While chickweed is edible and is sometimes used to feed livestock (like chickens), it can be quite a nuisance when you’re trying to maintain a beautiful lawn. 0000061505 00000 n
0000012753 00000 n
0000001727 00000 n
Chickweed is one of the most widespread weeds in the world, and is commonly found in Europe, North America and Asia. 0000002904 00000 n
0000009264 00000 n
Till Your Garden Soil. Cooperative Extension Offices – Find your local Cooperative Extension office on this map provided by USDA. This work is supported by New Technologies for Agriculture Extension grant no. Chickweed is a very shallow-rooted weed that loves moist soil. 0000001436 00000 n
Older leaves are petiolate. There are very few selective herbicides labeled to manage these types of weeds. 0000044761 00000 n
(50 cm) long with a longitudinal line of hairs. 0000045614 00000 n
It has a small white flower which appears as if it has ten petals but it is just because the split in the petals. Notes on Taxonomy and Nomenclature Top of page Stellaria media is the universally accepted name for this common and widespread weedy species. Chickweed is native to Europe and is naturalized in the United States, and considered somewhat invasive. Chickweed greens, ripe for the pickin’. Though I’ve had a hard time getting Chickweed out of hoop houses filled with mesclun salad mixes or baby beet greens, I love it! Common chickweed is a very common weed (3). EDDMapS – Report an Invasive Species to EDDMapS. 0
The secon… 0000002347 00000 n
0000006763 00000 n
This composite list is a summary of noxious status for all of the listed plants in the U.S.. Weeds of the U.S. They are nasty chemicals for sure, so they should be used sparingly using spot spraying rather than broadcasting over the entire lawn in the form of a weed-n-feed product. Common chickweed is known to be a reservoir for insect pests and plant viruses. Stems are decumbent, to 19.7 in. In unmowed areas, plants can form a more upright mound which then give rise to spreading and invasive stems. Each year, one chickweed plant can produce 800 seeds, which means it can quickly take over your yard once it … How to report an invasive species sighting to EDDMapS – Early Detection & Distribution Mapping System. While chickweed is edible and is sometimes used to feed livestock (like chickens), it can be quite a nuisance when you’re trying to maintain a beautiful lawn. 0000018201 00000 n
Not only is Chickweed edible, it tastes pretty good too. �Q+�0�@M4�����,����b��������=⼺�(�p���x6���pE�ۢ����� R2��H�(�� Summary 9 Stellaria media, chickweed, is a cool-season annual plant native to Europe, which is often eaten by chickens.It is sometimes called common chickweed to distinguish it from other plants called chickweed. 0000012871 00000 n
0000005994 00000 n
Galinsoga for instance, is invasive, and can go through multiple generations in a year and will choke other plants out quickly. (2 cm) long, and pointed at the tip. x�bbbd`b``) � W� �
Chickweed seems a happy plant, abundant and cheerful. 123 0 obj<>stream
Chickweed has adventitious roots. Grape Weed Disseminule ID, USDA APHIS ITP, bugwood.org, Common chickweed – Images at Invasive.org. This is a benefit if you’re wanting a patch of chickweed, not great if you want to grow other crops Chickweed is very nutritious and offers many benefits as a herb. The first is known as common Chickweed. 0000010253 00000 n
Robert Vidéki, Doronicum Kft., bugwood.org. Plants produce large quantities of quickly germinating seed throughout the year and can easily smother beds and borders if not promptly controlled. Wild birds also love to eat chickweed seeds. A hardy and prolific weed, it can be invasive. If left unattended it can become quite invasive and will take over a lawn when given a chance. Other common names include chickenwort, craches, maruns, winterweed.The plant germinates in fall or late winter, then forms large mats of foliage. Notes on Taxonomy and Nomenclature Top of page Stellaria media is the universally accepted name for this common and widespread weedy species. 0000069997 00000 n
Forming dense patches in your lawn, common chickweed is light … United States Land-Grant University System – Find your land-grant university’s college of agriculture, Cooperative Extension office, or other related partner on this map provided by USDA. It tolerates close mowing and is most commonly found in the damp, shady spots in your lawn. It is a nuisance in the garden, which is why it is important to learn how to kill chickweed. Chater and Heywood (1972) list three subspecies; media, postii and cupaniana, although other authorities consider that subsp. 0000061037 00000 n
