‘Portrait of a Lady’ is the story about the life of Khushwant Singh’s aged grandmother. Forum contains unread posts
Why was it hard for the author to believe that the grandmother was once young and pretty? Khushwant Singh recalls his grandmother as an eternally old person. Explain the meaning of this statement. It was difficult for him to conceptualise that she could have been young and . In the evening she collected women from the neighbourhood and beat the drum and sang for hours of the homecoming of warriors. The stories about her childhood games were like fairytales to … a) Draw a character sketch of Khushwant Singh’s grandmother as portrayed by him in the lesson ‘The Portrait of a Lady”. Khushwant Singh The Portrait of A Lady Theme ‘The Portrait of a Lady’ is part of an autobiography by Khushwant Singh. Answer: According to the author, the grandmother may not have been pretty, but her inner beauty shone through her persona making her beautiful. She was an extremely religious person.It was difficult for him to believe that once she too was young and pretty like other women. She could not accompany him to school as he went by the school bus. The village school was attached to a temple and the students were taught the alphabet and morning prayers. Elaborate. She was a deeply religious lady. New Delhi: Khushwant Singh’s book Women, Sex, Love and Lust, is belatedly facing objection for its ‘obscenity’. As soon as I heard of her ailment, I rushed but I was late. Give examples in support of your answer. Her silver locks were scattered untidily over her pale, puckered face, and her lips constantly moved in an inaudible prayer. Q. Her simplicity and beauty left an indelible imprint on the poet’s mind. She had been old and wrinkled for the twenty years that I had known her. Question 9. The narrator’s grandmother was a true picture of love, affection and care. She was highly religious but a conservative lady. The short story that was taught as a chapter of the English text book was ‘The Portrait of a Lady.’ It’s a memoir about his grandmother and her last days with him. In the city, when she could not move out, she took to feeding sparrows that came and perched on her legs, shoulders, and head. Write instance to prove her qualities. Khushwant Singh Literary Festival '14. Browse 442 khushwant singh stock photos and images available or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Recent Posts Unread Posts Tags, Forum Icons:
The turning point in the friendship arrived when they shifted to the city. “This was the turning point in our friendship.” What was the turning point? Khushwant Singh’s grandmother was a very old lady. There was no chirruping. She had white hair. The author recalls his grandmother as a very religious woman. Ans. Closed. The fact that they were not taught about god made her unhappy. Thousands of sparrows came and sat quietly all around her body. She could not adjust herself to the Western way of life, Science and English education. They perched on her legs, shoulders, and head but she never shooed them away. Describe the friendship ‘between Khushwant Singh and his grandmother. Explore {{searchView.params.phrase}} by colour family {{familyColorButtonText(}} Authors Angus Wilson and Khushwant Singh having a … He describes how he spent his childhood with her in the village. Give a brief character—sketch of Khushwant Singh’s grandmother on the basis of the portrait of a Lady. She dressed in spotless white. But it was when he went to the university and got a separate room that even this link was snapped. After they had both finished, they would head back home. On their way, she fed the dogs each day with the stale chapattis that she carried with her. Khushwant Singh draws a heart-warming pen-portrait of his grandmother whom he loved and admired. Her communication with him deteriorated further. March 31, 2020 21 Days 21 Stories Indian Stories, Khushwant Singh, The Portrait Of A Lady admin My grandmother, like everybody’s grandmother, was an old woman. His grandfather’s portrait hung on the wall of the drawing room. She woke him up each morning, bathed him, dressed him, plastered his wooden slate, gave him breakfast—a stale, buttered chapatti with sugar sprinkled on it and walked him to school. She had been old and wrinkled for the twenty years She was short statured, fat and slightly bent. Khushwant Singh Photos. The grandmother was not pretty but had a divine beauty. Now, he went to an English school where they taught science. She looked after him in the village. The Portrait of a Lady Khushwant Singh Notice these expressions in the text. Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions 2018, Class 11 History Important Questions Chapter 5 Nomadic Empires, Class 11 History Important Questions Chapter 4 The Central Islamic Lands, Class 11 History Important Questions Chapter 3 An Empire Across Three Continents, Class 11 History Important Questions Chapter 2 Writing and City Life, Class 11 History Important Questions Chapter 1 From the Beginning of Time, CBSE Important Extra Questions for Class 11 History Chapter Wise, Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 7 Natural Hazards and Disasters, Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 6 Soils, Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation, Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 4 Climate, Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions, GCU, Panjab University, King’s College London, The Dickson Poon School of Law, St Stephen’s College, Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan, Punjab Rattan Award. The very thought of her playing games as a child seemed quite absurd and undignified. She was highly religious but a conservative lady. Explore {{searchView.params.phrase}} by color family {{familyColorButtonText(}} Question 5. Here we provide some of the best pics of the Khushwant Singh ji stories of life and nature. He wrote many books and passed away in the year 2014. Khushwant Singh was critised by Bhagat Singh's relative in 2011, stating that the writer, who was the son of a Delhi builder who betrayed Bhagat Singh, was defending his father. Question 6. Which course of study does Tap low prefer and why? In the city, they shared a common bedroom. What was ‘the last sign’ of physical contact between the author and the grandmother? The grandmother has been portrayed as a very religious lady. People said that she had once been young and pretty and had even had a husband, but that was hard to believe. View all photos from this album. Her face was wrinkled and she was always dressed in spotless white clothes. Hadali, She was very affectionate. The writer’s mother threw breadcrumbs but the sparrows took no notice of them. He beautifully unfolds their relationship and how it undergoes several changes. Her serenity and calmness gave her an inner beauty. The author’s grandmother saw him off, silently, but kissing him on his forehead, when he went abroad and celebrated his return five years later. Answer: Explain the meaning of this statement The school was attached to a temple. Sticky
Browse 24,377 grandmother portrait stock photos and images available, or search for asian grandmother portrait or grandmother portrait studio to find more great stock photos and pictures. He wrote dozens of novels and short story collections. Question 3. As young Khushwant Singh, write a letter to your parents describing your daily routine along with your thoughts and feelings about staying in the village. The author describes his association with his grandmother and the changes that came about in their relationship with the passage of time. Answer: Answer: Her lips were always moving in a silent prayer. Forum contains no unread posts
Her simplicity and beauty left an indelible imprint on the poet’s mind. He had seen her look the same for twenty years and to him it seemed that she was really old and could not grow older. She was very affectionate. He recalls her morning prayers and her reading scriptures inside the temple. He also edited several magazines and newspapers in the 1970s and 80s. The author and his grandmother walked to the school in the village. She did not believe in science. There were many appreciable qualities in Khushwant Singh's grandmother. On her way back from school, she would feed the village dogs with stale chapattis. The first phase is that when Khushwant Singh‘s family lives in a village. She would wake him early in the morning and get him ready for school. Solved
Khushwant Singh’s learning music in school made her unhappier as she felt it was not meant for gentle folk. The first time I was introduced to the writings of the veteran Khushwant Singh was in the secondary classes of my schooling. “The Portrait of a Lady” is a heart-warming pen picture of Khushwant Singh’s grandmother who brought him up. Answer: It is a perception of Khushwant Singh of his grandmother through his own eyes. pretty; to believe that she had had a husband. He feared that she would not survive till he returned since he was going away for five years. This proved to be a turning point in their relationship. What impression do you form of Andrew Manson on the basis of the story ‘Birth’? After her cremation they flew away without touching the crumbs. He too looked very old arid very grandfatherly. Her face was wrinkled. The writer believed this was their last physical contact as he was going away for five years. They were good friends. He presumed this as the last sign of physical contact between them. Draw a character sketch of Khushwant Singh’s grandmother as portrayed by him in the lesson ‘The Portrait of a Lady’. She hated music and was distressed to know that there was no teaching about God and holy books at Khushwant’s new English school. Answer: Answer: Khushwant Singh’s grandmother was not attractive and good-looking, but she had an extremely gracious personality. The grandmother had a divine beauty. The only thing that remained unchanged was their common bedroom. Europe’s Largest Solar Power Plant: Francisco Pizzaro. Khushwant Singh’s Grandmother was a religious and kind hearted woman. Unapproved
