-dash; its length is equal to the width of the letter m, whence the name. This Site Might Help You. It's the graphic character to the right of the 0 on your keyboard that connects two words or indicates that … On Typefacts we impart knowledge on type and typography through comprehensive language and graphic description. keyboard text effects database/analyzer about privacy policy chrome extension ← Hyphen ‐ Same is the case with ' key There's no problem with the keys, but it may some font or language setting problem, i guess. The hyphen should not be confused with dashes (‒, –, —, ―), which are longer and have different uses, or with the minus sign (−) which is also longer. Hyphenate words that act together to modify the following word. Everyone knows what a hyphen is. Rate this symbol: (3.20 / 5 votes) The hyphen (‐) is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word. Wird das Wort nicht umbrochen, bleibt das weiche Trennzeichen im ausgedruckten Dokument beziehungsweise i… You’ll need to use the hyphen/minus sign on a numerical keypad, because the hyphen key on the alphanumeric keyboard won’t work for this shortcut. 4 years ago. Enter ‘em dash” in the search box. The obvious suggestion would be to set up a text replacement in Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement, so that (for example) typing 4dash gave you a sequence of four hyphens, but that doesn't seem to work either, at least on iOS 12.3.1. WINDOWS: on computers with Windows operating system like Windows 8, Win 7, Vista, Windows XP, etc.. To get the letter, character, sign or symbol "-": ( Hyphen , minus sign ) on computers with Windows operating system: 1) Press the "Alt" key on your keyboard… Simple keyboard shortcut to make soft hyphen in windows is "0173" Press the "alt" key and hold it down while typing "0173" on the Windows keyboard. Inserting Characters and Symbols … What is the other symbol on the hyphen key? Get all straight, vertical and horizontal line symbols ─ ═ |┃⌇╏┊┇║〣≡ ☱☲ and alt code for the line symbol. To subtract numbers on a computer or smartphone a calculator or spreadsheet could be used. However, do not hyphenate connected words that act as adjectives. The hyphen has its own key on the keyboard: Norwegian keyboards—to the right of the full-stop key US keyboards—to the right of the “0” key 2. A minus symbol or a horizontal line is a symbol used as an indication for a decrease, remove, move up, or zoom out on software programs and hardware devices. For windows users, press [Alt] + [Ctrl] + [Num -]. When the figure dash is unavailable, a hyphen-minus is often used instead. ™ (trademark symbol) compose key, t, m – (en dash) compose key, minus, period — (em dash) compose key, minus, minus, minus. On my keyboard the hyphen "-" or "minus" symbol, is located to the right of the "0"(zero) on the top row, and two keys to the left of the "backspace" key. For Windows users, use the Alt Code method by pressing down the [Alt] key whilst typing the symbol alt code which is 0150. Where Is the Hyphen Symbol Located on a Keyboard. You can use regular hyphen when typing compound words in English. Select it from word processor’s symbol map (or if you have a Mac, you can type option + –), or it may even be inserted automatically by your word processor when you type inclusive numbers or dates with a hyphen between them. A dash that is longer than a hyphen is referred to as an en dash or em dash. It's on the same key as the underscore ( _ ), to the right of the zero key. For examples "to-do," "merry-go-round," "high-risk," "T-shirt," and "sixty-six" are all words with hyphens. Alternatively known as a dash, subtract, negative, or minus sign, the hyphen ( - ) is a punctuation mark on the underscore key next to the "0" key on US keyboards. With Internet search engines, the hyphen is used as a boolean operator that tells the search not to include a result. Line Symbols. end of line. Typefacts still likes to show you what’s possible beyond … About us. The hyphen is the unshifted key between the 0 and +/= on a standard keyboard. The hyphen is easier to use on the numeric keypad with math formulas. Pictured is an example of the hyphen and underscore key on top of the keyboard. As the name sug­gests, it is only used to mean the dif­fer­ence of two math­e­mat­i­cal ob­jects, usu­ally num­bers, e.g. See the when should I hyphenate words section for further information. You can also select an em-dash using this method. On a keyboard with a separate number pad, it would also be the MINUS sign or DASH in the upper right of the numpad. Another suggestion is to go to Google and type in "em dash". In the English language, hyphens are most commonly used for the purpose of breaking words into parts, or to combine two or more words into a single word. Creating the "_" symbol on a smartphone or tablet. The most commonly used ones include ¢ (Alt+4), — (em dash, Alt+Shift+Hyphen), and ˚ (degree symbol, Alt+K). For examples "to-do," "merry-go-round," "high-risk," "T-shirt," and "sixty-six" are all words with hyphens. You can type this hyphen with the regular hyphen key. In a math formula, a hyphen is used to represent a subtraction (minus). hyphen key located keyboard. Here is the full list of the symbols and their names. Its meaning is the same as a hyphen, as represented by hyphen-minus. Insert Punctuation Symbols in Windows On Windows documents, you … Below are some of the most common rules of hyphenation. Hyphen Key. With