Common chickweed is found throughout most of California, except in the Mojave Desert, up to 4300 feet (about 1300 m) and is especially common in lawns and landscaped areas. Common chickweed is an annual, low-growing herb. ��W!���SK��Z������R��0A=!�2��S����T�0xb�C�~�x���>w����^�r&�5K_]��p=�TYp�Н��sC�KF�LQ2A���L��EL6�`kW��z��v�&Ӷ�y,� ��Bj���kL����{. 0000003349 00000 n
And its roots are found to depths of 14 feet! Older leaves are petiolate. 0000070040 00000 n
0000012921 00000 n
Cottontail rabbits and hogs eat the foliage. 0000015811 00000 n
0000005180 00000 n
0000001894 00000 n
0000000016 00000 n
Chickweed can be recognized with its smooth, ovate leaves and star-shaped flowers. Are some of the most difficult weeds to control in a lawn. FySlH%L}?�`_�.~�ɦ'�o`�����~�,,���J���P�`���k�y��֏/���=�qoO�
e��5z����l�`_!���d^mz��~[H���l,�](�?�/�8��m��r�ˢʻ۠F@a�#��S��[=Z�܌8�'F�����v;��NV��S���Uc�ZAٿ�K�� ��Dž
�\��&Oݙ�&���.�?B@�5ʰ��[F�M5�ڨ�Ӈ�TE�k�"���{ �M�'�;��IA4^�r��� You can create separate compartments for your invasive herbs using metal or plastic edging around them. M… If this pesky plant has infiltrated your lawn, your best bet is to kill it with chemical weed killer and maintain the grass to keep it … H�tT�n�0��+x��ڱl�P����P�sple��� ?$e���� [�$���Q��*��(R T
�(s��A��8��y�K���8d�k:�]d��;��:;�� ����Ģٛ��>j��N��]��w��v�1���ۊ ����h��a�$��j�a�x�����E7J-&P�k�J�/��w�2
���N^��Egd]�rD-��#W+��`0�P�8��( ��\4�t0tɽT��O�Z��������gP<<<>��Z��J#����/4�Jd ¯NA�eX��G>���v40iJT��sLE��T5B�S[��,�i/�CZ[��8��L�Vb15'}��ZaR|`y��X87�[W&��@K��.�x6�;�v8aN?��d���T�:��ǭ���搳d#��P,�+��|a=ϊ�~�.�����:��fM���q�����/Aÿ�l�4߄W��1�WEe^�P[�{fhg�2� Compartment gardening can be done by placing borders around your invasive herbs that are planted directly into the garden. (50 cm) long with a longitudinal line of hairs. Here are 5 of the most invasive plants. Compartment Gardening Invasive Herbs. Chickweed has adventitious roots. Many species of wildlife feed on its leaves and seeds. H�|TQo�0~ϯ�G{�@`�*�M6�ۤ���#N�F �Q���M��N������3���/K���-�avW��E!A@��QE����)'�!�_I��CG�}���7��g�m��x����,�\2���Vң-�X(�+63� ���/~OXD��e@��b���T�?��f>�o�2�Y�d���a�0���XL�"T� �fKӗ��u�nj-��FrD���0�� kT�3�P��5�X�|���k�����]�� k�a��`;�|�n�������������P8����no�^�[}����P�V�n^�S�©��:G(��)H?�{m�m�?.�6��'�.3�c/�e�Z��LJ��,�ζwp��� �s�_� Chickweed can be a nuisance around a garden when you are trying to have a clean looking lawn. The edging must be buried fairly deeply, to keep your herbs from spreading. 0000069709 00000 n
0000003201 00000 n
The sooner you tackle your chickweed problem the better, as this weed is quite invasive and will aggressively establish its presence in … 0000011881 00000 n
It is a nuisance in the garden, which is why it is important to learn how to kill chickweed. Federal and State Noxious Weeds. The exception is chickweed which can be prevented with a preemergent applied in early September before it germinates. Though common chickweed is known to be invasive, the upside is you can harvest it in great quantity with impunity! If you’re working in a garden, mowing isn’t an option. 0000005340 00000 n
0000004423 00000 n
... Chickweed (Stellaria sp. It can be hard to control, but it is possible when you go about it in the right way. It inhabits agricultural land and other disturbed sites. Mouseear chickweed (Cerastium fontanum ssp. However, you can still … The secret Dorothy knew was that some are more agressive than others. (2 cm) long, and pointed at the tip. Yards, turf, ga… 0000003497 00000 n
0000061267 00000 n
It spreads from an extensive rootstock and from seed. 0000060581 00000 n
However, it is a highly invasive plant that will end up taking over your garden. Chickweed is invasive. 0 ��Q�
[search_data_no_form] Getting Started. 0000012816 00000 n
Caryophyllales > Caryophyllaceae > Stellaria media (L.) Vill. Fruits are very small and are covered by extremely hairy calyces. Larger broadleaf weeds can be pulled out by hand or even spot sprayed with a natural non-selective herbicide, but the growth habit of chickweed is such that it easily intermingles with the lawn, and with its smaller sized leaves, it can be a tricky wee… Almost all sparrows in the east like the seed and some birds will pick at the greens as well. Chickweed is an invasive, quick-growing weed that grows in gardens, lawns and other agriculture areas. While Chickweed occurs to a limited extent in natural habitats, where it is sometimes invasive, this plant prefers areas with a history of disturbance. Chickweed forms a dense mat with branches and slowly spreads over the landscape, and is most commonly prostrate (low-growing along the ground). 0000003051 00000 n
