I think we're less likely to terrorize our mailman for being late if we've already become used to thinking of him as a full-fledged human being rather than a function ("the mailman"). Is that narcissistic? Often people do things without having a reason, and asking them why they did such a thing can often breed harsh feelings. Causes of domestic abuse. The Japanese government made a decision to attack the US, and the US retaliated in a way that was intended to end the war. It's commonly observed how children can be mean to one another in a certain phase of their development, can bully one another mercilessly and then somehow still grow up into reasonably well-adjusted adults who leave their cruel behavior behind in childhood (regrettably, of course, some don't leave it behind, often due to strife, cruelty, or neglect they've suffered themselves at the hands of their parents or other caregivers). Cruelty Causes Pain and Suffering . Being emotionally unresponsive can be a form of mental cruelty. However, they were only repeating what they knew and in many cases deserving of sympathy. Something, such as a cruel act or remark, that causes pain or suffering. Some who are cruel to animals copy acts they have seen or that have been done to them. According to the Child Welfare League of America, children whose parents abuse drugs and alcohol are almost three times more likely to be abused and four times more likely to be neglected than children of parents who are not substance abusers. I was googling "are there cruel spirits", and this article popped up. by Bill DeRosa T here are some forms of cruelty that we are familiar with and that occur quite commonly We frequently see or hear about children pulling insects apart or crushing insects other small creatures under their feet. In today's world where animals are slaughtered and tortured for selfish/petty, gains, the cruelty inflicted on these creatures have reached new heights. You're talking about two different things. Americans, in turn, abstracted the Japanese people into "Japs," a derogatory term that reduced them from human beings with hopes, loves, families, and fears into the "enemy" on whom it was therefore eventually permissible to drop two atomic bombs. Not that it's wrong to value a particular facet of a person (as long as valuing it is what you're doing), but every group—except for the largest, the human race itself (and perhaps even that's too narrow)—by definition excludes others. These possible causes are only to better understand why an abuser believes it is acceptable to abuse their partner physically, sexually, psychologically or emotionally. Physical or mental illness, such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 3. In early American history a large segment of the population labeled African Americans as "slaves," reducing their identity as human beings into an abstract idea only, freeing slave owners to consider slaves their property. Very good article. I agree. You may cause them to feel down by making light of this. The True Cause Of Cruelty, Redux The real reason people treat each other so badly . Why do we wait until a victim gets bullied or raped OR someone starts a war...??? The psychological causes of such animal cruelty are complicated and will be discussed in another article. (Salamanders, snakes, and toads are common victims.) I completely agree... our world would be a completely different place if we would all treat each other with a little more decency. Americans, in turn, abstracted the Japanese people into "Japs," a derogatory term that reduced them from human beings with hopes, loves, families, and fears into the "enemy" on whom it was therefore eventually permissible to drop two atomic bombs. The True Cause Of Cruelty The real reason people are cruel to one another . If he had used interning Japanese Americans during WWII because of their ancestry, I would have agreed wholeheartedly. What causes child abuse. DEAL with your RACISM and PREJUDICES! Why give your cat or dog anything less than the best? He's talking about the tendency of humans to create caricatures of other humans in order to make it less painful to cause harm to individuals in the course of war (regardless of why we were fighting Japan, incarcerating a bunch of innocent Japanese- and Japanese-Americans would not have been ethical if, as a culture, non-Japenese-blooded Americans believed that Japanese-blooded citizens were as human as they were). To me, however, he was a gentle little boy I pitied for being unable to stand up for himself, a full-fledged human being who was terribly embarrassed by their teasing (though he pretended not to be). - but that doesn't mean I need to know all about them, or contemplate them either. For more information and links about animal cruelty laws in Massachusetts, visit our webpage on animal cruelty laws. Cats are abused more than dogs. We’ve Got Depression All Wrong. The humane Body has all at itself, and it's all about only about, the Processes to Run to get. So, cruelty is perhaps rooted in ego’s need to survive and propagate, instead of in our “being”. In fact, defense could be aided because we tend to underestimate the intelligence of those we consider inferior. If nothing else, that's just true, and you're more likely to have a rewarding life yourself if you deal with the world as it is instead of the caricature we all draw in our heads. No matter the reason we have to put an end to animal cruelty and have an animal cruelty free environment. Laws Against Animal Cruelty . We didn't personally kill someone in retaliation; we *abstracted* millions of innocent civilians as being "Japanese" and therefore guilty of bombing us. Mange. Be sick all you like. Root Causes Animal cruelty has its roots, there is no unlike behavior without a reason to cause cruelty to animals. by Bill DeRosa T here are some forms of cruelty that we are familiar with and that occur quite commonly among children. The spirit of abstraction. Welcome to REALITY! Since we live in a culture of narcissism, wouldn't narcissism and it's characteristics of "Sense of entitlement" and "bad boundaries" play a role in cruelty against others based on the root of the sense of entitlement which could be gender or ideological in nature? Studies of possible causes of childhood cruelty to animals are reviewed and common contributing environmental factors are identified. ). Relationship abuse is a choice and it is a learned behavior. In the US & UK it is a legal & accepted “humane” practice. When George H. Bush announced the beginning of the first Gulf War in 1990 a cheer was reported at a professional basketball game, and I remember thinking that even if a war were deemed necessary how barbarous it was to enter into it with anything other than a heavy heart. Animal cruelty, like any other form of violence, is often committed by a person who feels powerless, unnoticed or under the control of others. Cruelty ranges from neglect to malicious killing of animals. May 8, 2020 by Essay Writer. No one can really understand but the abuser themself. Some abusers learned to abuse from their parents. Cruelty is callous indifference to or pleasure in causing pain and suffering. In seventh grade I once found myself in the school gym locker room changing before class when a group of my classmates began bullying a boy named Pino for having breasts (a condition called gynecomastia that sometimes occurs in young boys at puberty, usually resolving spontaneously). Well, the sad truth is that some forms of keratin *cue doomsday music here* come from animals. The spirit of abstraction is the main reason I resist associating myself with any group. I bet you can't have abstraction of "others" without first abstracting oneself. has multiple answers. We DO need practice seeing "others" as people- be it our neighbor down the road, our neighbors in other countries, other continents- It's so easy to dehumanize in order to justify cruel treatment of others, and we really should be giving more attention to this behavior, to teach people to practice seeing people as people (instead of functions). Unfortunately, rather than simply interacting with someone through a "function," we treat them as that function...such as the mailman. Animal abuse is said to result from ignorance about the abusive consequences of our behavior for animals, the belief that abuse is justified, and the perception that abuse is personally beneficial. Animal cruelty is a precursor for violence towards people, according to a number of studies. To my classmates in the school locker room all those decades ago, Pino was nothing more than a funny looking kid with breasts, an abstraction that enabled them to tease him mercilessly. Certainly texture and interest attaches itself to different cultures and traditions, but it's far too easy to abstract others (Americans, Canadians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, women, children, doctors, valets, hairdressers) if I attach too much importance to labels. How, then, can we improve our ability to do this more consistently? What a loser I am." What Causes Cruelty? Who is "we"? In the novel, The Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini, cruelty can be seen as a reoccuring theme. Is control being superior? Cruelty is callous indifference to or pleasure in causing pain and suffering. According to the non-profit organization Prevent Child Abuse New York (PCANY), several factors cause some people to have difficulty meeting the demands of parenthood, leading them to become abusive when they reach a breaking point or don’t know what else to do.These factors include: 1. immaturity 2. unrealistic expectations 3. emotional problems 4. economic crisis 5. lack of parenting knowledge 6. difficulty in relationships 7. depression 8. other mental health problems When the stress of childcare co… Sometimes people need to associate as a group to overcome the very dehumanization that you speak of. I don't disagree: when someone intends you harm, defending yourself is necessary and has little to do with the kind of cruelty I discussed in this post (I wrote a post about the problem inherent in "turning the other cheek," which interested readers can find here: http://www.happinessinthisworld.com/2010/10/10/the-problem-with-turning-the-other-cheek/#.UciBfPnVDh4). What Causes and what are the effects of animal abuse? To use live vertebrates for experiments or exhibitions in a manner that causes them pain or interferes with their normal health. Except this all depends on which part of the world you live - as for some cultures "cows" are sacred and for some dog flesh is a food source. Animal Cruelty : Dog Fighting And Animal Neglect And Abuse 1349 Words | 6 Pages. I don't know how hurt he was by that episode or by any subsequent episodes of bullying he may have experienced, but I find myself hoping that if he did suffer frequently in that way that rather than scarring him it blossomed in him a special sense of empathy (as feeling like an outsider often does)—a sense of empathy that turned him into an adult who today won't tolerate cruelty of any kind. While mental illness itself is not thought to cause drug abuse, one condition may indicate, and be complicated by, the other. I have done some writing on those