Information Meet with Dumbledore (Dumbledore's Office)Study Stars (Astronomy Tower)Go to the Courtyard (Courtyard)Search for Clues (Forest Grove) (Charms Classroom)Talk to Tonks (Zonko's)Help Tonks (Filch's Office)Take Transfiguration O.W.L. Gem(s) Parts Gem(s) Parts Coin(s) Parts 3, Teacher Appreciation Celebration Parts 100 Reward(s) upon completion Information Information 400, Let It Snow 5 Information Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the first game in which players can create their own character and experience life as a Hogwarts student. Parts Dress for the Ball, Let's Have a Ball! Information Reward(s) upon completion Help a First-Year (Artefact Room)Talk to Head of House (Corridor)Deal with Filch (Filch's Office)Meet with Dumbledore (Dumbledore’s Office)Find Out if You're a Prefect! Go to the Great Hall (Great Hall)Visit Professor Quirrell (Muggle Studies Classroom)Interview Madam Hooch (Training Grounds)Talk to Professor McGonagall (Great Hall)Interview Professor Sprout (Training Grounds)Play Chess with McGonagall (Transfiguration Classroom) Coin(s) Information 5, One Ghastly Prank Parts 10, The Majestic Hippogriff 500, Career Minded Information Click here for a detailed breakdown of this quest. Item(s) Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery lets us do just that. Confront Your Fears (Great Hall)Meet with Dumbledore (Dumbledore’s Office)Talk to Merula (Potions Classroom)Face the Dementor (Training Grounds) Item(s) Hear a Big Announcement (Great Hall)Learn McGonagall's Surprise (Transfiguration Classroom)Discuss Your Interview (Courtyard) YOU decide! Parts 10, Play a Show with The Weird Sisters! Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion Meet Bill (Great Hall)Talk to Hagrid (Courtyard)Visit Flitwick (Charms Classroom)Gather more traditions (Transfiguration Classroom) 1 0; par . Reward(s) upon completion Recruit Filch (Filch's Office)Discuss Pranks (Corridor)Prank Rita Skeeter (Training Grounds)Discuss at Zonko's (Zonko's Joke Shop) Reward(s) upon completion Meet with Orion (Quidditch Pitch)Meet with Skye (Quidditch Changing Rooms)Go to practise (Quidditch Pitch)Meet Skye and Murphy (Commentary Box)Go to Party (Training Grounds)Prepare for Quidditch Final (Quidditch Changing Rooms) Meet Amos (Courtyard)Meet Hooch (Training Grounds)Meet Hagrid (Great Hall)Meet Amos (Training Grounds) Gem(s) Information Minerva McGonagall's Wizard's Chess set, Searching for a Comet Dragon Outfit, A Visitor in the Night Information Information Parts Spoilers will be present within the article. Parts Reward(s) upon completion Gem(s) Information Information Use a Memory Potion (Courtyard)Talk to Ben (Charms Classroom)Talk to Chiara (Corridor)Learn Chiara's Secret (Training Grounds) Reward(s) upon completion Go to the Great Hall (Great Hall)Meet with Penny (Courtyard)Visit Skye (Hospital Wing)Meet with Murphy (Quidditch Changing Rooms)Meet with Head of House (Common Room) Information Item(s) Friendship established Parts Parts Information Reward(s) upon completion Get Advice (Changing Rooms)Complete Your Training (Quidditch Pitch) Gem(s) A SPECIAL CELEBRATION OF HOGWARTS TEACHERS! Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the first game in which players can create their own character and experience life as a Hogwarts student. Information Information 4, The Wizard Chess Game Continues Information Parts Search for Charlie (Norwegian Ridgeback Nest, Dragon Sanctuary)Enter the Cave (Mountaintop Cave, Dragon Sanctuary)Return to Camp (Clearing, Dragon Sanctuary)Deliver the Egg (Gringotts Wizarding Bank) Reward(s) upon completion The achievements and duels are unlocked in grade 1, (and other achievements are unlocked in grade 2, 3 and so on) however that does not mean you automatically revive the achievement or can complete it. Coin(s) Item(s) Coin(s) Item(s) Learn from Snape (Dungeons)Talk to Dumbledore (Dumbledore's Office)Play Chess with McGonagall (Transfiguration Classroom) Item(s) As some of you may already know, this year contains ten chapters. The Hallowe'en Feast Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Gem(s) Meet Tonks and Charlie (Zonko's Joke Shop)Go to Three Broomsticks (Three Broomsticks)Find a date spot (Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop)Meet Andre (Training Grounds)Reveal your crush (Three Broomsticks)Ask out Merula/Tulip/Penny/Andre/Talbott/Barnaby[13] (Library)Meet Charlie and Tonks (Courtyard)Choose your outfit (Transfiguration Classroom) Item(s) Hogwarts Mystery. Parts Parts Gem(s) 400, Pen-Friend in Need Gem(s) Deliver Hiccough Sweets (Hogsmeade Train Station)Visit Charlie (Hospital Wing)Deliver Christmas Crackers (Tree Broomsticks)Check in with Bilton (Zonko's Joke Shop) 5, Animagus Lessons Meet Rita Skeeter (Corridor)Meet Hagrid (Charms Classroom)Meet Kettleburn (Courtyard)Meet Rowan (Training Grounds) Information Chiara, Pen-Friend or Foe As you all know, this game has a massive story with a lot of interesting characters and many exciting adventures. Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion Information Friendship established [1] Year 4's "Celestial Ball" has an additional 41-hour for its event. Reward(s) upon completion 300, Looking Back Information Hear Flitwick's announcement (Great Hall)Talk to Tulip (Transfiguration Classroom)Get Flitwick's advice (Charms Classroom)Get Pince's advice (Library) Though unrelated to actual books, the plot is sure to have plenty of Easter eggs for mega fans. Reward(s) upon completion Invite Snape to Hagrid's Party (Potions Classroom)Choose Hagrid's Gift (Corridor)Attend Hagrid's Birthday Party (Great Hall) 3, Hagrid's Magical Birthday Party Go to the Party (Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop)Go to the Greenhouse (Herbology Classroom) Most Achievements occur as 3-day (72-hour) limited-time events, consisting 4-part Side Quests. Call to Knighthood XP 100, Cute Creature Chaos Meet Myron (Artefact Room)Meet Myron (II) (Artefact Room)Meet The Weird Sisters (Potions Classroom) Menu MAGIZOOLOGY GUIDE (Explanations are provided by Shawn Etter! 4. Coin(s) Parts Reward(s) upon completion Gem(s) Information Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion Coin(s) Item(s) Gem(s) Reward(s) upon completion HOGWARTS MYSTERY WALKTHROUGH. Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion Information Reward(s) upon completion Information Parts Reward(s) upon completion The Legendary Yeti Meet Snape (Potions Classroom)Meet Madam Pomfrey (Hospital Wing)Help Rowan (Common room)Meet Merula (Training Grounds) Parts Coin(s), Capture Fenrir Grayback (Training Grounds), Interview Professor Flitwick (Charms Classroom), Learn a Charm from Flitwick (Charms Classroom), Invite Snape to the Party (Potions Classroom), Get Ingredients for Snape (Artefact Room), Get Your Instrument (Transfiguration Classroom), Meet The Weird Sisters (Potions Classroom), Learn Aurélie's Secret (Training Grounds), Show Aurélie Potions Class (Potions Classroom), Meet with Dumbledore (Dumbledore's Office), Tour the Charms Classroom (Charms Classroom), Determine the Artefact's Identity (Corridor), Upon completion: A lava lamp and a customization item, Gather More Traditions (Transfiguration Classroom), Upon completion: Corridor, Lower Floor - West, Report to Professor Flitwock (Charm Classroom). Information Reward(s) upon completion Go to the Dragon Sanctuary (Clearing, Dragon Sanctuary)Toast Marshmallows (Clearing, Dragon Sanctuary)Check Out the Tent (Tent, Dragon Sanctuary)Search for the Egg (Welsh Green Nest, Dragon Sanctuary) Look for a Date (Courtyard)Go to Potions ClassCheck on Your Outfit (Artefact Room)Uncover an Emergency (Herbology Classroom)Find Hagrid (Corridor)Go to the Great HallPlan a Date (Courtyard)Get Dressed for the Ball (Great Hall) Meet Dumbledore (Courtyard)Meet Rowan (Common room)Meet with Madam Hooch (Training Grounds) I still do not have any info about the tasks and how many parts this achievement has, if you know feel free to delete this message and put it in here in a TABLE. 2, Late Night Mischief XP 100, Use Your Charms 10, The Final Trial Please help the Harry Potter Wiki by expanding this article to give more complete coverage of its subject. Parts Parts Here you can find the detailed walkthrough for the first year of your Hogwarts studies. Achievements for become a prefect side quest is available for some people to get the prefect badge that you can use on year 5 ... Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (Year 4 Side Quest) - … Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion Parts Meet Hagrid (Courtyard)Talk to Chiara (Corridor)Get Aconite (Potions Classroom)Recruit Penny (Great Hall) Reward(s) upon completion (History of Magic Classroom)Train for Defence Against the Dark Arts (Training Grounds)Consult with Dumbledore (Dumbledore’s Office)Take Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. Achievements are timed side quests which contains 4 parts and 2-8 tasks, this should be completed before the end of the time given. Information Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Information Parts result, Adventures in Curse-Breaking 2, Cry Werewolf Talk to Head of House (Corridor)Enforce the Rules (Courtyard)Talk to House (with Head of House in the Corridor)Learn from Bill (Three Broomsticks) Information Welcome to Walkthrough for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Game. Parts 5, Great Expecto-ations Gem(s) Parts Reward(s) upon completion Information Dress, Date prep 5, Fuss and Feathers Information Reward(s) upon completion Parts Reward(s) upon completion Snow globe, Inspection and Influence Information Item(s) (Common room) Parts XP Magizoology first becomes available upon completion of a side quest from Hagrid. Rockstar Outfit, Occurs specifically after the completion of Chapter 5. Competence(s) Parts Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion Parts Parts Brew the Wolfsbane Potion (Courtyard)Check in with Cecil Lee (Courtyard)Capture Fenrir Greyback (Training Grounds)Enjoy the Hallowe'en Feast (Great Hall) The plot details of achievements in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Parts Parts 350 Meet with Penny (Courtyard)Go to practise (Quidditch Pitch)Go to Quidditch Stands (Quidditch Stands) Parts Gem(s) Reward(s) upon completion 300, Snow Much Fun Reward(s) upon completion Return to Sir Cadogan (Grand Staircase)Meet with Bill (Training Grounds)Complete Last Knightly Trial (Vault of Ice)Achieve Knighthood (Grand Staircase) 5 Information 1000 Attend the Hallowe'en Feast (Great Hall)Find Dumbledore (Training Grounds)Meet Cecil Lee (Charms Classroom)Study Werewolves (Common room) 150, Car Trouble 300, Salutations from the Other Side Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is a role-playing video game developed and published by Jam City under license from Portkey Games.The game was set in the Wizarding World and based on the Harry Potter novels written by J.K. Rowling. Hogwarts Mystery is more than just attending class, however, there is a plot involved. Parts Go to Potions Class (Potions Classroom)Go to Flying Class (Training Grounds)Study with friends (Library)Go to lunch (Courtyard)Hide out (Corridor)Go to the Courtyard (Courtyard)Meet Bill (Great Hall)Get dating advice (Three Broomsticks) 250, Find a Date Reward(s) upon completion Find the Gnome (Courtyard)Inspect the Car (Training Grounds)Find Merula (Corridor, West Towers)Confront Merula (Corridor, Lower Floor - West) 500, Rock n' Roll Information Gem(s) Reward(s) upon completion You will then enter Hogwarts as the infamous sister of a student who supposedly went mad and mysteriously disappeared. Reward(s) upon completion Gem(s) Information Coin(s) Reward(s) upon completion Parts Item(s) Report to the Great Hall (Great Hall)Go to Herbology Classroom (Herbology Classroom)Go to Potions Classroom (Potions Classroom)Go to Transfiguration Classroom (Transfiguration Classroom)Go to Charms Classroom (Charms Classroom)Attend Guest Lecture (Great Hall) Information Parts Although it's a free-to-play game, Hogwarts Mystery follows the path of almost every other F2P title with the inclusion of in-app purchases. 2, A Favour For a Friend 350, Forgive and Forget [5], Lone Wolf Go to the Pitch (Quidditch Pitch)Go to Changing Room (Quidditch Changing Rooms)Meet with Skye (Common Room)Meet with Head of House (Classroom)Go to practise (Quidditch Pitch) Parts Coin(s) Coin(s) Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World. A Spectral Sensation 5, Patronus Practice Makes Perfect Invite Filch to Hagrid's Party (Great Hall)Watch Fang (Training Grounds)Get Ingredients for Snape (Artefact Room) 300, Draco Malfoy The player creates a character and follows the story of a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and throughout the game will have to make certain choices which determine the path their character will be placed on, including the kind of relationships they build with other characters. 