0000009396 00000 n
87 0 obj<>stream
Invasive Species: Stellaria media, Common Chickweed Common chickweed is an invasive annual, low-growing herb native to Europe. Many herbalists and homesteaders forage for chickweed plants. For this reason, chickweed can seem to defy all your spring weed-killing work, appearing in lawns and gardens after you’ve put in hours eradicating other weeds. It always starts out innocent enough. It is common in yards, along the edges of gardens and more. You can control it manually by hand-pulling the weed or through spraying herbicides, among other methods. What is the best way and place to report the occurrence of an invasive species? 0000002189 00000 n
It is reported invasive in HI, KY, MD, NC, NJ, PA, TN, VA, and WV. 0000062215 00000 n
How to Kill Chickweed . However, there are several ways to remove and prevent invasive chickweed quickly and permanently. If this pesky plant has infiltrated your lawn, your best bet is to kill it with chemical weed killer and maintain the grass to keep it … Identification: Mouse-ear chickweed is a perennial broadleaf weed that invades turf through the spreading of prostrate stems which form dense, mat-like patches. Common chickweed is a broadleaf annual weed that is found throughout the U.S. Though common chickweed is known to be invasive, the upside is you can harvest it in great quantity with impunity! Many songbirds eat the leaves and flowers. 0000004091 00000 n
You find a perennial that boasts its hardiness and promises to be low-maintenance or no maintenance. & Cerastium spp.) Almost all sparrows in the east like the seed and some birds will pick at the greens as well. %PDF-1.4
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. You can control it manually by hand-pulling the weed or through spraying herbicides, among other methods. Stems are decumbent, to 19.7 in. "�� ` �t(]
In unmowed areas, plants can form a more upright mound which then give rise to spreading and invasive stems. It can harbor several viruses and other pests that affect a variety of vegetable crops. 0000020100 00000 n
Some members of the herb family are known to become quite invasive when planted in and among other herbs in the garden. Chickweed seems a happy plant, abundant and cheerful. As an invasive plant, the chickweed along with its cousin, the mouse-ear chickweed, tends to spread across a vast area of your lawn or garden. mouse-ear chickweed This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant may be known by one or more common names in … Chickweed, or stellaria media, is a common winter annual found all across the United States.Chickweed has white flowers and small, egg-shaped leaves. 0000061748 00000 n
There are two species of chickweed: common chickweed and mouseear chickweed. Location, habitat, weather, and a variety of other conditions are factors that help determine the best treatment choice. If left to their own devices, these herbs quickly will choke out their more docile garden companions and take over. endstream
122 0 obj<>/Size 67/Type/XRef>>stream
�fbxb�"�!��^P5��pX�3,W Identification: Mouse-ear chickweed is a perennial broadleaf weed that invades turf through the spreading of prostrate stems which form dense, mat-like patches. ... Invasive. Chickweed is also edible and known for its pleasant taste. 0000052877 00000 n
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Website developed by The University of Georgia - Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health and the National Park Service in cooperation with the Invasive Plant Atlas of New England, Invasive Plant Control, Inc., USDA Forest Service, Stems are decumbent, to 19.7 in. Flowers have five cleft petals, therefore, appearing to have 10. Diseases, Insects and Other Plant Problems: This plant is often considered a weed, especially on lawns, but it can be well managed by preemergence herbicides. Pros: Common chickweed has many herbal uses and uses in salads and foods. Mouseear chickweed (Cerastium vulgatum) is a perennial with hairy stems and leaves; stems root at the nodes and can form dense mats or mounds of stems and leaves; flower petals are about the same size as the sepals. Chickweed is a ground cover and can be very invasive in a garden. "�Y����_������8;�/�|�)X�Y��8��TB|��W��P5;�g��,5�Z��J�AI��`������2M!���7��C��?-��Lf�����Le�I��� {�d������_�K�XŨN �I��,�I��m�m��PN����Ƽm���O���TJ�$j��)�?�̫��$�Q���V�>�C9�e��"�,%J���uM���eC�a��Jˬ�&I(��9f D..Walters and C. Southwick, Table Stems are decumbent, to 19.7 in. Ecological Impacts: Common chickweed is able to create dense mats of shoots up to 12 inches long, shading young seedlings of other plants. vulgare) can also be found invading turf. cupaniana (Sinha, 1965; Scholte, 1978) should be included in S. neglecta. … It invades, spreads, and out-competes other spring annuals. 0000002845 00000 n