She was a caring grandmother. Khushwant Singh’s grandmother has been portrayed as a very old lady. She had all those virtues which grandmother’s generally have for their grandsons. In The Portrait of a Lady’ Khushwant Singh draws a pen-picture of his grandmother. What details in the story create this impression? Khushwant Singh In this story, the author draws a pen portrait of his grandmother. Khushwant Singh Latest answer posted July 13, 2018 at 6:44:40 AM In Khushwant Singh's "The Portrait of a Lady," how can you say that the grandmother was left deserted in the city? In this story, the author draws a pen portrait of his grandmother. She was short statured, fat and slightly bent. Appearance of the grandmother The author recalls his grandmother as a very old lady with a wrinkled face. She was a caring grandmother. She was religious-minded and noble-hearted. Draw a comparison between the author’s village school education and city school education. Last updated on Oct 27, 2014, 18.40. He was taught science and English but not taught about god. Ultimately, he describes the moving scene of her death. Latest Post: Europe’s Largest Solar Power Plant: Francisco Pizzaro Our newest member: marianohhx
The novel, Train to Pakistan, based on the bloody partition of India in 1947, was made into a film. RD Sharma Solutions , RS Aggarwal Solutions and NCERT Solutions. The grandmother was a kind-hearted woman. She said her end was near. The Khushwant Singh Ji has written many stories of the about the Sikhs and art of living in our life. Looking at his portrait one could visualise that he had many grandc hildren but one could not imagine him in his youth with his wife and children. She appeared so He also describes her as being not pretty in the traditional sense but her serenity made her beautiful as she always used to chant silent prayers from beads of rosary. Khushwant Singh, an outstanding novelist and a forthright political commentator, was nominated to Rajya Sabha by the government under late Indira Gandhi. She began to tell the beads of her rosary and her lips moved in a silent prayer before she died. Ans. After her death, her body was laid on the floor, covered in a red shawl. When the author’s mother threw some breadcrumbs for them, they took no notice of the breadcrumbs. Khushwant Singh, a prolific writer, was born in Hadali, Khushab District, Punjab (which now lies in Pakistan), in a Sikh family on 2 February 1915.. The doctors reassured the family that there was nothing to worry but she stopped talking. He also describes the changes that came in their relationship in the city. 6 May 2018 Dermot Khushwant Singh Cite Post In The Portrait of a Lady by Khushwant Singh we have the theme of innocence, friendship, love, connection, kindness, selflessness, respect and acceptance. Q 15 Khushwant Singh’s grandmother was not pretty but was always beautiful. She was always telling the beads of her rosary. He was a Member of Parliament from 1980 to 1986. Just have a look on these pictures. Welcome To E-Guru Up A Unique Platform Where Students Can Interact With Teachers/Experts/Students To Get Solutions To Their Queries. Ans: The narrator’s grandmother was a true picture of love, affection and care . “The Portrait of a Lady” is a heart-warming pen picture of Khushwant Singh’s grandmother who brought him up. Question 5. She was always in spotless white. She was closely involved in bringing up the author. When the writer was going abroad, she went to the railway station to see him off but did not speak a word, only kissed his forehead. Active
The grandmother was a kind lady. Khushwant had written about the ‘force’ Fauja first in his book, ‘Sikhs Unlimited’ in 2007 and in 2009, he was approached by Harmander Singh, Fauja’s coach to write his biography, the real life story of the 109-year-old, better known as the ‘Sikh Superman’ who stunned the world by shattering world records as a marathon runner. When the grandmother died, thousands of sparrows collected and sat in the courtyard. She was short, fat and slightly bent. The author describes her “like the winter landscape in the mountains”—a personification of “serenity, breathing peace and contentment.”. The Portrait of a Lady by Khushwant Singh MY grandmother, like everybody’s grandmother, was an old woman. Answer: She got him ready and walked him to and back from school. In this pic, President R Venkataraman with Khushwant Singh at the inauguration of the National Book week at FICCI auditorium on February 6, 1989. This story paints a beautiful yet earthly picture of Singh’s grandmother, and how the bonds between Singh and his grandmother changed over the years. The story is written in first person and is in biographical mode. Infer their meaning from the context. In the house, she always carried a rosary in her hands. Question 8. Khushwant Singh recalls his grandmother as an eternally old person. They saw less of each other as she could neither accompany him to school, nor understand English. Question 10. Question 7. When Khushwant Singh was still young, his parents left for the city leaving him to the care of his grandmother. Khushwant Singh’s grandmother was a very old lady. Her lips were always moving in a silent … The happiest moment of the day for the grandmother in the city was when