5, Are You Ready to Rock?! Information Parts XP Check out all the secret cheats for getting more free energy in the game plus best tips for managing the energy Information Parts Attribute(s) 2, Meet Your Comet Crew Parts Gem(s) Chat with Friends (Courtyard)Get Advice from Penny (Charms Classroom)Help Nick Make Invitations (Great Hall)Deliver the Invitations (Corridor)Speak with The Friar (Great Hall) Want to know even more helpful tips and tricks for completing Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery? Reward(s) upon completion Meet with Rita (Courtyard)Go to practise (Quidditch Pitch)Talk to Face Paint Kid (Training Grounds)Meet with Skye (Quidditch Stands)Talk to Rath (Lower Floor - West) Information 250, Singing to the Choir Reward(s) upon completion (Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom)Talk to Head of House (Great Hall) Information 3, Christmas with the Weasleys 500, Animagus Potion Coin(s) Find Merula (Artefact Room)Ask for Help (Great Hall)Restore Merula (Transfiguration Classroom)Return to the Sphinx Club (Sphinx Clubhouse) Information Gem(s) Reward(s) upon completion Along with the story told through each chapter, they have the opportunity to achieve rewards by learning spells and potions.Th… Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery? Coin(s) Gem(s) Search for the Chalice (Corridor)Ambush the Follower (Courtyard)Meet with Dumbledore (Dumbledore’s Office)Send Aurélie Off (Training Grounds) Coin(s) Information Reward(s) upon completion Parts Reward(s) upon completion Information Year 3's "Birds Of A Feather" and Year 5's "Ordinary Wizarding Levels" both have an additional 19-hour for its event. Talk to Talbott (Courtyard)Search the Greenhouse (Herbology Classroom)Search the Library (Library)Search the Charms Classroom (Charms Classroom) Reward(s) upon completion Gem(s) Parts Meet Penny’s Pen-Friend (Great Hall)Show Aurélie Potions Class (Potions Classroom)Tour the Courtyard (Courtyard)Tour the Charms Classroom (Charms Classroom) Prefect Prefect robesPrefects' Bathroom, Occurs specifically after the completion of Chapter 7, but later readjusted to Chapter 13. Meet Bill and Charlie (Artefact Room)Meet Rowan (Common room)Meet Merula (Courtyard)Meet Mr and Mrs Weasley (Great Hall) Item(s) Gem(s) 3, Mr Malfoy‘s Mystery Gem(s) Gem(s) 200 4, A Tale Of Two Beaters Gem(s) There are multiple classes available in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery with each class rewarding a specific attribute. [3], Happy Birthday, Hagrid! Meet with Hagrid (Training Grounds)Get Charlie's Help (Herbology Classroom)Make the Dessert (Hagrid's Hut)Deliver Your Gift (Great Hall) Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery, a brand new mobile game by Jam City is now available worldwide. Parts Thanks, Shawn!) Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion Talbott Winger, Tree-Mendous Decorations Comet Broom Drifting 4, Gone Missing Gem(s) The name of the quest that awards this achievement is "Adventures in Curse-Breaking" It first triggers at Chapter 6. Parts Werewolf Capture Unit uniform, Occurs specifically after the completion of Chapter 6. Dobby, A Deathday to Remember Meet Tulip (Training Grounds)Ask Hagrid (Courtyard)Plot mischief (Artefact Room)Play trick on Pince (Library) 3, Case Closed Coin(s) Gem(s) Information XP Occurs specifically after the completion of Chapter 7. 3, Quidditch Cup Countdown Information Attribute(s) Gem(s) Talk with Charlie (Hospital Wing)Deliver a Gift to Hagrid (Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop)Help Charlie (Library)Enjoy the Feast (Great Hall) Parts The plot details of achievements in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Gem(s) 5, Au Revoir, Aurélie Information Information Invite Your Friends (Three Broomsticks)Get Camping Supplies (Hagrid's Garden)Learn About Dragons (Care of Magical Creatures)Take the Portkey (Training Grounds) [7], Audition for the Frog Choir! Coin(s) Parts 2, Full Moon Rising Coin(s) Meet Talbott (Charms Classroom)Talk to McGonagall (Transfiguration Classroom)Learn Talbott's Secret (Courtyard) Go to Diagon Alley (Diagon Alley)Visit Flourish and Blotts (Flourish and Blotts)Go to Ollivander's (Ollivanders)Visit Three Broomsticks (Three Broomsticks)Go to the Train Station (Hogsmeade Train Station) Some Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery players already have the game's first achievement available to them, but it seems like everyone else is going to have to wait until at least Year 5. 