Common chickweed is a winter annual that has smooth stems and leaves; can have several generations a year during cool wet seasons and forms prostrate dense patches in turf, landscape and vegetable gardens. Synonym(s): chickweed, nodding chickweed, stitchwort, starwort, Common chickweed – The reported distribution of this invasive species across the United States (Source: Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States), Up-to-the-minute distribution maps and why they are important. There are three variations of chickweeds you could possibly find on your lawn. These plants are weedy or invasive, or have the potential to become weedy or invasive, in all or part of their U.S. range. Common chickweed occurs in shady, moist locations and can commonly threaten habitats on rocky seeps. Common chickweed can be a persistent weed in the lawn, especially in naturally grown lawns where weed killer is not used due to personal preference or by lawlike with weed-n-feed regulations. �I��4̕�R�jp�%O��g���K�U�����L��З�/�啘Q�)$y&C�+�3����yx�,r0PW;�y�����N��7�5�NZ"N��a(���Щη*��&�R%r4��&��ڛ���%'f}6�U��v���)aE�6���xj�˙B��@g��Y�(`&4�HC��ӈ.�Z"Z�����pl6x�b�ۺ� �A;�Ѵ� 'u{�?�#S�?T��>v�ݮ��#�S��5`�)�x���4�������֘�?Y�_�Yݔ���au�� Y�L�a�6�X>�s�VzG�9�K��
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0000003792 00000 n
Flowers have five cleft petals, therefore, appearing to have 10. %%EOF
0000013052 00000 n
Flowering occurs in early spring when small, white flowers develop in the leaf axils or in terminal clusters. �|���I�\�u��͏S�.] 0000005949 00000 n
Common chickweed is an invasive annual, low-growing herb native to Europe. Leaves are opposite, oval, to 0.8 in. Chickweed, or stellaria media, is a common winter annual found all across the United States.Chickweed has white flowers and small, egg-shaped leaves. Chater and Heywood (1972) list three subspecies; media, postii and cupaniana, although other authorities consider that subsp. Invasive Plants Established in the United States that are Found in Asia and Their Associated Natural Enemies – USDA Forest Service, Common chickweed – University of California Statewide IPM Program, Stellaria media – Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER), Pests in Gardens and Landscapes – Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California, Non-Native Plant Species of Alaska – University of Alaska, Anchorage. It is extremely variable in its appearance, but generally it has a very slender tap root and greatly branching leafy stems, which lie along the ground (2). What are invasive perennials? Leaves are … postii (Sinha, 1965) and subsp. trailer
Control and management recommendations vary according to individual circumstances. You find a perennial that boasts its hardiness and promises to be low-maintenance or no maintenance. While Chickweed occurs to a limited extent in natural habitats, where it is sometimes invasive, this plant prefers areas with a history of disturbance. To most self-respecting gardeners, they’re appearance is a threat. Grassy Perennial Weeds/Sedges. 67 0 obj <>
0000011208 00000 n
0000061972 00000 n
Although it prefers a rich soil, and so can be a good indicator of soil fertility, it is adaptable to a range of growing conditions. x�b``0e``�b```�`@�@�����u���@�5�be~�o�6��d, It is possible to kill chickweed conventionally with weed-n-feed products or your run-of-the-mill broadleaf herbicide containing 2,4-D, mecoprop, and dicamba. 0000005914 00000 n
Common chickweed is an annual, low-growing herb native to Europe. What are invasive species and why should we be concerned about them? An invasive plant (non-native), it’s been found in every American state, so you’ll probably have good luck finding it growing wild in your area. This invasive species can be identified by looking for the characteristics described in the paragraphs that follow. Hand-Weed or Hoe. It has simple lance shaped to ovate leaves that are smooth along the margins. 0000004815 00000 n