she was feeding the sparrows. It was difficult for the author to believe that his grandmother was once young and pretty. The two lived in the village. Khushwant Singh’s grandmother was short, old and slightly bent, and hobbled around the house telling the beads on her rosary. She was fat, short and slightly bent. He felt she could age no further. Her face was wrinkled. Pictures Description of Pictures-- Pic-1 – • An old, short and fatty lady wearing white Punjabi suit, wrinkled face, grey hair, with one hand telling the beads of a rosary and other resting on her waist to balance her stoop. Her face was wrinkled and she was always dressed in spotless white clothes. The writer’s grandmother was a very old woman. She was short, fat and slightly bent. In other words, the story is a loving tribute from a grandson to his grandmother. In the city she took to feeding the sparrows. We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding. She kept telling the beads of the rosary and reciting prayers silently. Answer: She had white hair. b. Khushwant Singh’s grandmother was not pretty but was always beautiful. Students (Upto Class 10+2) Preparing For All Government Exams, CBSE Board Exam, ICSE Board Exam, State Board Exam…. Answer: When the writer’s parents had settled in the city, they sent for them. Everybody including the sparrows mourned the grandmother’s death. He was also taught music. Question 2. Khushwant Singh describes his grandmother as Short ,fat and a little Stooped. She had all those virtues which grandmother’s generally have for their grandsons. 2 See answers sharyu25 sharyu25 Answer: At the village temple, she reads the religious books. She could not keep pace with the author’s modem education that he received in the city school. He remembers her hobbling about the house, telling the beads of her rosary. Khushwant Singh was one of India’s most famous writers, a renowned columnist, and a journalist. If you have been her grandson what kind of care you would have taken to show your love. She had been old and wrinkled for the twenty years that I had known her. The author describes his association with his grandmother and the changes that came about in their relationship with the passage of time. What was the happiest moment of the day for the grandmother? The two lived in the village. She could not understand English and did not believe in science. Replied
He had seen her old for the last twenty years. However, in the city he went by the school bus. The grandmother was a kind-hearted woman. He beautifully unfolds his relationship with her, while describing her appearance and daily activities. THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY 3 1. The author recounts how, during the last few days, she spent all her time praying. MY grandmother, like everybody’s grandmother, was an old woman. Candidates can get the detailed information about the Khushwant Singh Ji life story by following this page. Answer: The grandmother and grandson were good friends. The author was going abroad for five years. On the whole, she was a nice, kind-hearted and religious lady. She used to feed dogs in the village. Not Replied
Why did the author think that to be the last physical contact? Question 4. Khushwant Singh Photo Download How does the author bring it out? I was unfortunate to be by her side when she left the world. See more of: Khushwant Singh Literary Festival '14. What image of the grandmother emerges from ‘The Portrait of a Lady’? She would wake him early in the morning and get him ready for school. Khushwant Singh’s grandmother has been portrayed as a very old lady. She was an extremely religious person.It was difficult for him to believe that once she too was young and pretty like other women. She was closely involved in bringing up the author. In fact, the thought was almost revolting. But she was there when he returned and was delighted to see him back. While Khushwant Singh and the other children sat in the veranda learning the alphabets and morning prayers, his grandmother sat inside the temple reading scriptures. Mark all read, Topic Icons:
She was then taken slightly ill. She was a deeply religious lady. Hot
Question 1. She had great affection for her grandson. What proofs do you find of friendship between the grandmother and grandson in the story? His grandmother kissed his forehead. They were full of grief at her death and flew away quietly after the cremation. Thanks to my grandmother, I am a person of morality now. She went to the temple and read the scriptures. For the first time she missed her prayers. City was when he returned and was delighted to see him back for them, sent... Help students with learning and understanding a perception of Khushwant Singh ’ s parents had settled the! Ready and walked him to conceptualise that she could have been pretty but... To worry but she was a Member of Parliament from 1980 to 1986 not English... City school the poet ’ s grandmother has been portrayed as a very old Lady was! Person.It was difficult for him to and back from school, she spent all her time praying arrived. 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