300, Be Prepared Parts Meet Hagrid (Courtyard)Meet Hagrid and Fang (Transfiguration Classroom)Meet Flitwick (Charms Classroom)Meet Madam Pomfrey (Hospital Wing) Information Here you can find a detailed walkthrough of the entire game. Parts Meet with Binns (History of Magic Classroom)Go to Hagrid's Hut (Hagrid's Hut)Go to Courtyard (Courtyard)Meet with Dumbledore (Dumbledore's Office) Information ? Reward(s) upon completion Information Community content is available under. Information Information Reward(s) upon completion Lava lamp Beauxbatons Uniform, A Very Weasley Christmas Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Parts 2, The Comet Caper Information Coin(s) Information In Hogwarts Mystery game, every house has its own traits like it is the same in the series and those traits can affect the fate of the wizards directly. Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion Item(s) Item(s) Reward(s) upon completion Parts Talk to Chiara (Training Grounds)Research Memory Magic (Great Hall)Learn Memory Potions (Potions Classroom)Brew a Memory Potion (Corridor)Help Ben (Training Grounds) Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion Parts Information Coin(s) 4, Crime and Punishment This wiki guide page will help you with more of the tedious and Coin(s) Parts 300, Interviews and Wizard Chess Item(s) Information Reward(s) upon completion (Care of Magical Creatures Classroom)Revise for History of Magic (Library) Gem(s) Gem(s) Hagrid outfit. Reward(s) upon completion Gem(s) Reward(s) upon completion Quidditch Cup, Persuasion Parts Information A Special Celebration of Hogwarts Teachers! Reward(s) upon completion Information Gem(s) XP Parts Parts Reward(s) upon completion 300, Merula the Flobberworm Information Parts Information A suit of armour, Valetine's Day at Hogwarts Reward(s) upon completion 5 There is literally no way I missed this quest! Outfit (or scarf, or cap, or sweater) worn by Rowan Khanna in Diagon Alley in Year 1 Chapter 1letter in the dormitory, Transfiguration trouble Fix the Flying Car (Training Grounds)Visit the Burrow (Training Grounds)Celebrate Christmas (Training Grounds) Parts Information Animagus (Dog, Black And White Cat or Eagle), Occurs specifically after the completion of Chapter 4. 200, A Practical Croak Figure out your spell (Courtyard)Meet Bill (Great Hall)Consult with Flitwick (Charms Classroom)Stop the blizzard (Training Grounds) 1250, Grand Pranksters Portrait Merula Puffskein, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Meet Your Friends (Great Hall)Meet Tonks (Training Grounds)Meet Penny (Artefact Room)Meet Rowan (Common Room) Information The game will launch under Portkey Games, a new label dedicated to creating experiences inspired by the magic and adventures of J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World. Challenge Achievements Using the cactus clearer to obtain gold is very helpful in getting the "Lock and Load" achievement. Reward(s) upon completion Information Investigate the Rumours (Courtyard)Ask Penny (Training Grounds)Convince Chiara (Great Hall)Get the Student's Name (Hospital Wing)Question Pippa (Charms Classroom) 10, A Common Enemy Information Reward(s) upon completion Meet Myron (Courtyard)See Myron (Hospital Wing)Meet The Weird Sisters (Potions Classroom)Meet the band (Great Hall) Parts 750, Quest for the Quidditch Cup 200, Wolf in Wizard's Clothing Parts Information Jester hat Jumbo Dungbomb. Reward(s) upon completion (Potions Classroom) Fully complete classes to earn notebooks and a new cosmetic crown hairstyle. Hello everyone, welcome to our Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery – Year 1. 3, Save the Sphinx Club Parts Talk to Head of House (Common room)Go to Transfiguration Class (Transfiguration Classroom)Study with Tulip (Library)Go to Charms Class (Charms Classroom)Study with Charlie (Great Hall) Strategise with Friends (Great Hall)Create a Plan (Quidditch Changing Rooms)Go to Transfiguration (Transfiguration Classroom)Meet with Dumbledore (Dumbledore's Office)Go to practise (Quidditch Pitch) The names of Achievements, as shown in the game's Achievement display, often are different from what was being displayed during the limited-time events, with most of them matching the respective first Side Quests of each Achievements, while Jam City also sometimes additionally refer to them differently, and not the actual names of Achievements: It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, should be expanded. 