two characteristics as working as a corruption pump mechanism: The degradation of others is used to justify the sense of entitlement and the sense of entitlement is used to justify the bad derogatory activities. One of the Most Contagious and Dangerous Attitude Biases, Alternate Realities: A Tale of Two Echo Chambers. The quality or condition of being cruel. Many people ask this question, wishing they knew why animal abusers do what they do to animals. A history of being abused or neglected as a child 2. I hesitate to write it off as simply bigotry when they have something like 50% of the people around them are foreign born, 44% are white, and I've spent most of my life in places that were 80% white like me. Today there are the telemarketers at whom we snap and upon whom we hang up angrily for calling us at home. Second, I describe an additional set of factors that have both direct effects on animal abuse and indirect effects through the above three factors. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Humans who abuse animals usually have something psychological that is a effect from child abuse as a kid or domestic violence in some way. physical or mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, or … Actually, I was replying to the *exact example that he used*, and that was my objection. If the US had wanted to be cruel, the gov could have pointed, laughed, and left them to rebuild on their own. Factors that may increase a person's risk of becoming abusive include: 1. To put animal abuse into perspective, it should be understood that these abuses do not just depend on whoever is speaking at the moment. Animal cruelty refers to inhumane acts against animals of all walks of life, including domesticated pet abuse and excessively killing wild animals. Isn't this is an awesome idea and would bring more clients to clinics??? I wish I'd told him I didn't think he was funny looking. I had read that article, and that's why I was surprised to see you lump the US into the same camp as Hitler's Germany. Certainly texture and interest attaches itself to different cultures and traditions, but it's far too easy to abstract others (Americans, Canadians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, women, children, doctors, valets, hairdressers) if I attach too much importance to labels. From environmental issues, economical issues, and relationship issues to entertainments purposes and sports. Animal cruelty, like any other form of violence, is often committed by a person who feels powerless, unnoticed or under the control of others. But I think that Dr Lickerman is speaking of humanity on a grander scale. Dreams have been described as dress rehearsals for real life, opportunities to gratify wishes, and a form of nocturnal therapy. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. I know now why that cheer went up, though. Some aspects of animal cruelty involve purposefully putting animals in situations that harm, scare, and terrorize them, while others simply result from people looking the other way. if we know the cause, can we find a solution? It had nothing to do with random cruelty, and the author has already demonstrated that he understands that whether you do or not. I have some friends who are admittedly 'racist'- not because of something inherent in another person's skin color, but because personal interactions have set a precedence, and additional caution feels necessary to them. However, I think the "What Can We Do" segment is a little unpractical. But to pretend that we just picked them out of a crowd and demonized them so we could drop bombs on them is ludicrous; Hiroshima and Nagasaki were in response to Pearl Harbor, NOT to Americans needing a scapegoat or a target to bully, as WAS true with Hitler and the Jews. Therefore, knowing the causes of domestic violence and recognizing symptoms is important if the cycle is to ever be broken. It was not baseless cruelty, it was retaliation followed by rebuilding. It’s Trying to Save Us. All examples of ways each of us fall prey to the spirit of abstraction on a daily basis. Dreams have been described as dress rehearsals for real life, opportunities to gratify wishes, and a form of nocturnal therapy. Some animals it is "okay" to kill, but others we have to care, even pamper - eg dogs, cats. It appears that any type of traumatic or stress-related situation can increase the risk to abuse alcohol; however, certain types of experiences, such as physical or sexual abuse, the loss of a parent at a young age (even through divorce), being the victim of a … The way I've treated a few customer service reps is just shameful, but what's just as bad is when I abstract myself and say, "You idiot, how could you have done that? Researchers who study human-animal interactions are divided over the causes and consequences of animal cruelty. I do agree though it does mean I need to consider his potential circumstances before interacting with him. Work is still being done to determine the direct causes of substance abuse and mental health issues. Reducing a group from a simple subset of humans (people with more in common with 'us' than not) to being apprehended as a group which is somehow 'subhuman', because of race, culture, or religion, is perhaps the longest-standing means of convincing people to fight. You can do it!!! Cruelty is callous indifference to or pleasure in causing pain and suffering. However, the following beliefs and attitudes are common for abusers and explaining what causes relationship abuse. Being prejudiced does not give you a right to bully, assault or kill others. It’s Trying to Save Us. What Causes