emoji and symbol keyboards, access to fancier stuff never was easier. For example, long-term and short-term are hyphenated compound words using regular hyphens… The use of hyphens is called hyphenation. To create a hyphen on a smartphone or tablet open the keyboard and go into the numbers (123) or symbols (sym) section and tap the "-" symbol. Non-hyphenated is an example of a hyphenated word. 5 years ago. Inserting an en-dash in Latex. This page is about the meaning, origin and characteristic of the symbol, emblem, seal, sign, logo or flag: Hyphen. You can also check the degree symbol. The keyboard is the way we use to enter or manipulate data or information, and it looks more or less like the one below: Other than the letters (a to z) and numbers (0 – 9) on the keyboard, there are also many symbols for different purposes. Computer keyboard keys, symbols, and explanations. Ein weiches Trennzeichen (englisch soft hyphen, abgekürzt shy), auch bedingter Trennstrich, wird verwendet, um eine Trennstelle innerhalb eines Wortes vorzugeben, an der ein Zeilenumbruch erlaubt ist. The most commonly used ones include ¢ (Alt+4), — (em dash, Alt+Shift+Hyphen), and ˚ (degree symbol, Alt+K). In prac­tice, most com­puter users type the hy­phen-minus in place of the minus sign, com­pare −5 (minus sign) and -5 (hy­phen-minus). Should You Be Using KDP to Self-Publish Your First Novel? Hyphens are used in some compound words to make the word easier to read and help clarify words used together. Falls das Wort umbrochen wird, erscheint dort am Zeilenende ein Trennstrich. … Below you can compare… To look closely at the differences, use ‘Ctrl’ and spin your mouse wheel to zoom in/out on most browsers, or just zoom in with your fingers on a tablet. Lv 4. Alternatively known as a dash, subtract, negative, or minus sign, the hyphen ( - ) is a punctuation mark on the underscore key next to the "0" key on US keyboards. The [Num -] means the minus key on the numeric keypad. Press your finger on the "_" key… Ascii hyphen--- – En Dash ⌥ + - Alt + 0150 ... Why limit your tweets to what’s accessible through the keyboard? Type two hyphens with no space between them like–this. The underscore symbol is located on the same key as the hyphen, and is typed by pressing the shift key and the hyphen key simultaneously. If you type in accent-heavy languages like … 6 years ago. 0 0. The hyphen should not be confused with dashes (figure dash ‒, en dash –, em dash —, horizontal bar ―), which are longer and have different uses, or with the minus sign −, which is also longer and more vertically centred in some typefaces. One is on the main keyboard, and the other is on the numeric keypad. Pimp your Instagram and Facebook profiles, or create some useful text symbols like umlauts, copyright, trademark, registered sign, euro, pound, etc. Keep in mind many rules only apply in certain circumstances and that this list of rules is far from complete. Use an en dash for a minus sign. Non-hyphenated is an example of a hyphenated word. Copy and paste it into your document. Exception In an example in which the customer must type a hyphen to represent a minus sign, use a hyphen in the example and clarify which key should be selected.. See also Keys and keyboard shortcuts term collection See our en dash and em dash pages for further information on creating these longer hyphens. The hyphen symbol is often used in math as the subtraction operator when entering input using a keyboard. On my keyboard the hyphen "-" or "minus" symbol, is located to the right of the "0"(zero) on the top row, and two keys to the left of the "backspace" key. The hyphen ‐ is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word. Unicode (the standard for electronically encoding text information) has separate codes for the minus sign, hyphen and N-dash. Press and hold the Option and the Shift key and hit once on the [-] (Minus or Hyphen) key. Lightning fast emoji and symbol search ⤺ back to keyboard. To create a hyphen using a U.S. keyboard, press the hyphen key. Use Alt codes to make text symbols and special characters from your keyboard, or laptop. Should I capitalize "Internet" and hyphenate "e-mail"? The use of hyphens is called hyphenation. What Does Biodegradable Plastic Really Cost Us? Hyphens are usually shorter and thicker than the en dashes although it can vary by font and the difference may be hard to discern, depending on the font. For more information, here’s a helpful article from Wikimedia. If the minus sign is not avail­able, I rec­om­mend to use the en-dash in­stead, com­pare “6 – 5” (en-dash) and “6 - 5” (hy­phen-minus, too short). The hyphen ‐ is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word. And typography through comprehensive language and graphic description dash is generally used for a range of values can see 2... Horizontal line symbols ─ ═ |┃⌇╏┊┇║〣≡ ☱☲ and Alt code for the line.... How a hyphen is found to the zero key hyphens into a key! You can type the em dash symbol is [ option ] + [ Ctrl ] + –! Between two words in Microsoft word a different meaning than `` know '' and hyphenate e-mail... No space between them like–this a − b, or laptop Shift key press! Numbers on a computer or smartphone a calculator or spreadsheet could be.... The insert > symbol menu on Mac and Linux Ever Look for Deals Gym. Eighty-Two '' and `` twenty-two '' are both compound numbers that need a hyphen is found the... 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