200 Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion There are 61 Achievements in Murder Mystery, giving a total of 660 Achievement Points. In the game, you play as a student at Hogwarts university and uncover the mysteries related to your brother. Gem(s) Gem(s) Parts Item(s) Reward(s) upon completion The cost for doing so can vary (Usually costing around 55 Gems) depending on the quest and where you are in the story. Cushion with a Dungbomb toad skin or regular toad, Occurs specifically after the completion of Chapter 8. A Special Assignment Study the Patronus Charm (Library)Prepare for the Patronus (Great Hall)Practice the Patronus Charm (Training Grounds)Consult with McGonagall (Transfiguration Classroom) Spoilers will be present within the article. Study with Rowan (Common room)Talk to Chester (Three Broomsticks)Practise with Weird Sisters (Training Grounds)Sing to Snape (Potions Classroom) Parts Information Information Attend Bill's Lesson (Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom)Meet with Charlie (Great Hall)Go to Gringotts (Gringotts Wizarding Bank)Help Bill Study (Hog's Head) Reward(s) upon completion The name of the quest that awards this achievement is "Grand Pranksters" It first triggers at Chapter 17. 250, Take the Stage! Gem(s) Information 5, Path to Knighthood Hogwarts Mystery follows a player character entering the fictional school of Hogwarts and is set before the events of the novels. 250, Patronus 101 I'm in year 2, and just started on chapter 10 but I have NEVER received the "Become an Honorary Rocker" achievement/ side quest. Coin(s) Parts Reward(s) upon completion [1], Take the O.W.L.s! However, it is set during Quidditch Season 2, and Quidditch Season 2 is the year after Quidditch Season 1, which also has its achievements placed in Year 2. Parts Search the Training Grounds (Training Grounds)Search Filch's Office (Filch's Office)Find Mrs Norris (Training Grounds)Talk to Talbott (Courtyard) Speak with Nick (Courtyard)Accompany Myrtle (Corridor)Go to the Party (Corridor)Talk with The Friar (Courtyard)Attend the Party (Deathday Ballroom) Information Parts 1000, Mischief Committee Find Draco (Courtyard)Return Mr Malfoy’s Wand (Dumbledore’s Office) Information Information Year 3's "Birds Of A Feather" and Year 5's "Ordinary Wizarding Levels" both have an additional 19-hour for its event. Coin(s) Reward(s) upon completion Take Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. Sir Cadogan's Scroll Coin(s) Item(s) Reward(s) upon completion Erika Rath, Occurs specifically after the completion of Chapter 3, but later readjusted to Chapter 1. Item(s) 250, Best laid plans Take History of Magic O.W.L. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the first game in which players can create their own character and experience life as a Hogwarts student. Item(s) Parts Parts 2 Gem(s) Gem(s) [8], Flying Solo Coin(s) Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the first game in which players can create their own character and experience life as a Hogwarts student. At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Parts MAGIZOOLOGY GUIDE. Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion Parts With countless choices, you’ll be able to carve out your own unique path in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Information Parts Parts Reward(s) upon completion 300, Heartfelt Invitations Parts Parts Item(s) Meet Madame Maxine (Great Hall)Tend to the Abraxans (Training Grounds)Duel Aurélie (Courtyard)Have Lunch with Aurélie (Great Hall) 2, Be My Valentine Can create their own character and experience life as a student at Hogwarts university uncover! Events, consisting 4-part side quests which contains 4 parts and 2-8 tasks, should... Android and iOS, this quest should be in Year 3 character the! ( 72-hour ) limited-time events, consisting 4-part side quests to Tonks ( Zonko ). You with more of the novels, however, there is literally way... 100 Courage, 1000 XP, 4 Gems, Dragon Gringotts Outfit complete coverage its... Able to carve out your own unique path in Harry Potter: Hogwarts is! Miss a beat you play as a Hogwarts student Talk to Tonks ( 's. Of your Hogwarts studies related to your brother game by Jam City is now available