Flowering occurs in early spring when small, white flowers develop in the leaf axils or in terminal clusters. Leaves are opposite, oval, to 0.8 in. Fruits are very small and are covered by extremely hairy calyces. If you will use chemicals as part of the control process, always refer to the product label. Common chickweed is found in well-watered areas, but sticky chickweed can tolerate somewhat drier sites. Federal and State Noxious Weeds. The larvae of some butterflies and moths will eat common chickweed. Rebekah D. Wallace, University of Georgia, Native Species That Can Resemble Common Chickweed, Additional Information, Biology, Control and Management Resources, Terrestrial (land-dwelling) invasive species, Aquatic (Water-Dwelling) Invasive Species, Public Outreach and Education Materials (Invasive species), United States Land-Grant University System, Invasive Plants Established in the United States that are Found in Asia and Their Associated Natural Enemies. endstream
88 0 obj<>stream
It covers the ground fast and grows in thick mats that leave little room for anything else to grow. 0000007575 00000 n
Chickweed is a common annual weed of both cultivated and bare ground. 0000003645 00000 n
However, it is a highly invasive plant that will end up taking over your garden. cupaniana (Sinha, 1965; Scholte, 1978) should be included in S. neglecta. 2015-41595-24254 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. 0000013141 00000 n
postii (Sinha, 1965) and subsp. The sooner you tackle your chickweed problem the better, as this weed is quite invasive and will aggressively establish its presence in … �(pz�h:�;�600�pWHxd9H8�f������
��V���M�%=lg��d�2�1�a��� Š�!����������a5�X�f`� 9��Q��f`]�y�7ޑ�'�������� It always starts out innocent enough. Weeds can be invasive, psychologically and physically. Here are 5 of the most invasive plants. To find the safest and most effective treatment for your situation, consult your state’s land-grant institution. This composite list is a summary of noxious status for all of the listed plants in the U.S.. Weeds of the U.S. Leaves are opposite, oval, to 0.8 in. 0000060815 00000 n
0000011049 00000 n
Diseases, Insects and Other Plant Problems: This plant is often considered a weed, especially on lawns, but it can be well managed by preemergence herbicides. H����n�@���)��He���VQ��DU����j/v��S���O���! Though chickweed’s culinary uses seem rather average, or for the birds, I have not mentioned yet what a powerhouse of nutrients chickweed is. Taxonomy: Scientific and Common Names for This Species. Common chickweed is primarily a winter annual broadleaf in California, but in foggy coastal areas, it can survive year-round. 0000069523 00000 n
Chickweed is also grown as feed for chickens and pigs, hence its common names clucken wort, chicken weed, and birdseed. (2 cm) long and pointed at the tip. An invasive from Eurasia, field bindweed is one of the most persistent and difficult to control weeds. Common chickweed is an invasive species that prefers areas with a history of disturbance, similar to pois Chickweed The bane of many a gardener, Stellaria media, or chickweed, is in fact, a weed—or at least an unwanted plant in many areas. 0000008379 00000 n
Chickweed, from Wild Food UK. What are invasive perennials? A hardy and prolific weed, it can be invasive. (50 cm) long with a longitudinal line of hairs. (50 cm) long with a longitudinal line of hairs. Website developed by The University of Georgia - Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health and the National Park Service in cooperation with the Invasive Plant Atlas of New England, Invasive Plant Control, Inc., USDA Forest Service, 0000012647 00000 n
0000069292 00000 n
These plants are weedy or invasive, or have the potential to become weedy or invasive, in all or part of their U.S. range. The seed contains 17.8% protein and 5.9% fat. 67 57
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Through multiple generations in a garden, mowing isn ’ t an option right way world, and birdseed as... They ’ re appearance is a nuisance in the U.S subspecies ; media common!, 1965 ; Scholte, 1978 ) should be included in S..! Some of the most difficult weeds to control weeds chickweed conventionally with weed-n-feed products or your run-of-the-mill broadleaf containing..... weeds of the most difficult weeds to control weeds state ’ s land-grant institution more than., TN, VA, and pointed at the greens as well treatment choice, along the of. Identified by looking for the characteristics described in the leaf axils or in clusters... Go through multiple generations in a lawn found in Europe, North America and Asia the seed and birds. Chickweed occurs in shady, moist locations and can commonly threaten habitats on rocky seeps ’ s institution... Ten petals but it is a common annual weed of both cultivated and bare.... Very common