Cruelty? I only meant to suggest we practice catching ourselves thinking of others as labels throughout out day and consciously call to mind the humanity of everyone we see. Our predecessors used animals for food and work as we do now, but initially, this use was motivated by necessity. Domestic abuse is a matter of choice for perpetrators. But no matter what the reason, I find these types of behaviours self-mutilating. Social or extended family isolation 7. I can't just write off someone because their skin isn't the same color as mine, but I also can't just write off someone as a 'bigot' when their experiences are very different from mine. Moreover, this would definitely be the trajectory to PEACE. I've also noted that people I've met who were from NYC are far more racist than others I've met, and not because they think racism is cool, it's because of a lot of personal interaction. having a substance use disorder. Implications for educators are discussed and directives for detection and prevention of cruelty … It's commonly observed how children can be mean to one another in a certain phase of their development, can bully one another mercilessly and then somehow still grow up into reasonably well-adjusted adults who leave their cruel behavior behind in childhood (regrettably, of course, some don't leave it behind, often due to strife, cruelty, or neglect they've suffered themselves at the hands of their parents or other caregivers). A feeling of powerlessness and lack of control is a cause of animal abuse. When you do that, you are PART OF THE PROBLEM! As applied to people, cruelty encompasses abusive, outrageous, and inhumane treatment that results in the wanton and unnecessary infliction of suffering upon the body or mind. 3. Cruelty is pleasure in inflicting suffering or inaction towards another's suffering when a clear remedy is readily available. The first question, "Why do people abuse other people?" All examples of ways each of us fall prey to the spirit of abstraction on a daily basis. This is one reason for the proliferation of cults and strong In-group and out-group polarizations in our time. When victims are married, such psychological anguish may be used as a legal ground for divorce. Dogs should always be on leash and supervised when they're outside. Understanding what causes your hair to become brittle and dry is half the battle. Other common causes of substance abuse include a history of trauma and family dysfunction. Americans don't equate to Hitler; the US attacked Japan *because of Pearl Harbor*, not because we needed someone to belittle. "Though contracting a second marriage by a Muslim may be lawful, it more often than not, causes enormous cruelty to the first wife, justifying her claim for divorce," the bench observed. You should be "practicing" by engaging with people you FEAR, to reduce your XENOPHOBIA -- whatever you are prejudiced against. The abuse I experienced growing up became PTSD and caused me to abstract those who bully. I still am not clear on the difference between cruelty and control. Cruelty Causes Pain And Suffering. I failed to rise to his defense, too afraid at the time to have their malevolent attention redirected toward me, but remember feeling awful for Pino and wondering how anybody could be so effortlessly cruel. Made revenge an unhealthy obsession. The reasons for the fighting (in WWII) bear no relation to the techniques of making fighting more palatable to a large number of individuals. It's called the spirit of abstraction, a term originally coined by Gabriel Marcel in his essay "The Spirit of Abstraction as a Factor Making for War," and is defined as the practice of conceiving of people as functions rather than as human beings. Some Japanese person made the decision to drop the bomb on Pearl Harbor, but it wasn't the millions of people living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that we dropped a bomb on. This feline knows what it takes to get only the Best Feline Food for dinner. What a pity. Animal cruelty refers to inhumane acts against animals of all walks of life, including domesticated pet abuse and excessively killing wild animals. Mental cruelty is a pattern of negative behaviors or an adverse climate that can damage a relationship. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. Not that it's wrong to value a particular facet of a person (as long as valuing it is what you're doing), but every group—except for the largest, the human race itself (and perhaps even that's too narrow)—by definition excludes others. Humans who abuse animals usually have something psychological that is a effect from child abuse as a kid or domestic violence in some way. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. The history of relationships between humans and animals is thousands of years long. Get out of your fortress! I firmly believe if we trained ourselves to avoid abstracting others, cruelty in all its forms would be a far rarer thing than it is today. Most of us find cruelty in children as unacceptable as we find it in adults and often attempt to quell it when we see it. This makes it much more easier to "abuse" them. I wish I could go back in time armed with the courage to stand up for him. Even the Japanese understand it, which is why the two countries are on good terms now. There are many things that can cause child abuse. I was able to hurt them when I became the strong one and had the opportunity. So, cruelty is perhaps rooted in ego’s need to survive and propagate, instead of in our “being”. It was a WAR, and it wasn't started by the US. 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