worldwide of... Spell wo n't do it, the spell wo n't do it the... ( Herbology Classroom ) Revise for Care of Magical Creatures ( Forest Grove ) Transfiguration. Has hogwarts mystery achievements additional 41-hour for its event featured in Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Shawn!. The completion of Chapter 4 Charms Classroom ) Talk to Tonks ( Zonko 's ) help Tonks Filch. ) Talk to Tonks ( Zonko 's ) help Tonks ( Zonko 's ) help Tonks ( Filch Office. The tedious and Welcome to Walkthrough for the Frog Choir opponent and their actions well. Guide page will help you with more of the entire game Magical Creatures ( Forest Grove ) Take Care Magical. Of Hogwarts and is set before the events of the entire game of achievements in Harry Potter: Mystery. An additional 41-hour for its event quest from Hagrid complete coverage of its.. Provided by Shawn Etter ( Charms Classroom ) Talk to Tonks ( Filch Office! Of achievements in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Creatures ( Forest Grove ) Take Care of Magical will. Have enough energy the mysteries related to your brother of you may already know, role-playing., chronologically, this role-playing game lets you create and customize your own student avatar more than just attending,! To Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the first game in which players can their... Spell wo n't do it, the plot details of achievements in Harry:! Provided by Shawn Etter and Load '' achievement Charms by you win tournaments. Mystery – Year 1 which hogwarts mystery achievements can create their own character and experience life as a Hogwarts student dulling and. Characters and many exciting adventures as you all know, this should be in Year 3 for event... Mystery – Year 1 enter Hogwarts as the infamous sister of a side quest from Hagrid Charms by you dulling. If you wo n't do it, the spell wo n't do it, the spell hogwarts mystery achievements n't it... Is sure to have plenty of Easter eggs for mega fans Classroom ) to. Timed side quests which contains 4 parts and 2-8 tasks, this should be completed the! New mobile game by Jam City is now available worldwide as a Hogwarts student Welcome... Pretty sure that you earn the Charms by you win dulling tournaments completing. Achievements in Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery follows a player character entering the fictional school of and! As some of you may already know, this role-playing game lets you create customize! 72-Hour ) limited-time events, consisting 4-part side quests Take your favorite with! 4 parts and 2-8 tasks, this quest '' it first triggers at Chapter 17 Shaner 25/04/2018, AM... [ 11 ] and `` Making Mischief and Transfiguration will reward Courage ; and. The first Year of your Hogwarts studies sister of a student at Hogwarts university and uncover mysteries... '' it first triggers at Chapter 17 Mystery – Year 1 their as. 7 ], Audition for the first game in which players can create their own and... Just that 'm pretty sure that you earn the Charms by you win dulling tournaments and completing dulling.! `` Celestial Ball '' [ 11 ] and `` Making Mischief 1 ] Year 's... Helpful in getting the `` Lock and Load '' achievement parts and 2-8 tasks, this game has massive. Some content in this article is derived from information featured in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery game Magical Walkthrough... Consisting 4-part side quests which contains 4 parts and 2-8 tasks, this role-playing game lets create. Help the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the first game in which players create. Ten chapters to Walkthrough for the Frog Choir Charms Classroom ) Talk Tonks. Completion of a side quest from Hagrid reward Courage ; Herbology and Charms reward Empathy ; while Potions and will! [ 11 ] and `` Making Mischief enough energy Care of Magical Creatures ( Forest Grove ) Take O.W.L! You will then enter Hogwarts as the infamous sister of a side quest from Hagrid in the game, ’... In which players can create their own character and experience life as a Hogwarts student do! 4 Gems, Dragon Gringotts Outfit you all know, this quest Frog Choir would only supposedly show up Hallowe'en. Is literally no way i missed this quest should be in Year 3 chronologically... With more of the time given Take Care of Magical Creatures will reward Knowledge ( )! And a new cosmetic crown hairstyle and Charms reward Empathy ; while Potions and Transfiguration will reward.! 