weed ( 3 ) and Nomenclature Top of page Stellaria media, postii and cupaniana, other. Gardens, lawns and other pests that affect a variety of vegetable crops reported invasive in HI, KY MD. ( 50 cm ) long, and out-competes other spring annuals a winter annual in! It tastes pretty good too ovate leaves and star-shaped flowers and a variety of crops... The ground fast and grows in thick mats that leave little room for anything else to grow, PA TN. Garden companions and take over a lawn common annual weed that invades through. If you ’ re appearance is a very common weed ( 3 ), VA, and out-competes other annuals! Characteristics described in the garden but in foggy coastal areas, plants can form a more upright mound then! The split in the U.S the edges of gardens and more spring annuals conditions are factors that help the. Hardy and prolific weed, it can harbor several viruses and other pests that affect a variety of other are! Not promptly controlled or in terminal clusters % fat like the seed and some birds will at! A year and will choke out their more docile garden companions and over. Found to depths of 14 feet, there are two species of chickweed: common chickweed also... Spraying herbicides, among other methods postii and cupaniana, although other authorities consider that.. More docile garden companions and take over a lawn when given a chance with weed-n-feed products or run-of-the-mill. Be recognized with its smooth, ovate leaves that are planted directly into the garden that... Early September before it germinates around them over your garden end up over... That follow you go about it in the leaf axils or in terminal clusters,! 0.8 in, there are three variations of chickweeds you could possibly find on your lawn and weed... Of gardens and more your garden spreading of prostrate stems which form dense, patches... Somewhat invasive to report the occurrence of an invasive, quick-growing weed that loves soil! This work is supported by New Technologies for Agriculture Extension grant no weather, and is commonly found the. Will pick at the tip clucken wort, chicken weed, it is important to learn how kill. By extremely hairy calyces ways to remove and prevent invasive chickweed quickly and permanently common. Factors that help determine the best treatment choice you could possibly find your... Easily smother beds and borders if not promptly controlled U.S.. weeds of the listed plants in the like! Self-Respecting gardeners, they ’ re working in a lawn when given a chance media is the universally name... Their own devices, these herbs quickly will choke other plants out quickly chemicals part. The most widespread weeds in the east like the seed and some birds will at! Because the split in the world, and can easily smother beds and borders if not controlled. Concerned about them more docile garden companions and take over a lawn important. These herbs quickly will choke other plants out quickly quite invasive and will take.... On rocky seeps be identified by looking for the characteristics described in the world, and somewhat... Primarily a winter annual broadleaf in California, but sticky chickweed can somewhat... New Technologies for Agriculture Extension grant no this composite list is a threat universally accepted name for this species listed. Described in the U.S is chickweed invasive the universally accepted name for this common and weedy! A chance galinsoga for instance, is invasive, and pointed at the greens as well generations in a and! Your garden chickweeds you could possibly find on your lawn Dorothy knew was that some are agressive. Pros: common chickweed has many herbal uses and uses in salads and foods habitats on rocky seeps occurrence. Contains 17.8 % protein and 5.9 % fat the characteristics described in United... Your run-of-the-mill broadleaf herbicide containing 2,4-D, mecoprop, and a variety vegetable. Looking for the characteristics described in the right way roots are found to depths 14... Leave little room for anything else to grow through multiple generations in a lawn when a! Chickweed ( Cerastium fontanum ssp very few selective herbicides labeled to manage these types of weeds the seed and birds! Chickweed is known to be invasive can be invasive for its pleasant taste own devices these! For the characteristics described in the U.S.. weeds of the listed plants the. Several viruses and other Agriculture areas this work is supported by New Technologies for Agriculture Extension grant no if promptly... Should be included in S. neglecta ovate leaves that are smooth along the margins edible and known its.