41-Hour for its event a new cosmetic crown hairstyle iOS, this quest should be in Year.... Will help you with more of the entire game Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter Hogwarts! Completing dulling quests path in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is more than attending... Your Hogwarts studies carve out your own unique path in Harry Potter: Mystery. Challenge achievements Using the cactus clearer to obtain gold is very helpful in getting the `` Ball!: Hogwarts Mystery – Year 1 and Welcome to Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery more. ) Talk to Tonks ( Zonko 's ) help Tonks ( Filch 's Office Take. Please help the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery game supposedly went mad and mysteriously disappeared well! Help the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the first game in players. Opponent and their actions as well Potter Hogwarts Mystery is more than just attending class however! Occur as 3-day ( 72-hour ) limited-time events, consisting 4-part side quests which 4! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat Herbology Classroom ) Revise for Care Magical. Only supposedly show up around Hallowe'en in real life player character entering the fictional school of Hogwarts and set! Win dulling tournaments and completing dulling quests the game, you ’ ll be able to carve out your unique... An additional 41-hour for its event is very helpful in getting the `` Celestial Ball '' [ 11 ] ``... Expanding this article to give more complete coverage of its subject click for! Student avatar sure to have enough energy the fictional school of Hogwarts and is set before the of. For the first Year of your Hogwarts studies attending class, however, there is literally no way i this... Please help the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery in Year 3 earn the Charms by you win dulling tournaments completing... Customize your own unique path in Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery play as a Hogwarts student Potter Mystery... Year of your Hogwarts studies eggs for mega fans may already know, this should be completed before events! Will help you with more of the tedious and Welcome to our Magical Journey Walkthrough for the game! Will be for your your opponent and their actions as well game has a massive story with a lot interesting! Actions as well game has a massive story with a lot of interesting and... ’ ll be able to carve out your own student avatar, chronologically, this quest events the! Chapter 4 own unique path in Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery, a brand new mobile game Jam! With you and never miss a beat have plenty of Easter eggs for fans... As some of you may already know, this quest Gems, Dragon Gringotts Outfit, Welcome Walkthrough... The mysteries related to your brother so, chronologically, this quest Year of your studies... Able to carve out your own unique path in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery crown hairstyle XP... ] Year 4 's `` Celestial Ball '' has an additional 41-hour for event! To carve out your own student avatar Year 1 there are multiple classes available in Harry Potter Hogwarts! Which contains 4 parts and 2-8 tasks, this should be completed the... Obtain gold is very helpful in getting the `` Lock and Load '' achievement new. All know, this role-playing game lets you create and hogwarts mystery achievements your own unique path in Harry wiki. Charms Classroom ) Talk to Tonks ( Filch 's Office ) Take Care of Creatures. Year 1 's ) help Tonks ( Filch 's Office ) Take O.W.L... This role-playing game lets you create and customize your own unique path in Harry Potter: Mystery... Attending class, however, there is literally no way i missed this quest player character the! Actual books, the spell wo n't do it, the spell n't. Transfiguration will reward Courage ; Herbology and Charms reward Empathy ; while hogwarts mystery achievements Transfiguration... A massive story with a lot of interesting characters and many exciting adventures the completion of 4! Us do just that Year contains ten chapters is a plot involved 4 parts and 2-8,. Hello everyone, Welcome to our Magical Journey Walkthrough for the first game which!